Vancouver City Council |
November 3, 2003
Hugh D. McLean
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
1401-60 Meeting Date:
November 20, 2003
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning
Heritage Designation of 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street
A. THAT Council approve the designation of 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street, listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register in the "B" category, as a protected heritage property.
B. THAT Council commend the building owners for designating their property on a voluntary basis and for participating in the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's Restore It program.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of Recommendations A and B.
Heritage Policies and Guidelines state, in part, that:
The City's long-term goal is to protect through voluntary designation as many resources on the Vancouver Heritage Register as possible.PURPOSE
This report seeks Council's approval for the designation of 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street, listed in the "B" category on the Heritage Register, as a protected heritage property under the Vancouver Charter. The building owners are requesting the heritage designation of 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street on a voluntary basis as part of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's Restore It program for 2003.
The Vancouver Heritage Foundation is nearing completion of its first round of annual grants for its Restore It program. The Foundation is providing funding and expertise to homeowners to restore the outside of heritage homes in a manner that is authentic to the period in which the house was built. The Foundation has made municipal heritage designation a condition of receiving the grant. There are three recipients of this year's grants, one of which is already designated. A second recipient in Mole Hill will proceed with designation upon completion of the area's restoration. The third recipient, 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street, is not designated and as a condition of receiving the funding is now seeking Council approval to designate.
Heritage Value: The house at 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street is listed in the "B" category on the Vancouver Heritage Register. This two storey wood frame house has both architectural and historical significance. It is a good example of a Queen Anne style Victorian house featuring full height two-storey bay windows and a small covered entry porch with decorative woodwork. It was built in 1898 for William Booth Skinner, a pioneer from Ladner where two of his sisters were wives of the two founding Ladner brothers. After moving to Mount Pleasant, Skinner opened a boot and shoe store on Westminster Avenue, now Main Street.
Compatibility with Community Planning Objectives: The house is located in the RT-6 Zoning District. Heritage designation of 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street supports the RT-6 District Schedule intent to encourage the retention and restoration of existing buildings to maintain a style and form consistent with the area.
Zoning Considerations: The house is currently occupied as a duplex. This is permitted under RT-6 zoning. There is no development application for this site.
Support Required to Enable Conservation: The property owners have submitted a letter (on file with the Legal Services Department) requesting the designation of 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street and waiving any future compensation demands. Therefore, no additional support to achieve appropriate conservation of this building is required.
Notification: The Director of Legal Services has prepared the necessary Heritage By-law and requirements have been met for notification as specified by the Vancouver Charter.
An important long-term heritage policy of the City is to protect heritage resources through voluntary designation. The owners of 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street have agreed to the heritage designation of this house as a condition of participating in the Restore It program administered by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation. Designation is compatible with the community planning objectives and the zoning for the site and will protect this heritage house from inappropriate alterations and demolition in the future. Participation in the Restore It program will also heighten community awareness of the restoration potential of heritage houses, particularly those that have received unsympathetic alterations in the past. It is therefore recommended that Council designate 2647 - 2655 Manitoba Street as a Protected Heritage Property.
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