
November 12, 2003



Coralys Cuthbert


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

December 4, 2003


Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


Director of Social Planning


2003 Partners in Organizational Development Grant Allocation



The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.


Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes.


This report recommends approval of the City's contribution to the Partners in Organizational Development (POD) program for community service agencies in Vancouver.


On February 27, 2003, Council approved an allocation of $20,000 for the Partners in Organizational Development (POD) portion of the Community Services Grants. The Partners in Organization Development is a multi-funder grant program initiated in 1989 as a partnership of the Vancouver Foundation, United Way of the Lower Mainland, the Department of the Secretary of State and the City of Vancouver. The aim of this grant program is to help non-profit groups deal with common organizational problems and thus to function more effectively. Other partners in past years have included Health Canada and the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services.

The 2003 POD program funding partners are: United Way of the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Foundation, and the City of Vancouver. United Way of the Lower Mainland handles the administration of the POD program, which involves marketing the grant program, co-ordinating POD funder meetings, compiling mailing lists, distributing applications, mailing out cheques, providing letters to unsuccessful applicants, and securing project evaluations reports due at the end of each year from grant recipients. They receive a 6% administration fee from the partners as reimbursement for these administrative services.


The available budget for POD in 2003, after taking off administration fees, is $157,526.00. The POD grants are reviewed by a committee of staff representing each funder. Proposals are assessed on the basis of completeness of the application, eligible activities and costs, documented need, a clear activity plan and the long-term benefit to the organization as a whole. POD funding is exclusively for hiring a consultant to assist with organizational development activities such as Board Development, diversity and access planning, and development of strategic plans, fundraising plans, communications, and marketing plans. A copy of the text of the 2003 POD info sheet describing the program, eligibility and evaluation criteria, is attached as Appendix C.

A total of 89 applications were received. While the number of applications was less this year than in the past, the grant program continues to be oversubscribed and requests amounted to $391,635. Similar to last year, many applicants requested POD funding to do organizational development work in response to provincial policy and funding changes. The majority of the requests were for support to develop strategic plans and fundraising plans.

Over the past three years POD has also received a few requests from groups wanting to explore mergers and collaborations as a way to respond to funding changes or to sustain their services. This is not an activity that POD has been able to support but one the involved funders would like to address if POD is able to attract additional funding. The potential to involve new public and private funders in POD is being explored by the newly formed Centre for Not-for-profit Sustainability. This Society has been created to provide the province's not-for-profit sector with an access and referral point for technical assistance resources. Its development has occurred in consultation with representatives of the City of Vancouver Social Planning Department and Office of Cultural Affairs, United Way of the Lower Mainland, the Vancouver Foundation, Canadian Heritage, the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal, and Women's Services, Human Resources Development Canada, the Vancouver Arts Stabilization Team, the Capital Regional District, British Columbia Arts Council, and BC Technology - Social Ventures Partners. Their mission and objectives are listed on the following web site The administration of Arts POD may evolve to this organization in the future and discussions have occurred about the Centre providing similar support to the Community Services POD. In the event this seems the best course of action for future POD administration then staff will seek Council's approval in a future report.

Of the 89 Community Services POD applications received this year, 23 were from Vancouver groups. Although the program is province-wide, City funds are only allocated to Vancouver-based organizations that provide services to Vancouver residents. The other funders contribute both to Vancouver groups and non-Vancouver groups. For this cycle, contributions and budget are as follows:

Partners in Organizational Development Funder Contribution


City of Vancouver


Vancouver Foundation


United Way of the Lower Mainland


Returned Funds




less 6% United Way administration fee for Van. Fdn & City only




POD allocations are being recommended for 7 Vancouver community services groups, as noted in Appendix A. As a result of being a funding partner for this grant program, the City has managed to leverage an additional $36,396 from United Way of the Lower Mainland and the Vancouver Foundation, which will assist 15 social and health service agencies located in the city. The Vancouver groups who will receive funding from the other POD funders are listed in Appendix B-1. The Vancouver groups not recommended for POD funding are noted in Appendix B-2.


There are no additional financial implications to the 2003 City Operating budget as a result of approving a $20,000 Partners in Organizational Development grant to United Way of the Lower Mainland. The funds were approved for POD as a component of the 2003 Community Services Grants budget on February 27, 2003. Council's approval to disburse the remaining $20,000 in the Community Services Grants budget will leave no unallocated funds remaining in this budget.


The Director of Social Planning recommends allocation of a $20,000 POD grant to United Way of the Lower Mainland to be subsequently distributed to 7 Community Services groups as noted in Appendix A.

* * * * *




The following 7 Vancouver-based community services organizations are recommended for Partners in Organizational Development grants:





City Share

* Battered Women's Support Services (BWSS)

- for development of a fundraising plan




* Eastside Family Place

- for development of a strategic plan




* Japanese Community Volunteers Association

- for development of a strategic plan




* Prostitution Alternatives Counselling & Education Soc.

- for development of a strategic plan




* Strathcona Community Centre Association

- for development of a fundraising plan




Vancouver Life Skills Society (South Vancouver Family Place)

- for diversity/access planning




* WAVAW (Women Against Violence Against Women)

- for development of a strategic plan








Plus 6% administration fee to United Way of the Lower Mainland






* Asterisk indicates groups that are receiving additional contributions from other POD funders; see Appendix B-1 for these other contribution amounts




The following 15 Vancouver-based groups will also receive POD funding for organizational development activities from United Way of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Foundation:

** see also Appendix A



(other funders)

Aids Vancouver

- for a strategic plan



Affiliation of Multicultural Societies & Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)

- for organizational change planning and leadership/Board dev't.



** Battered Women's Support Services (BWSS)

- for development of a fundraising plan



Ctr. for Professional Caregivers Support, Research& Action

- for development of a communications plan



** Eastside Family Place

- for strategic planning



Family Support Institute

- for leadership/Board dev't. & a strategic plan



Genuine Progress Index Pacific Society

- for development of a communications plan



** Japanese Community Volunteers Association

- for development of a strategic plan



** Prostitution Alternatives Counselling & Education Soc.

- for development of a strategic plan



** Strathcona Community Centre Association

- for development of a fundraising plan



Strathcona Health Society

- for diversity/access plan



Vancouver Holocaust Ctr. Soc. for Education & Remembrance

- for development of a strategic plan



Vancouver Resource Society

- for strategic plan



Vancouver Soc.of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women

- for development of a strategic plan



** WAVAW - Women Against Violence Against Women

- for development of a strategic plan








The following 7 Vancouver community service organizations are not recommended for POD grants from the City of Vancouver allocation.

The Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver


Not a high priority for funding at this time - request was for funding to do organizational development/strategic communications planning to support resource development

Downtown Society for the Fellowship of Recovering Alcoholics (Vancouver Recovery Centre)


Ineligible - incomplete application

Family Service of Greater Vancouver


Ineligible - activity was to implement a major /planned giving strategy - POD funding is restricted to the development of a fundraising plan

411 Seniors Centre Society


Ineligible - Unclear activity plan including ineligible activities such as relocation planning, assessing organizations capacity to partner with a developer, beginning discussions/negotiations with government concerning rent subsidy; these activities do not meet the POD funding criteria

Pacific Post Partum Society


Ineligible - proposed activity to use POD funding to send a team of 6 to a "Raising More Money" workshop does not meet the POD funding criteria - POD grants are to be used to hire a consultant to work with an organization on such things as developing a fundraising plan

Vancouver Status of Women


Ineligible - VSW has accessed POD funding twice in the past five years.

YWCA of Vancouver


Ineligible - proposed project involves hosting a Youth Day and series of workshops for youth; these activities do not meet the POD funding criteria.


Partners in Organizational Development Infosheet 2003

(Note this is the text from the infosheet posted on the Social Planning Department web site)


City of Vancouver - Social Planning Department
United Way of the Lower Mainland
Vancouver Foundation

What is Partners in Organizational Development (POD)?

POD is a program that provides grants to non-profit organizations in BC to help them adapt to change, improve their organization and respond to diversity. The funding enables groups to work with an experienced consultant/resource person to enhance organizational effectiveness.

Program Rationale

Established is 1989, the program is a response to the need for non-profit organizations to strengthen their practices and adapt to an increasingly complex environment. Challenged by financial uncertainty, demographic shifts, heightened competition and growing service demands, it has become vital for community groups to have strong governance and management practices and the ability to adapt to ongoing change and diversity.

POD offers short-term support to agencies committed to strengthening their organization.

Who can apply?

POD is available to health and social service organizations that are registered non-profit societies in the Province of British Columbia in good standing.

POD helps organizations address such questions as:
· Are our programs and mission relevant to changing community needs and reflective of diversity?
· Do we have clear goals and strategies?
· Do board and staff have a common understanding of their roles and responsibilities?
· Are our services and practices accessible and sensitive to diverse communities?
· Does our fundraising plan meet our current and future needs?

Who is NOT eligible?

What activities are funded?
Activities to strengthen organizations and improve effectiveness, such as:

What does a POD grant cover?

Funding is NOT available for:

Please note that demand exceeds available funds. Applicants that do not have the resources to undertake organizational development on their own will have first priority.

How does an organization apply?

For those interested in obtaining the application package electronically, you may visit the Vancouver Foundation website at: (click on "Community", then POD) or the website of the United Way of the Lower Mainland at: Please note the following deadlines:

Application deadline:
September 26, 2003 if Hand Delivered no later than 5:00 PM
Please note that we cannot accept applications that are LATE, faxed, e-mailed, or incomplete. Attachments will not be accepted.

Successful applicants will receive notification approximately 8 weeks after the deadline. All grant recipients are required to submit an evaluation report form at the completion of the POD project.

Based on feedback from former POD recipients, we strongly encourage you to undertake an organizational self-assessment to identify your needs. To assist you with this process, we have developed a self-assessment tool, which is part of the application package.

An Application Package may be obtained by:

Leslie Loving
United Way of the Lower Mainland
4543 Canada Way
Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4T4
FAX: (604) 293-0010
TEL: (604) 294-8929 (Local 2255) EMAIL:

Please send us a POD application package:

Mailing Address: Contact Person:
