Vancouver City Council |
For information, please contact Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator,
at 604.871.6353 (e-mail its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting on March 11, 2004, Vancouver City Council approved the following.
1. Significant New Rezoning Applications - 2876 West 33rd Avenue
For information only.
2. 2218 Burquitlam Drive - Warning to Prospective Purchasers
THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 2218 Burquitlam Drive, Lot 17, Block 28 Fraserview Plan 8574 PID 010-035-613 in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are contraventions of the Vancouver Building and Electrical By-laws related to this unapproved use.
3. Update on Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan (ODP) Planning Process
THAT the Policy Report dated February 11, 2004, entitled "Update on Southeast False Creek Official Development (ODP) Planning Process" be received for information.
4. Special Events Policies and Procedures
A. THAT Council demonstrate the City's leadership in supporting celebrations, sporting events, and special events by adopting the following policy statement:
"Council welcomes celebrations, sporting events, and special events for their contribution in making Vancouver a vibrant City, in reflecting our cultural diversity and neighbourhood character, and for the economic, cultural and recreational benefits they bring to the City. Council supports the facilitation of these events by staff, encourages mitigation of short-term disruptions in neighbourhoods and encourages citizens to welcome these activities and to participate in them."
B. THAT the Directors of Planning, Development Services, and Licenses and Inspections, along with the Chief Building Official, review present processes for dealing with special event applications related to development and building permit requirements, with an aim to simplifying processes to reflect the temporary nature of these events and report back to Council in 2004.
C. THAT the Chief Building Official report back to Council in 2004, on proposed changes to the City's Building Bylaw to revise the size of tents that can be erected without an engineering inspection; and to establish an annual approval process ("Certified Tent Program") for tent rental companies to eliminate the need for event organizers to obtain permits for tents with an area of the order of 40m2 (430 ft.2) or less.
D. THAT the street banner regulations be amended;
i) so no additional application or rental fees are charged to not-for-profit community events that acknowledge corporate sponsorship on their street banners.
ii) to allow special event organizers to erect signs across streets for a short term preceding and during their events, provided the design and installation are approved by the City Engineer, and provided the event organizer has received permission from the FEST Committee to do so.
E. THAT offsets for the cost of police services to special events, currently administered through the Police Budget, become the responsibility of Film the Special Events Office; and that the amount available for offsets be increased from $500 to up to $1000 of City services for events that qualify; and that criteria for these service cost offsets be revised so that only not-for-profit community-based events are eligible, with specific eligibility guidelines to be developed by City representatives on FEST. Funding of $30,000 for 2004 to be added to the 2004 Engineering (Film and Special Events Office) Operating Budget without offset.
F. THAT funding for a vacant Engineering Assistant Ill position in the Film and Special Events Office be re-instated, subject to classification and review by the General Manager of Human Resources, at a net cost of $35,000 in 2004 and $52,000 on-going; 2004 funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve.
G. THAT the Vancouver Police Board be asked for a report, before August 2004, on options to reduce Police costs for events and for filming including reducing overtime costs, alternatives to traffic control by sworn Constables, but including consideration of Police Traffic Authority, licensed Traffic Controllers such as those used on-street at construction sites, and trained volunteers.
H. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Office of Cultural Affairs report back with suggestions for a list of Civic Events and the budget requirements to support the events, which incorporates any changes suggested in the report in Recommendation G.
B1. Application by Guys & Dolls Ltd.
THAT final decision on the application by Guys & Dolls Ltd. for a 93 seat Liquor Primary liquor license (Billiard Hall) at 2434 Main Street be postponed to the May 20, 2004, meeting of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment to allow staff to implement amendments to the License Bylaw and have the applicant remove the Arcade use from the premises and enter into a "Good Neighbour" agreement with the City;
AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be directed to provide a review of enacting a License Bylaw amendment for report back in late April 2004.
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