
October 20, 2003



Carol Ann Young


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

November 4, 2003


Vancouver City Council


Director of Social Planning


Approval of Availability of Child Care Spaces Subsidy Grant



The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, C and D.


Council established the annual Civic Childcare Grants Program on October 23, 1990, as part of the Civic Child Care Strategy to support the viability, accessibility and quality of child care services


This report makes recommendation for the allocation of the additional $162,250 Inner City Child Care Grant funding. Funding is intended to mitigate impacts of provincial child care subsidy policy changes and subsequent vacancies in child care programs in the Inner City. In addition, the subsidy is intended to assist low income families return to or retain their child care spaces in licensed programs, as many families have experienced a loss or reduced amount in their provincial subsidies making child care unaffordable. Recommendations for 33 child care grants supporting 527 spaces are proposed and set out in Appendix A. Staff will report back to Council in early 2004 on the results of this grant for funding in subsequent years.

In addition, this report makes recommendations for the funding of three additional grants. The first grant of $800 is for the translation costs of the Parent Permission form into four languages, which is part of the grant evaluation process. The second grant is to host a financial sustainability workshop for Inner City Child Care programs, to look at other ways of funding services, given provincial cut backs. The third grant is to provide a continuous Quality Improvement workshop for Enhancement Grant recipients for whom developing a continuous Quality Improvement plan was a grant condition. Funds for these three grants would come from unspent funds in Child Care Grant Categories from the 2003 Operating Budget.



Following the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets Meeting on July 24, 2003, Council approved additional funding to the Childcare Grant program of $162,250 annually to be directed to grants for improving child care affordability and stabilization under the Inner City Grant program, subject to evaluation and report back in early 2004; source of funds for 2003 to be from Contingency Reserve. Subject to the report back, funding for 2004 and subsequent years of $162,250 would be added to the Civic Grants Budget without offset.

As a result of a number of provincial policy changes and funding cuts to child care over the past three years, child care organizations across the City have seen a drop in the number of subsidized families. Inner City programs reported drops in enrolment and/or the replacement of low and moderate income families with full fee paying families as a result of subsidy policy changes. In an effort to ensure affordability and accessibility of quality care for low income families, Council approved a child care subsidy grant for Inner City programs. The funds are intended to eliminate current vacancies, provide a fee subsidy to 20% of the licensed spaces in Inner City program to increase affordability and to retain and return families with a limited ability to pay full fees.

A grant of $25 per space per month for 11 months was proposed to target to approximately 250 vacancies. In addition, 20% of the approximately 1,700 spaces identified in the Inner City grant applications in May, 2003, were to also receive a $25 per month grant.

City staff held two meetings with Inner City providers to determine what programs should be given priority and how best to support programs. Preschool and out-of-school care were identified as the programs most in need, with 3 to 5 care and infant/toddler as a second priority. In addition to the subsidy, participants strongly recommended that the City fund a follow-up workshop on financial sustainability for Inner City Child Care programs, similar to the one funded in previous years for the multi-service organizations. This would allow programs to examine the feasibility of developing other funding strategies for long term sustainability. Staff are recommending $3,300 to fund this workshop. Collingwood Neighbourhood House would host this workshop. Staff are recommending Collingwood as it was one of the three lead organizations in the first sustainability series.

In September, a modified grant application was sent out to all applicants of the May, 2003, Inner City Grants. Programs were asked to report June and September enrolment numbers and identify how many subsidies they required per program. Programs were also asked to provide a copy of their organization's subsidy policy and agree to participate in the evaluation process of the grant. As part of the evaluation, a Parent Permission form was also included in the grant package. This would identify and provide parents with the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the evaluation. Programs identified the need for the Permission forms to be translated into four other languages, including Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese, in order to serve families utilizing the grant funding.

Thirty-three grant applications were received, representing 1,417 licensed spaces. Three recipients of the Inner City Grant did not apply for subsidies. Applications indicated 245 vacancies. The most vacancies were in the out-of-school care (109), preschool (70) and 3 to 5 care (66). Some programs did indicate a reduction in the number of preschool sessions being offered due to low enrolments. Given that there are slightly less grant requests than initially budgeted for, staff are proposing that the monthly grant amount be increased from $25 to $28 per month.


Finally, the last grant request for $3,300 would provide Quality Improvement workshop for child care organizations that received the Child Care Enhancement Grant in May. These programs were required to produce a Quality Improvement Plan as a condition of granting. A number of organizations have expressed the need for some additional training in this area. To meet this demand, staff are proposing a $3,300 grant to Kiwassa Neighbourhood House to host a workshop series on continuous Quality Improvement. Given that Kiwassa Neighbourhood House was the lead agency in the three-year Quality pilot, staff felt that they were in the best position to host the workshop series.


Staff are recommending approval of grant requests for 527 spaces @ $28 per month for 11 months, totalling $162,316. Council has recommended that $162,250 would be added to the Civic Grant Budget without offset, subject to the report back in 2004. In addition, staff are recommending approval of $800 for translation of the Parent Permission form for the grant evaluation process and two grants totalling $3,300 each, to be approved for the financial sustainability workshop and the Quality Improvement workshop, respectively. This would leave $78 remaining unspent.


2003 Proposed

2003 Recommended

Program Enhancement



Inner City Grant*



City Wide/Administration



Inner City Subsidy



Total Allocation



Total Remaining



* Program Stabilization, Program Development and Research and Innovation Grant funds for 2003 were allocated to Inner City Grant.


This grant funding will assist 33 child care programs to provide up to $28 per month subsidy for 11 months to 527 child care spaces in the Inner City. The impact of this grant funding will be evaluated and reported back to Council in early 2004. In addition, Parent Permission forms for the grant evaluation will be translated into four languages at a cost of $800. Inner City programs will also be invited to attend a workshop on financial sustainability at a cost of $3,300.

Ten Enhancement Grant recipients will be invited to participate in a continuous Quality Improvement workshop to assist them in meeting grant conditions and improving overall program quality at a cost of $3,300. There is a balance of $78 remaining in this year's budget allocation.

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Postal Code




Brant Villa Day Care Soc

4103 Brant Street

V5N 5B5

Learning Tree Day Care


Britannia Comm Svc Soc

1661 Napier Street

V5L 4X4

Britannia Preschool



Britannia Comm Svc Soc

1661 Napier Street

V5L 4X4

Britannia Out of School Care



Cedar Cottage Nbhd Hse - ANH

4065 Victoria Drive

V5N 4M9

Cedar Cottage Preschool



Collingwood Nbhd House

5288 Joyce Street

V5R 6V9

Duke Street Preschool Prog


Provide Sept Subsidy Report

Eagles in the Sky Association

1661 Napier Street

V5L 4X4

Eagles in the Sky - Eaglets Group Dcare



Eagles in the Sky Association

1661 Napier Street

V5L 4X4

Eagles in the Sky - Kidzone OOS



Grandview Terrace CC Soc

1661 Napier Street

V5L 4X4

Grandview Terrace Childcare - Group DC



Grandivew Terrace CC Soc

1661 Napier Street

V5L 4X4

Grandview Terrace Childcare - OOS



Hastings Townsite Child Care Soc

2425 Oxford Street

V5K 1M7

Harbourview Daycare



St. David's Preschool Society

2425 Oxford Street

V5K 1M7

St. David's Preschool



Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc

2425 Oxford Street

V5K 1M7

Variety Club Daycare


Provide Internal Subsidy Policy

Frog Hollow Nbhd House

2131 Renfrew Street

V5M 4M5

Frog Hollow Nbhd Hse - Satellite DC



Little Mountain Nbhd Hse Soc

3981 Main Street

V5V 3P3

Little Mtn Child Dev Ctre - Sp Needs


Provide Internal Subsidy Policy

Little Mountain Nbhd Hse Soc

3981 Main Street

V5V 3P3

Little Mtn Child Dev Ctre - OOS



Mount Pleasant Nbhd Hse - ANH

800 East Broadway

V5T 1Y1

Mount Pleasant Nbhd House



Ray-Cam Cooperative Centre

920 East Hastings Street

V6A 3T1

Ray-Cam Preschool



Ray-Cam Cooperative Centre

920 East Hastings Street

V6A 3T1

Ray-Cam - OOS



Ray-Cam Cooperative Centre

920 East Hastings Street

V6A 3T1

Ray-Cam - Group Daycare



St. Michael's Ang. Church DC Ctre

409 East Broadway

V5T 1W8

St. Michael's Ang. Church DC Ctre


Provide Internal Subsidy Policy

Spare Time Clubhouse

4251 Ontario Street

V5V 3G8




Spare Time Challenge

6901 Elliot Street

V5S 2N1




Strathcona Comm Centre

601 Keefer Street

V6A 3V8

Strathcona Child Care Centre - Preschool



Strathcona Comm Centre

601 Keefer Street

V6A 3V8

Strathcona Child Care Centre - OOS


Provide subsidy Report 1 & 2

Sunset Child Care Society

8064 Buscombe Street

V5X 3S1

Sunset Daycare


Provide Internal Subsidy Policy

South Vancouver Nbhd House

6470 Victoria Drive

V5P 3X7

Poppins Preschool



Thunderbird Nbhd Assoc

2311 Cassiar Street

V5M 3X3

Thunderbird Nbhd Ctr OOS Care



Thunderbird Nbhd Assoc

2311 Cassiar Street

V5M 3X3

Thunderbird Nbhd Ctr OOS Care II



Thunderbird Preschool

2311 Cassiar Street

V5M 3X3

Thunderbird Nbhd Ctr



Van Chinese Pentecostal Ben Soc

215 East 18th Avenue

V5V 1E5

Sunshine Corner Daycare


Provide Internal Subsidy Policy

YMCA of Greater Vancouver

500 - 1188 West Georgia

V6E 4A2

Nanook YMCA CC Centre



YMCA of Greater Vancouver

500 - 1188 West Georgia

V6E 4A2

Mt. Pleasant YMCA OOS



YWCA of Vancouver

535 Hornby Street

V6C 2E8

YWCA Citygate Child Care Ctre







* * * * *
