Vancouver City Council |
October 21, 2003
F. Klotzbach
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
November 04, 2004
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services
Road Paving Adjacent New National Works Yard
THAT the construction of National Avenue, Thornton Street and Chess Street, adjacent the City's new National Works Yard, be undertaken with funding of $865,000 provided in an advance of the 2004 Streets Basic Capital Budget. Funding is provided from 2003-2005 borrowing authority approved by plebiscite.
Street Capital reconstruction is approved by Council as part of the annual Streets Capital Budget.
The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the reconstruction of National Avenue from Station Street to Chess Street, Thornton Street from National Avenue to Malkin Avenue and Chess Street from National Avenue to Malkin Avenue. This work is to be done this fall to coordinate with the opening of the City's new National Works Yard.
The new National Avenue works yard is currently under construction with completion expected at the end of the year. Funding for the yard construction and services on the site is part of the 2000 to 2002 Capital Plan. Funding for reconstruction of the surrounding roads is part of the Engineering Services Streets reconstruction program for Higher Zoned Streets - Local Improvements.
The City of Vancouver is finalizing construction on its new National Works Yard, with occupancy expected in December. As the existing roadways adjacent to the site are in extremely poor condition and in some areas, non existent, considerable construction is required to provide the necessary accessibility to the Works Yard.
The proposed roadways will have a pavement width of nine meters and either curb and gutter or grassed swales for infiltration drainage. Recycled granite curbs will be placed at some locations to delineate the roadway from the grassed swale. Catch basins and pavement base material on National Avenue have been previously provided. The funding requested will cover the costs of pavement construction, construction of grass swales, curbs and gutter and any additional catch basin relocations or installations necessary. It will also cover construction of a retaining wall at the east end of National Avenue adjacent to the Rail Yards, placing of the granite curbs and all street signage and line marking.
Funding from the 2003 to 2005 Capital Plan for reconstruction of Higher Zoned residential streets is $1.7 million, of which approximately $1.58 remains.
Some of the work required to reconstruct National Avenue, Thornton Street and Chess Street has been completed, however the remaining street work is estimated to cost $865,000. As such, $865,000 is being requested in advance of the 2004 Streets Basic Capital budget for Project A-5B - Higher Zoned Streets - Local Improvements.
Grass Swales on National Avenue and Thornton Street will filter pollutants from the road run off and provide an opportunity for some water to filtrate into the local water table before it enters the storm water sewer system. Granite curb stones will delineate the roadway from the grassed swale on National Avenue and Thornton Street. Their use is environmentally sound as it is re-using existing material. Road base, parking lanes and walkways will consist of asphalt grindings, again utilizing recycled materials. Trees and shrubs will be planted in the grassed swales on both sides of the roadway. This combination of hard and soft landscaping will produce a sustainable and attractive appearance.
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