Vancouver City Council |
At the Regular Council meeting on January 13, 2004, Councillor Roberts submitted the following Motion to reconsider Council's decision of June 24, 2003 regarding the adoption of Development Cost Levies contained in the Policy Report "Financing Growth - Paying for Facilities to Serve a Growing Population: The Role of City-Wide Charges on New Development", dated April 30, 2003. Councillor Sullivan called Notice under Section 5.4(c) of the Procedure By-law.
2. Reconsider the Decision of Council regarding the Development Cost Levy Adoption
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor
A. THAT B15 of the Motion on the Policy Report "Financing Growth - Paying for Facilities to Serve a Growing Population: The Role of City-Wide Charges on New Development", dated April 30, 2003, be reconsidered.
B. THAT B15 be amended by inserting the words "or as directed by Council" following the words "every 3 years".
Make DCL rates subject to periodic rate review (every 3 years, or as directed by Council) taking into account inflationary factors affecting construction costs and land values, and other relevant factors; review whether any changes to the City-wide DCL should apply to area-specific DCLs (e.g., reduced daycare rate); revisit allocations when new information is available affecting growth costs.
(Italics denote amendment)
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