Vancouver City Council |
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, March 11, 2004, at 2:00 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Anne Roberts, Chair
*Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green, Vice-Chair
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
*Councillor Tim Stevenson
*Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthABSENT:
Mayor Larry Campbell
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator
*Denotes absence for a portion of the meeting.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of February 12, 2004, were adopted.
1. Significant New Rezoning Application - 2876 West 33rd Avenue (File 5308)
The Committee had before it a description of a significant new rezoning application which has been received by the Planning Department for a three-unit rowhouse with fee simple ownership at 2876 West 33rd Avenue.
Dave Thomsett, Senior Planner, Rezoning Centre, reviewed the application and the major issues in regard to the proposed development. Mr. Thomsett, along with Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, responded to questions concerning the affordability of the proposed rowhouses, concerns expressed by neighbours of the proposed rowhouses, the fee simple ownership scheme, and density.
2. 2218 Burquitlam Drive - Warning to Prospective Purchasers (File 2701)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February 20, 2004, in which the City Building Inspector recommended a 336D Notice be filed against the title to 2218 Burquitlam Drive to warn prospective purchasers of by-law violations in respect to the property.
Peter Sweeney, Manager, Building Inspection, with the aid of photographs, reviewed the report and, along with Jacquie Forbes-Roberts, General Manager of Community Services, responded to questions concerning costs to the City which are incurred as a result of illegal grow operations. Staff noted they were in discussions with the Law Department in this regard, and agreed to look at ways of recovering these costs.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 2218 Burquitlam Drive, Lot 17, Block 28 Fraserview Plan 8574 PID 010-035-613 in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are contraventions of the Vancouver Building and Electrical By-laws related to this unapproved use.
(Councillor Sullivan absent for the vote)3. Update on Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan (ODP) Planning Process
(File 8206)The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated February 11, 2004, in which the Director of Current Planning in consultation with the Director of Real Estate Services, submitted for Council's information a summary of the work to date on the Southeast False Creek (SEFC) ODP. The General Manager of Community Services recommended receipt of the foregoing information.
Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, and Karis Hiebert, Planner, Central Area Major Developments Group, provided an overview of the Policy Report, in particular the technical work which has been undertaken and the public consultation process to date. It was noted that a revised ODP proposal was submitted as of last month, and staff will be completing meetings with stakeholder groups over the next couple of months. Mr. Beasley and Ms. Hiebert, along with Bruce Maitland, Director of Housing Centre, and Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager, responded to questions concerning sustainability and the proposed range of housing which will be provided. In response to a question, staff noted that the issue of a management structure for the area will be reported back once the ODP has been completed.
The following delegations addressed the Committee and a summary of their comments is provided below:
Kal Bains, COC Holdings
Lewis Villegas (brief filed)
Matt Galloway, Designers for Social Responsibility
Kim Maust, Bastion Developments Ltd.
Ron Bain, Co-Chair, SEFC Stewardship Group (brief filed)
Barbara Lindsey, Co-Chair, SEFC Stewardship Group
Jack Becker, Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition
Sam Hanson
Richard Campbell, Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (letter submitted)
John Irwin, SEFC Working Group
Mike Overholt (brief filed)
Sean McEwan, SEFC Working Group
John McNamara, Backbay Retailing Corp.
Nancy Chiavario
Anne Bancroft-Jones, Polygon Homes· the majority of the private owners are united in supporting the general direction of where this is going;
· emphasis should be placed on integrating the City lands with the private land-owners; there needs to be equity for the private land-owner in terms of density and height;
· the area should be given an area-wide zoning, rather than site specific zonings;
· mountain views and significant landmarks, such as Science World, will be blocked;
· a low-rise format works better here rather than a downtown high-rise environment; the same floor space ratio can be achieved with 4.5 story buildings;
· high-rise residential towers requires parking to be put underground, at significant extra cost in relation to surface parking costs for commercial developments;
· this project provides for awesome waterfront opportunities which should be maximized; softening of the waterfront edge, and diversity of habitat for waterfowl is needed;
· need to develop more incremental growth strategies, and ensure the sustainability objectives are met at each phase;
· public consultation process has focused almost entirely on the public lands; the process needs to more fully include residents, future residents and neighbouring residents;
· the ODP must have the same quality and inclusiveness as the Policy Statement;
· economic considerations should be discussed in the public realm;
· ongoing management or stewardship of the area is required; monitoring and understanding of what we do is of prime importance so that information can be shared with the world;
· affordable housing, urban agriculture and a sense of place are important factors in achieving social sustainability;
· the area will need a full Community Recreation Centre as the future community centre planned for 1 Kingsway will not be adequate to serve this area;
· concern expressed with regard to inadequate transportation provisions relating to cyclists; cycling facilities need to be planned for peak cycling volumes;
· suggestion made for a portion of Ontario Street to be closed to motorized traffic; ODP provides a good opportunity to provide a world-class greenway on Ontario;
· very supportive of work done to date and the process has been very inclusive and open; urged the City to move forward and not lose the opportunity presented here;
· recommend that the housing provided represent a 3-way split of all categories of wage earners, similar to that which exists in South False Creek;
· ODP template should set out targets and a method of measuring them;
· it is important for Council to understand the economics; economics must drive this process, and are represented by height and density, which must be articulated in the plan;
· this project may be the most important legacy of this Council; and
· suggestion that the GVRD be invited to discuss sustainability issues with the City.Mr. Beasley, Mr. MacGregor, Mr. Maitland, Ms. Hiebert, and Ian Smith, Senior Planner, responded to questions concerning issues raised by the foregoing speakers.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to CouncilTHAT the Policy Report dated February 11, 2004, entitled "Update on Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan (ODP) Planning Process" be received for information.
(Councillor Stevenson absent for the vote - Leave of Absence)4. Special Events Policies and Procedures (File 4200)
The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated January 26, 2004, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Director of Development Services, the Chief Building Official, Office of Cultural Affairs, and the Chief Constable, recommended a number of significant changes to the way special events are dealt with by City staff, with a goal to streamline the special event application process and encourage individuals, community groups, not for profit organizations, the corporate sector and the general public to become more involved in events that occur in our City.
The City Manager supported staff's recommendations and also put forward two additional recommendations that the Vancouver Police Board be asked to provide a report on options for reducing policing costs in relation to events and filming, and that Engineering and Cultural Affairs staff provide a report putting forward a list of possible "civic events" and the budget requirements to support them.
Tom Timm, Deputy City Engineer, provided an overview of the Policy Report and the rationale for staff's recommendations A through F. Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager, reviewed the City Manager's Comments in the Policy Report and explained the reason for putting forward recommendations G and H.
Mr. Timm and Mr. MacGregor, along with Muriel Honey, Manager, Film and Special Events Office, and Inspector Al Niedtner, Vancouver Police Department, responded to questions concerning sponsorship criteria, not-for-profit sporting events, whether the recommendations will affect this year's events, current City policies, and possible liabilities in regard to cost over-runs.
Fred Leonard, Co-Chair, Rules & Regulation Committee (Spirit of Vancouver - Board of Trade), and Susan Croome, BC Film Commission (materials filed) expressed strong support for the recommendations and the City's process in this regard.
Robert Kerr, Coastal Jazz & Blues Society (Vancouver International Jazz Festival), expressed support for staff's recommendations A through F, and noted there were a number of issues in regard to recommendations G and H which merit careful consideration. He further noted it is often helpful with large events to have people assigned to assist in directing traffic who are recognized by the public as having authority.
Beniot Briere, Francophone Cultural Centre, expressed concern with regard to liquor laws, with specific reference to the annual Vancouver Francophone Summer Festival. Mr. Briere noted it would be preferable to be able to have the entire festival area along West 7th Avenue licensed, rather than restricting alcohol consumption to a small designated "beer garden" area.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council demonstrate the City's leadership in supporting celebrations and special events by adopting the following policy statement:
"Council welcomes celebrations and special events for their contribution in making Vancouver a vibrant City, in reflecting our cultural diversity and neighbourhood character, and for the economic, cultural and recreational benefits they bring to the City. Council supports the facilitation of these events by staff, encourages mitigation of short-term disruptions in neighbourhoods and encourages citizens to welcome these activities and to participate in them."
B. THAT the Directors of Planning, Development Services, and Licenses and Inspections, along with the Chief Building Official, review present processes for dealing with special event applications related to development and building permit requirements, with an aim to simplifying processes to reflect the temporary nature of these events and report back to Council in 2004.
C. THAT the Chief Building Official report back to Council in 2004, on proposed changes to the City's Building Bylaw to revise the size of tents that can be erected without an engineering inspection; and to establish an annual approval process ("Certified Tent Program") for tent rental companies to eliminate the need for event organizers to obtain permits for tents with an area of the order of 40m2 (430 ft.2) or less.
D. THAT the street banner regulations be amended;
i) so no additional application or rental fees are charged to not-for-profit community events that acknowledge corporate sponsorship on their street banners.
ii) to allow special event organizers to erect signs across streets for a short term preceding and during their events, provided the design and installation are approved by the City Engineer, and provided the event organizer has received permission from the FEST Committee to do so.
E. THAT offsets for the cost of police services to special events, currently administered through the Police Budget, become the responsibility of Film the Special Events Office; and that the amount available for offsets be increased from $500 to up to $1000 of City services for events that qualify; and that criteria for these service cost offsets be revised so that only not-for-profit community-based events are eligible, with specific eligibility guidelines to be developed by City representatives on FEST. Funding of $30,000 for 2004 to be added to the 2004 Engineering (Film and Special Events Office) Operating Budget without offset.
F. THAT funding for a vacant Engineering Assistant Ill position in the Film and Special Events Office be re-instated, subject to classification and review by the General Manager of Human Resources, at a net cost of $35,000 in 2004 and $52,000 on-going; 2004 funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve.
G. THAT the Vancouver Police Board be asked for a report, before August 2004, on options to reduce Police costs for events and for filming including reducing overtime costs, alternatives to traffic control by sworn Constables, but including consideration of Police Traffic Authority, licensed Traffic Controllers such as those used on-street at construction sites, and trained volunteers.
H. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Office of Cultural Affairs report back with suggestions for a list of Civic Events and the budget requirements to support the events, which incorporates any changes suggested in the report in Recommendation G.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT A be amended by adding in the words "sporting events" where applicable to read as follows:
A. THAT Council demonstrate the City's leadership in supporting celebrations, sporting events, and special events by adopting the following policy statement:
"Council welcomes celebrations, sporting events, and special events for their contribution in making Vancouver a vibrant City, in reflecting our cultural diversity and neighbourhood character, and for the economic, cultural and recreational benefits they bring to the City. Council supports the facilitation of these events by staff, encourages mitigation of short-term disruptions in neighbourhoods and encourages citizens to welcome these activities and to participate in them."
(Councillors Bass and Stevenson absent for the vote - Leave of Absence)The amendment having carried, the motion, as amended, was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councillors Bass and Stevenson absent for the vote - Leave of Absence).
The Committee adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
* * * * *
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, March 11, 2004, at 6:15 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations and actions of the Committee.
Councillor Raymond Louie, Acting Mayor
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthABSENT:
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass (Leave of Absence)
Councillor Tim Stevenson (Leave of Absence)CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Green
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Acting Mayor Louie in the Chair.
Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
March 11, 2004Council considered the report containing the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment. Its items of business included:
1. Significant New Rezoning Application - 2876 West 33rd Avenue - For Information
2. 2218 Burquitlam Drive - Warning to Prospective Purchasers
3. Update on Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan (ODP) Planning Process
4. Special Events Policies and ProceduresMOVED by Councillor Roberts
THAT the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment at its meeting of March 11, 2004, as contained in Items 1-4, be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
A. Administrative Motions
B. Motions on Notice
1. Application by Guys & Dolls Ltd. (File 2612-1)
MOVED by Councillor Green
SECONDED by Councillor LouisTHAT final decision on the application by Guys & Dolls Ltd. for a 93 seat Liquor Primary liquor license (Billiard Hall) at 2434 Main Street be postponed to the May 20, 2004, meeting of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment to allow staff to implement amendments to the License Bylaw and have the applicant remove the Arcade use from the premises and enter into a "Good Neighbour" agreement with the City;
AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be directed to provide a review of enacting a License Bylaw amendment for report back in late April 2004.
1. Access Copyright (File 1007)
Councillor Green requested information on the status of the City entering into an agreement with Access Copyright. Judy Rogers, City Manager, and Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager, advised the requested information would be forthcoming.
2. Property Values (File 5100)
Councillor Green noted Council had not yet received an Information Memo from Real Estate Services explaining how the City evaluates the value of properties it sells or purchases, and requested this memo be brought forward as soon as possible.
The Council adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
* * * * *