Vancouver City Council |
Administrative Report
March 15, 2004
Donald MacPherson
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
March 23, 2004
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Community Services
Authority to Travel to Melbourne, Australia to attend the International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm - April 20-24, 2004
THAT Council authorize Donald MacPherson, Drug Policy Coordinator, to travel to Melbourne, Australia, to attend the International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm at an estimated cost of $4,491.00. Source of funds: Community Services Operating Budget.
The General Manager supports this request noting that this conference has, in the past, played a significant role in informing the development of Vancouver's Four Pillar Drug Strategy.
The City Manager submits the foregoing for CONSIDERATION.
Council's travel policy, approved July 31, 1992, requires Council approval for travel outside of Canada.
This report requests approval for Donald MacPherson, Drug Policy Coordinator, to travel to Melbourne, Australia for the International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm (April 20-24, 2004). Vancouver will be hosting this conference in 2006.
The 15th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm (15th ICRDRH) is the major annual venue for examination of policies relating to licit and illicit drugs and strategies to prevent or minimise the harms associated with their use. As evidence-based and effective approaches to dealing with drugs are constantly under threat from ideologically and politically driven drug policy, the 15th ICRDRH provides an opportunity to learn from experience in other jurisdictions and to share our experience in working towards a comprehensive and evidence based drug strategy. The overriding theme for this conference, "Minimising the Harm: Maximising the Impact", reflects the firm commitment of the conference to translate information into action.
Challenges facing the world community in dealing with impact of the use of drugs are becoming more complex and on a larger scale than ever before. This conference will be extraordinary in the way it will combine cutting edge science with activism, bring consumers and affected communities together with researchers, practitioners and policy makers, and encourage and facilitate dialogue and understanding between all who have a commitment to humane and rational approaches to humanity's relationship with drugs.
This conference will also introduce a focus on cities to the ongoing work of the International Harm Reduction Association culminating in the launch of a "Cities for Harm Reduction" (CHARM) network in 2006 when the conference will be hosted by the Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS here in Vancouver. The IHRA has chosen Vancouver as the venue for the 2006 event in part, as a result of the achievements made over the past several years providing municipal leadership in the development of drug policy and harm reduction strategies. In Melbourne Mayor Campbell has been invited (at the expense of the conference organizers) to initiate the discussion on cities and harm reduction with a keynote address to the conference focusing on the Vancouver experience.
Attendance at this conference will also provide an excellent opportunity for staff to connect with the significant work that the Australian government and non governmental organizations are undertaking in the area prevention. This will inform the process that the Drug Policy Program is currently initiating with the community to develop a comprehensive, integrated and evidence based prevention strategy for Vancouver over the next six months.
DISCUSSIONThe estimated cost for travel and accommodation is $4,491.
Airfare $1,881.00
Hotel Accommodation $1,190.00
(7 nights @ $170)
Ground Transportation $70.00
Registration for Conference $1050.00Airport Improvement Fee $20.00
Per Diem $280.00
(7 days @ 40)
TOTAL: $4,491.00Source of Funds: Community Services Operating Budget
Attendance at the 15th International Conference for the Reduction of Drug Related Harm will be beneficial to the continuing development and implementation of the City of Vancouver's Four Pillar Drug Strategy.
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