Vancouver City Council |
For information, please contact Tina Hildebrandt, Meeting Coordinator, at 604-873-7268 or E-mail
At its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting on Thursday, December 4, 2003, Vancouver City Council approved the following:
1. 2003 Partners in Organizational Development Grant Allocation
THAT Council approve a Partners in Organizational Development grant of $20,000 to the United Way of the Lower Mainland for subsequent distribution to seven community services organizations in the amounts listed in Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated November 12, 2003, entitled "2003 Partners in Organizational Development Grant Allocation", source of funds to be the 2003 Community Services grants budget.
2. Major Exhibiting Institutions - One-Time Supplemental Requests: Guidelines and Criteria
THAT Council approve the recommended guidelines and criteria for One-Time Supplemental Requests from the Major Exhibiting Institutions as outlined in Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated October 16, 2003, entitled "Major Exhibiting Institutions - One-Time Supplemental Requests: Guidelines and Criteria".
3. Olympic Youth Legacy: 2003 Events
THAT Council approve a one time only addition of $20,000 to Park Board=s 2003 Operating Budget to implement winter demonstration programs aimed to expand access to community arts, sport and recreation programs; to be funded from Contingency Reserve.
4. Carnegie Outreach Program
A. THAT Council approve in principle the continuation of the Carnegie Outreach program for another year at a cost of $300,000, subject to overall 2004 budget priorities.
B. THAT, subject to the program proceeding, staff report back on the progress of the program and the success in securing outside funds in July 2004, in order to allow Council the opportunity to extend the program or have it conclude in December 2004.
5. 2004 Business License Fees: Fees for Live-aboard Boats
THAT Council approve the following license fee for marina operators based on the number and length of occupied live-aboard boats in the marina operator's marina for 2004 based on Option 1 (continuation of current policy) in the Administrative Report dated October 20, 2003, entitled "2004 Business License Fees: Fees for Live-aboard Boats":
Boat Length at Waterline
Proposed 2004 Live-Aboard Fee
<= 21 feet
> 21 feet and < 26 feet
> 26 feet and < 31 feet
>31 feet and <37 feet
> 37 feet
AND THAT the Director of Legal Services be requested to prepare the necessary By-Law amendments to the License By-Law to be effective January 1, 2004
6. City of Vancouver - Credit Rating Reclassification
THAT Council receive the report on the City of Vancouver's Credit Rating Reclassification for information.
1. Extended Liquor Primary Hours: Comprehensive Hours of Service Policy Guidelines and Interim Policy Recommendations
BE IT RESOLVED THAT establishments within the downtown trial period boundaries will be permitted to apply to extend their hours to 4 am, subject to:
a. approvals being limited to Friday and Saturday nights and nights preceding statutory holidays; and
b. the initial temporary approval being limited to such a period of time that allows for the review of a revised fee structure to provide for cost recovery of the policy development and monitoring during the interim period.
1. Leave of Absence - Mayor Campbell
THAT Mayor Campbell be granted Leave of Absence from the Public Hearing on December 10, 2003, and the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting on December 11, 2003.
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