Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Bute Street as Neighbourhood Commercial Centre for
Coal Harbour/Triangle West






The purpose of this report is to establish a Character Area description to encourage the northerly three blocks of Bute Street to develop as a Neighbourhood Commercial Centre.

Staff have identified the opportunity and desirability of establishing a small commercial centre along Bute Street frontages that would provide local services and shopping for the high density residential neighbourhoods of Coal Harbour and Triangle West. Bute Street is one of the primary pedestrian routes between the Coal Harbour and Triangle West neighbourhoods, and the shopping district of Robson Street.

The Planning Department has recently received several enquiries and applications (rezoning and development applications) for sites with street frontages along Bute Street between Cordova Street and Melville Street. Two of the sites have proposed ground floor uses to accommodate larger retail tenants such as a grocery store. One of these, a rezoning application at 1201 West Hastings, was approved at Public Hearing on October 27, 2003. In addition, Council recently approved a rezoning to allow for a one-storey restaurant at the south east corner of Cordova and Bute Streets, opposite the public plaza that is part of the Harbour Green Park.


At the time the Coal Harbour and Triangle West neighbourhoods were envisioned as high density, predominantly residential neighbourhoods, larger retail uses such as grocery stores were moving out of the area. Retailers and developers argued that new retail space would not be viable and could undermine existing shopping areas, such as Robson Street. Consequently, retail uses were not required except in specific locations and in limited amounts, such as along the waterfront to complement the Coal Harbour Community Centre and to provide pedestrian animation.

One of the principle planning goals within the Downtown Transportation Plan is to improve the pedestrian environment such that walking becomes a more attractive, safe, efficient and comfortable way to experience the city. One of the measures in achieving this is to integrate neighbourhoods by improving their connectivity to major destinations such as shopping areas and recreational facilities. Within the Transportation Plan, Bute Street has been identified as a pedestrian connector between the West End and Coal Harbour neighbourhoods and with its present high pedestrian volumes, is well established as a preferred route for many.


Staff believe it is in the public's interest to facilitate establishment of a Neighbourhood Commercial Centre for the growing resident population in the area. Development of Bute Street as a neighbourhood shopping area would contribute to the City's objectives of enhancing the public realm and animating Bute Street. This opportunity to encourage retail uses oriented to serving the needs of the local residents will link and reinforce this pedestrian environment and give a focus to these neighbourhoods. Local services would become available within a 5 to10 minute walk of all residents in this area, without people having to climb the steep slope all the way to Robson Street.

There have been three recently approved applications along Bure Street. These are:

In addition staff have received a number of rezoning and development enquiries for sites located along Bute Street. These include:

There are two existing buildings with frontages along Bute Street that, at the time of their development, Bute Street was not envisioned as a shopping street, nor was West Hastings Street extended this far west. These are:

Because of the slope and above-grade location of some parking areas, as well as some space now allocated to inward-oriented commercial use, staff believe there is an opportunity for these sites to improve their public realm interface with neighbourhood oriented uses along their Bute Street frontages. This could be achieved through various measures such as relaxation of parking provisions or increases in allowable floor area for retail use created by converting parking areas. It would be prudent for staff to facilitate such retrofits through direct contact with these owners.

If all these sites realized their full retail potential the result would be a three-block neighbourhood commercial centre with anchors at each end and fairly continuous retail along the sidewalks. This activity would also be directly linked to Harbour Green Park and would bring animation and vitality to the Bute Street End Plaza.

Triangle West Public Realm: The current boundary for Triangle West is the centre line of Bute Street between West Cordova and Alberni Streets. As part of this proposal, staff are recommending that the Triangle West public realm treatment include both sides of Bute Street.


The establishment of a clear objective to create this frontage of Bute Street as a Neighbourhood Centre will provide direction for those sites that currently are in various stages of their development process. In addition, with the policy in place, incentives can be pursued with owners of existing buildings, including relaxation of parking provisions or, for those at maximum FSR, allowing for modest FSR increases for retail retrofits. Further, the treatment of the public realm can be coordinated to enhance the pedestrian amenity of the street. Staff recommend adding a Bute Street Neighbourhood Centre to the Character Area Description guidelines generally as contained in Appendix A to effect these improvements.

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DD (except Downtown South), C-5, C-6, HA-1, and HA-2 Character Area Descriptions

add under section
6 Existing Character Area F - Golden Triangle

6.4 Supplementary Development Objectives for Sub-Area 1: Bute Street (from the lane between Georgia and Melville Streets to the Coal Harbour Waterfront)