Vancouver City Council |
November 5, 2003
C. Underwood
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
December 2, 2003
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
General Manager of Engineering Services
West 11th Avenue Greenway - Pedestrian Activated Signal at Arbutus.
THAT Council approve the installation of a pedestrian-activated signal at Arbutus Street and 11th Avenue at an estimated cost of $70,000 with funding to be provided, as previously approved by Council, from Arbutus Neighbourhood Development Cost Levy (DCL) District proceeds.
On November 19, 1992 Council approved the Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan, which calls for special street treatment of Arbutus Street as the future shopping and pedestrian focus, and 11th Avenue as an extension of the greenway system.
On July 18, 1995 Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan.
On November 7, 1995 Council established the Arbutus Neighbourhood Development Cost Levy (DCL) District and approved that 9.7 percent of levy proceeds set at $43.06 per square metre ($4.00 per square foot) be applied to street improvements.
On May 29, 1997 Council approved in principle the Arbutus Neighbourhood Greenway and Streetscape Concept Plan, and authorized the use of Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) for the development of the 11th Avenue Greenway.
Council's transportation policy places the highest priority on pedestrians.
The City Transportation Plan indicates that pedestrians should be able to cross roads safely, easily and comfortably.
This report seeks Council's approval for the installation of a pedestrian-activated signal on the 11th Avenue Greenway at Arbutus Street.
Greenways are "green paths" - roadways, trails and corridors that expand the opportunity for urban recreation and alternative pedestrian transportation. They are intended to enhance the experience of nature, community and city life.
In July 1995, Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan. The Plan includes the implementation of the 11th Avenue Greenway (the Greenway), located between Vine and Maple Streets, to be funded through Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) and Development Cost Levies (DCLs) collected from the redevelopment of sites in the Arbutus Neighbourhood.
In May 1997 Council approved in principal the Arbutus Neighbourhood Greenway and Streetscape Concept Plan, and authorized the use of CACs for the development of the Greenway. Among other things, this Plan calls for accommodations for pedestrians and improved neighbourhood connections, and identifies a pedestrian-activated crossing at Arbutus Street and 11th Avenue as being an important component of the Greenway by the community and a work item for Engineering.
The construction of the 11th Avenue Greenway between Vine and Arbutus Streets is now complete. With this portion completed, and now that the area has been filled with tenancies, the development of the remaining portion of the Greenway can move forward. A pedestrian-activated crossing at Arbutus is designated as the next item for construction on the Greenway and is considered by the public and staff as essential to facilitate a safe crossing for pedestrians. Public consultation and design work for the final block of the Greenway, between Arbutus and Maple Streets, will begin later this year.
The delivery of the 11th Avenue Greenway has been regarded by both Council and neighbours as an important public benefit associated with the conversion of the Arbutus Industrial Lands to residential uses at higher densities.
Community support for this project has been confirmed through an extensive consultation process over six years, including at least 50 public meetings. The following is a summary of the outcome of this process and the results of analysis work completed by Planning and Engineering staff:
· 11th Avenue links important neighbourhood open spaces - Connaught Park with the Kitsilano Community Centre at the western boundary to Lord Tennyson School at the eastern boundary. Both neighbours and Lord Tennyson School consider 11th Avenue as the preferred east-west Greenway route, if properly calmed and if provided with a safe crossing at Arbutus Street, as it is the most direct alignment between open spaces utilized by neighbours, students and those attending daycares which are also accessed from 11th Avenue.
· The Greenway crosses the new Arbutus "highstreet", which provides important locally serving retail uses, near the "heart" of the local community. This location is anticipated to be the most active area in the neighbourhood with more intensive retail and sidewalk activity. It is important for pedestrians to safely cross at this location to ensure retail viability. This location also serves as the "gateway" into the new development west of Arbutus.
· Recent developments at all 11th Avenue and Arbutus Street intersection corners provide retail opportunities with associated visual interests. It is anticipated that an increase in pedestrian movement will occur at this intersection with the completion of the third and final easterly segment of the Greenway between Arbutus and Maple Streets.
· The Maple to Arbutus Streets segment further reinforces 11th Avenue as the preferred location of the Greenway and anticipates additional pedestrian movement across Arbutus at 11th, as it is characterized by:
_ large, mature trees which will greatly contribute to the pedestrian amenity of the Greenway at that location; and
_ two significant Heritage buildings, the Jones Tent and Awning building and the Bessborough Armouries. These structures present a unique opportunity to provide a visually interesting and educational environment, associated with the Greenway itself.Residents, business owners, representatives of the Bessborough Armouries and staff all concur with 11th Avenue as the Greenway location and the provision of a pedestrian-activated crossing at Arbutus Street to help facilitate the safe passage of Greenway users. To complete the remaining block of the Greenway, between Arbutus and Maple Streets, staff will soon begin additional public consultation and design work.
A remaining balance of $218,378 is available from CACs and DCLs for the completion of the 11th Avenue Greenway and related street improvements. The estimated cost of the pedestrian activated crossing is $70,000, and is to be provided from DCL Account 320101 designated for Arbutus Neighbourhood street improvements. The completion of the final block of the 11th Avenue Greenway will be funded through remaining Arbutus Neighbourhood CACs and DCLs previously approved by Council.
The installation of a pedestrian-activated crossing at Arbutus and 11th Avenue, as detailed in this report, is recommended based on the benefits it will provide to pedestrians and other users of the 11th Avenue Greenway, and is supported by area businesses and residents.
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