DATE: Thursday, November 20, 2003

TIME: 7:30 p.m.

PLACE: Council Chamber
Third Floor, City Hall

For information, please contact Laura Kazakoff at 604.871.6353
or e-mail laura_kazakoff@city.vancouver.bc.ca

1. Text Amendment: Zoning and Development By-law, CD-1s, Official Development Plans

2. Heritage Designation: 2627 Dundas Street (True Colours)

3. Heritage Designation: 2647-2655 Manitoba Street (Restore It)

4. Heritage Designation: 5872 Wales Street

5. Text Amendment: 555 Great Northern Way

6. Sign By-law Amendment: 798 Granville Street

b) THAT prior to enactment of the text amendment to the Sign By-law the registered owner of 798 Granville Street shall make arrangements to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services for the execution of a legal agreement by the owner and the City setting out:

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