Vancouver City Council |
February 6, 2004
Annitta Lee
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
February 24, 2004
Vancouver City Council
Director of the Housing Centre
Grant to the Lower Mainland Network for Affordable Housing
THAT Council approve a one-time grant of $5,000 to the Lower Mainland Network for Affordable Housing to assist the Network to develop a project entitled "Putting People Into Partnerships for Housing". Source of funds is the Affordable Housing Fund.
This recommendation provides for a grant and requires eight affirmative votes of Council.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Council's housing priorities are low and modest income families with children, seniors, low-income singles living in downtown rooming houses and hotels, and those with mental or physical disabilities.
This report supports a grant request of the Lower Mainland Network for Affordable Housing to sponsor a website and a speaker/workshop series.
The Lower Mainland Network for Affordable Housing is a network focused on promoting suitable and affordable housing in the region for people in different groups and needs. The Network was established in 1992 and has a broad membership base including housing providers, community groups, service providers, advocacy groups and developers. The members meet monthly to exchange ideas, network and take appropriate action on local housing issues and initiatives. The Network, its members and its advocates has successfully assisted in the development of a wide array of community based housing initiatives in Vancouver and throughout the Lower Mainland.
The Housing Centre has been participating in the Network since its inception.
As indicated in the grant request in Appendix A, the Network recently proposes a project entitled "Putting People Into Partnerships for Housing" which has two components:
· A website to profile its members and offer access to related affordable housing research and/or development opportunities. Participants and supporters of the Network will each have a page to describe their own housing work and to provide links to other sites or related information. The City of Vancouver will also maintain a page in the Network's website so as to have closer working relationships with other Network members and the community.
· A speaker/workshop series to encourage the development of affordable housing that responds to the needs and perspectives of people who use it.
Total budget for the project is $40,000. The Network has already secured the support of Western Diversification Canada ($20,000), VanCity Savings Credit Union ($10,000) and BC Housing ($5,000) with a total contribution of $35,000. As Western Diversification cannot consider in-kind contributions, the project needs full funding commitments to proceed. The City is asked to provide a grant of $5,000 to match the federal funding.
As the Network is not incorporated, Coast Foundation Society will be administering funds on behalf of the Network. Coast Foundation Society is a cooperative community which fosters an environment that promotes restoring health, personal growth, and a return to society for consumers of mental health services through advocacy and direct services. They have acted as host and the sponsoring agency for the Network for many years.
The Director of the Housing Centre recommends this grant. This funding is a matching federal funding which will enable the Network to continue and expand the work they have been doing.
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