Vancouver City Council |
Supports Item No. 5
P&E Committee Agenda
December 4, 2003MOTION ON NOTICE
Submitted by Councillor Ladner for consideration at the Regular Council meeting on December 2, 2003.
2. Bylaw Enforcement
MOVER: Councillor Ladner
SECONDER: Councillor Sullivan
WHEREAS Vancouver City Council enacts bylaws for the good of the citizens of Vancouver;
WHEREAS disturbing behaviour in the public realm in contravention of bylaws undermines the livability of the city, especially for the most vulnerable people-seniors, tourists, children, single women and the disabled;
WHEREAS minor bylaw offences have been shown to be a factor in encouraging more significant offences and adding to a perception of danger and lawlessness, which affects all citizens;
WHEREAS the City has proven with its initiatives on graffiti removal that a determined effort to curb minor offences can noticeably improve city life;
WHEREAS it is essential that the City have an effective system for responding to by-law offences that undermine the livability of the city in areas such as
_ offences involving boom cars, loud motorcycles and car alarms
_ offences involving illegal street vending, aggressive panhandling, cycling on sidewalks, squeegying, urinating in public and dogs off leash
_ nuisance properties
_ offences involving anti-smoking provisions of the Health BylawTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council request a report from the City staff concerning the effectiveness of the City's current bylaw enforcement procedures, along with recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of City by-law enforcement.
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