Vancouver City Council |
November 24, 2003
Dale Mikkelsen
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
December 9, 2003
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning
Text Amendment to CD-1 #402, By-Law 8131
THAT the Director of Current Planning be instructed to make application to amend CD-1 (402) By-law No. 8131 for 655 Great Northern Way to revise Parking and Loading requirements to be compatible with the high tech and light industrial uses as allowed in the Use section of the By-law, and that the application be referred to a Public Hearing together with:
(i) draft CD-1 By-law amendments, generally as contained in Appendix A;
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary amendments to CD-1 By-law No. 8131, generally in accordance with Appendix A, for consideration at Public Hearing.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
· False Creek Flats Preliminary Concept Plan, approved in June 1996
· Finning site rezoned from I-3 to CD-1 in November 1999
· False Creek Flats Urban Structure Plan, approved in March 2001
· CD-1 8131 Text Amendment to create QLT sub-areas, approved in August, 2002SUMMARY AND PURPOSE
This report proposes a Director of Current Planning-initiated application to amend sections 7 and 8 of CD-1 no. 8131 (#402). The objective is to adjust Parking and Loading sections to conform to high-tech and light industrial uses as allowed within the existing by-law. While high-tech and industrial uses are permitted in the CD-1 by-law, the Parking and Loading sections do not have specific regulations for these uses. This amendment is required to better address specific uses not foreseen in the creation of the initial CD-1 by-law that have become clear with the submission of a full development application for high-tech and light industrial uses. The current by-law will be better able to accommodate future uses within the discretion of the Director of Planning in consultation with the City Engineer.
When the 26-acre Finning site was rezoned to CD-1 in 1999, it was wholly owned by Finning International. Finning did not intend to undertake the redevelopment envisioned in the new zoning, but planned to sell the land to developers. The land use, density, and parking and loading provisions within the zoning by-law were kept relatively open compared to other CD-1 districts. This was intended to build in flexibility for the future developers and as such, the by-law could not be tested until new development applications under the new uses were submitted. Finning, or future owners, would have leeway to sell varying amounts of the approved floor space to different owners within the CD-1 district depending on business needs. (Despite this flexibility on floor space, the form of development for the site is clearly set by virtue of a structure plan of new streets, building envelope parameters and design guidelines.)
Since the creation of the CD-1, two new owners have acquired portions of the Finning site - an academic consortium consisting of UBC, BCIT, SFU, and Emily Carr have obtained 17 acres west of Fraser Street and Quadra Logic Technologies (QLT) has purchased 2.62 acres adjacent to their existing property (just east of the original site). Finning continues to own one remaining lot which is currently under contract for sale. A subdivision of the original site has occurred, creating three lots reflecting the ownership pattern.
Quadra Logic Technologies is currently seeking expansion, with current proposals for continued high-tech and light industrial development on their property. With this new development application, it has become clear that the Parking and Loading Sections of the by-law need to be better addressed. It is now possible to understand the long-term use of these high-technology sites and the servicing needs that will be required for a successful development within this zoning area. The purpose of this zoning amendment is to articulate the parking and loading requirements that are needed for the implementation of the high-technology and light industrial use. This will ensure that the needs of the development are met, while still allowing the Director of Planning discretion in the by-law to ensure that long-term flexibility is retained.
The Services Agreements were negotiated as part of the original CD-1 zoning and subsequent subdivision. These agreements will stay on title and will not be affected by the proposed amendment.CONCLUSION
The proposed amendments will facilitate an orderly approach to parking and loading in the CD-1 zoning area in a way that better accommodates the needs of high-technology and light industrial uses, yet retains long-term flexibility through discretion of the Director of Planning in consultation with the City Engineer.
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Appendix A
Page 1 of 1DRAFT AMENDMENT TO CD-1 BY-LAW No. 8131
Amend Sections 7 and 8 (Parking and Loading), generally as set out below, and generally update the language of sections 7 and 8.
Strikethrough = deletion from existing
Underscore = new addition to by-law7 Parking
7.1 Off-street parking must be provided, developed and maintained in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Parking By-law, except
(a) manufacturing, office, laboratory, production or rehearsal studio, utility and communication, transportation and storage, wholesale,
andwork shop, high-tech and light industrial uses must provide a minimum of one space for each 57.5 m5 of gross floor area and a maximum of one space for each 37.0 m5 of gross floor area, and
(b) live-work uses, must provide a minimum of one space for each unit of 75 m5 or less of gross floor area, 1.3 spaces for every dwelling unit over 75 m5 for gross floor area and for visitors one additional space per 12 dwelling units on sites with 12 or more dwelling units.
(c) the exemption and relaxation provisions of the Parking By-law shall be
7.2 The requirements of Section 7.1 may be relaxed by the Director of Planning
(a) in accordance with Section 3.2 of the Parking By-law, and
(b) on the advice of the City Engineer, in accordance with Section 4.1.9 of the Parking By-law.8 Loading
8.1 Off-street loading must be provided, developed and maintained in accordance with
the applicable provisions of the Parking By-law, except that:
(a) live-work uses must provide loading as determined by the Director of Planning in
consultation with the City Engineer.
(b) high-technology and light industrial uses must provide loading as determined by
the Director of Planning in consultation with the City Engineer.
(c) the exemption and relaxation provisions of the Parking By-law shall be
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