Vancouver City Council


Director of Real Estate Services, in consultation with the General Manager of Engineering Services


Approval of a Loading and Garbage Facility Easement Agreement between City-owned lands at 130 Water Street, and 125 West Cordova Street




There is no Council policy directly attributable to this matter.


The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval for an easement agreement between the two City-owned properties, Lot K at 125 West Cordova Street, and Lot J at 130 Water Street, for the Lot J users to access the loading and garbage facility on Lot K, across the City lane known as Trounce Alley (See Appendix A).


The Gastown Parkade comprises of the Water Street parking and the Cordova Street parking structures. On April 9, 2002 Council approved the redevelopment of the Water Street structure and the demolition and redevelopment of the Cordova Street structure.

One of the conditions of the development permit of the Cordova Street structure is for the Owner of Lot K to grant an easement to the Owner of Lot J. The City, as Regulatory Authority, requires the Owners to enter into a Section 219 Covenant with the City, for a registered easement agreement to continue in perpetuity, for access between the Water Street structure on Lot J, and the loading and garbage facility on the Cordova Street structure on Lot K.

The easement agreement would allow for the access to and from the loading and garbage facility from Lot J to Lot K, and for both owners to equally share the costs of maintaining and repairing the facility on the Cordova Street structure, except for structural costs which will be the responsibility of the owner of Lot K.


The Director of Real Estate Services is of the opinion that the easement agreement will have little to no effect on development of the City-owned lands. The General Manager of Engineering Service is of the opinion that any disruptions in the lane during the access to and from the loading and garbage facility service area will be minimal.

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