Vancouver City Council |
At the Regular Council meeting held January 13, 2004, the following Motion was submitted by Councillor Roberts. Council referred consideration of the Motion to a future Standing Committee in order to hear from speakers.
1. Public Sector Comparator for the Richmond Airport Vancouver Line Project (File 5559)
MOVER: Councillor Roberts
SECONDER: Councillor
WHEREAS the RAV Project has proceeded with Requests for Proposals that include the operation and management of the new rapid transit line; and
WHEREAS part of this process is the development of a Public Sector Comparator that will facilitate a comparison of public vs. private delivery;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that any assumptions which are provided to the agency or firm reviewing the Public Sector Comparator be made public; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Sector Comparator created explicitly outline the methodology used to prepare the financial analysis of risk transfer and the discount rate; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the methodology dealing with risk transfer also consider new risks being absorbed by the public sector, such as but not limited to possible commercial failure of a private partner; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council request the Province provide the Auditor General with sufficient resources to review the Public Sector Comparator for fairness and accuracy prior to a decision on the Best and Final Offer; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Sector Comparator be made public sufficiently early to permit comment by the public and by municipal councils before any final decision is made with respect to the bidder; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be circulated to other municipalities in the Translink service area for their consideration.
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