Vancouver City Council |
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Transportation and Traffic was held on Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 9:30 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Fred Bass, Chair
*Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor David Cadman
*Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner, Vice-Chair
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
*Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthABSENT:
Councillor Sam Sullivan (Sick Leave)
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City ManagerCITY CLERK'S OFFICE:
Lori Isfeld, Meeting Coordinator
*Denotes absence for a portion of the meeting.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic meeting of November 4, 2003, were adopted.
1. Annual Review of Water Rates for 2004 (File 1755)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 14, 2003, in which the Director of Finance and General Manager of Engineering Services recommended approval of a general increase in water charges for 2004 to fund GVWD and City water system costs. The General Manager of Corporate Services recommended approval.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager, Engineering Services, provided introductory remarks regarding water, sewer and solid waste utility fees for 2004.
Don Brynildsen, Assistant City Engineer, Water and Sewers, provided a PowerPoint presentation on current challenges and initiatives involved in distribution of clean water in a sustainable fashion. Mr. Brynildsen reviewed the water distribution system and 2004 operating budget projections and noted water costs are going up but the GVRD is still among those regions with the lowest costs in North America. He also noted consumption has remained level so no new sources are required in the next 30 years and that the intent is to develop a long-range sustainable plan for Vancouver.
Mr. Brynildsen with Susan Clift, Waterworks Engineer, responded to questions regarding conservation options for sprinkling and toilets, lawn replacement, the "Grow Natural" and rain barrel programs, and re-use of storm water. It was noted a report back to Council on conservation options is being prepared for the spring of 2004.
Council requested additional information memoranda from staff on the following:
· Comparison of purity and taste of Vancouver water;
· Filtration options to clean metals and chlorine from water;
· Information on other cities that produce and export bottled water as a form of revenue;
· Information on the City of Vancouver's policy regarding bottled water;
· Options to promote transformation of lawns to indigenous and water tolerant plantings;
· Summary of "Qualserve" report to be circulated to Council.MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council approve an increase in water rates contained in the Water Works By-law, for 2004, of approximately 6.0% as detailed in the Administrative Report dated November 14, 2003, entitled "Annual Review of Water Rates for 2004"; this increase is to apply to:
· Flat fees for single dwelling units (increase from $271 to $287) (Schedule "B" of Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated November 14, 2003, entitled "Annual Review of Water Rates for 2004"),
· Other flat water service charges for residential properties (Schedule "B"),
· Charges for metered water service (Schedule "D"), and
· Charges for temporary water service during construction (Schedule "F").
B. THAT fees for the following services be increased 4% for 2004, as detailed in the Administrative Report dated November 14, 2003, entitled "Annual Review of Water Rates for 2004":
· Flat rate water connection and removal fees (Schedule "A"),
· Service pipe removal fees (Schedule "A.1"),
· Flat service charges for unmetered fire service pipes (Schedule "C"),
· Meter service charges (Schedule "E"), and
· Flat rate fees for installation of water meters (Schedule "G").
C. THAT Council approve changes to miscellaneous fees as follows:
· The fee for returned cheques be increased to $35 (Schedule "I"), and
· The fee for special meter readings be increased to $75 (Section "3A(b)").
D. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward the necessary amendments to the Water Works By-law for approval, including rate changes and related revisions in the Administrative Report dated November 14, 2003, entitled "Annual Review of Water Rates for 2004", and to clarify service charge requirements as described in the report.
(Councillors Green and Stevenson absent for the vote)2. Establishment of 2004 Sewer Rates (File 1755)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 6, 2003, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services and General Manager of Corporate Services recommended approval of revised sanitary sewer user fees and public sewer connection fees for 2004, and revised utility manhole drain, contaminated site groundwater, and ship wastewater disposal fees to ensure full cost recovery for these services.
Don Brynildsen, Assistant City Engineer, Water and Sewers, provided a PowerPoint presentation on initiatives to reduce overflows and move sewers to a full utility to reflect a user-pay system.
Mr. Brynildsen, Dave Rudberg, General Manager, Engineering Services, Steve McTaggart, Assistant Sewers and Drainage Engineer, and Dave Boyko, Manager, Sewers Operations responded to questions regarding elimination of outflows at Southeast False Creek by 2010, sewer separation and the precautionary rodding program.
Information was requested on effects of garburator use on the environment. Council was advised this information would be provided in a report next year.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT 2004 sanitary sewer user fees be set as per Appendix 1 of the Administrative Report dated November 6, 2003, entitled "Establishment of 2004 Sewer Rates".
B. THAT 2004 public sewer connection fees be set as per Appendix 2 of the Administrative Report dated November 6, 2003, entitled "Establishment of 2004 Sewer Rates".
C. THAT Council approve an increase in the annual fee for utility manhole drains, contaminated site ground water, and ship wastewater disposal fees as presented in Appendix 3 of the Administrative Report dated November 6, 2003, entitled "Establishment of 2004 Sewer Rates".D. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward for enactment such amendments to the Sewer and Watercourse By-law as are required to implement Recommendations A, B, and C of the Administrative Report dated November 6, 2003, entitled "Establishment of 2004 Sewer Rates".
(Councillor Stevenson absent for the vote)3. 2004 Solid Waste Utility Fees and By-law Changes (File 3756)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 19, 2003, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services recommended approval of Solid Waste Utility Fees for 2004, minor changes to the Solid Waste By-law, and approval of long term staffing changes at the Landfill and Transfer Station.
Kevin Van Vliet, Solid Waste Management Engineer, provided a PowerPoint presentation which reviewed garbage collection, recycling and yard trimming removal issues and fees proposed for 2004. Mr. Van Vliet noted a long-range solid waste management plan would be looked at in 2004 and he responded to questions regarding recycling promotion and garbage disposal issues around junk mail and fast food facilities.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager, Engineering Services and Paul Henderson, Manager, Landfill Operations, reported on the success of the award winning gas program at the landfill, noting the system is now run by City staff.
Council requested information memoranda from staff on the following:
· Options to speed the process of removing garbage chutes to encourage recycling;
· Product stewardship approach for newspaper recycling and litter collection;
· Options for increasing residential recycling rates;
· Options for dealing with organic waste from restaurants and households;
· Options for dealing with canine feces removal.MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. (i) THAT the 2004 annual garbage collection fees be increased by $1 to $32 per garbage receptacle and remain at $27 per stop.
(ii) THAT the 2004 annual recycling fees be reduced by $2 to $9 per dwelling unit and by $3 to $12 per stop.
(iii) THAT the 2004 annual yard waste collection fees be increased by $3 to $35 per stop.
(The recommendations in `A' result in no net change in the total fees for a single family homeowner.)
B. THAT reimbursements of the annual SWU fees be made, in monthly increments, when the period from demolition of an existing residential dwelling to occupancy of a new residential dwelling is longer than one year.
C. THAT Landfill demolition tipping fees be increased from $370 to $390 for each tandem axle trailer and from $445 to $470 for each tridem axle trailer.
D. THAT the following changes be made subject to a review and classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, and funded from the Landfill User Fees.
(i) THAT the temporary full-time Systems Analyst II position be changed to a regular full-time Systems Analyst II position.
(ii) THAT the regular part-time Weighmaster position at the Transfer Station be changed to a regular full-time position.
(iii) THAT a regular full-time Environmental Technician position be created at the Landfill.
(iv) THAT a regular full-time Clerical position at the Landfill be created.
(v) THAT a new vehicle be provided for Landfill staff.
E. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare a by-law to amend the Solid Waste and Recycling By-law to incorporate the 2004 fee increases and other miscellaneous amendments generally in accordance with the Administrative Report dated November 19, 2003, entitled "2004 Solid Waste Utility Fees and By-law Changes".
4. West 11th Avenue Greenway - Pedestrian-Activated Signal at Arbutus (File 5761)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 5, 2003, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services sought Council's approval for the installation of a pedestrian-activated signal on the 11th Avenue Greenway at Arbutus Street.
Chris Underwood, Structures and Greenways, reviewed the report, noting local businesses and residents are in support and that because construction in the area is complete with tenancy filled, it is time to move forward.
Veronica Ross, local resident, urged Council to approve the proposed pedestrian-activated signal and requested traffic calming measures on the streets around Kitsilano Secondary School be considered. Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer, Transportation, advised the four blocks around the school would be considered as part of the 2004 Speed Hump program.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council approve the installation of a pedestrian-activated signal at Arbutus Street and 11th Avenue at an estimated cost of $70,000 with funding to be provided, as previously approved by Council, from Arbutus Neighbourhood Development Cost Levy (DCL) District proceeds.
The Committee adjourned at 11:48 a.m.
* * * * *
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 11:49 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic meeting, to consider the recommendations and actions of the Committee.
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthABSENT:
Councillor Sam Sullivan (Sick Leave)
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City ManagerCITY CLERK'S OFFICE:
Lori Isfeld, Meeting Coordinator
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.
Report of Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
December 2, 2003Council considered the report containing the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic. Its items of business included:
1. Annual Review of Water Rates for 2004
2. Establishment of 2004 Sewer Rates
3. 2004 Solid Waste Utility Fees and By-law Changes
4. West 11th Avenue Greenway - Pedestrian-Activated Signal at ArbutusMOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic at its meeting of December 2, 2003, as contained in Items 1-4 be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
The Council adjourned at 11:50 a.m.
* * * * *