Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services


Award of Tender - Pavement, Curbs and Concrete Work
New Engineering Works Yard



A. THAT Council approve award of Contract No.0202500 for pavement, curbs and concrete work to the low complete tenderer, B.A. Blacktop Ltd., in the amount of $981,566.31 which includes PST and net GST . The funding is to be provided from 2002 Yards Basic Capital account number 30005178 in order group CA3EF and a transfer of $250,000 from 2003 Yards Basic Capital account number 30006220 in order group CB1EF1X1.

B. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services be authorized to execute and deliver a Notice of Award on behalf of the City, and the Director of Legal Services be authorized to execute and deliver contract No. 0202500 on behalf of the City.

C. THAT no legal rights or obligations will be created or arise by Council's approval of Recommendation A unless and until a Notice of Award is executed and delivered by the City to B.A. Blacktop Ltd.


The General Manager of Engineering Services recommends approval of the foregoing.


The policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest values based on quality, service and price.

Construction contracts with a value over $300,000 are to be awarded by Council.


This report seeks authorization to award a construction tender for yard pavement, curbs and concrete work for the new works yard project and transfer the necessary funding for the award.


· Development of the new engineering works yard is part of the 2000 - 2002 Capital Plan.
· The new yard will replace the existing Cambie Yard which is nearing the end of its useful life.
· On July 31, 2001, Council approved awarding the design and construction management contract for the yard to Omicron Consulting Group.
· On November 20, 2001, Council approved implementing LEEDTM sustainable practices into the two main buildings in the yard. LEEDTM ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a means of measuring sustainable building practices in five key areas: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality.
· Construction management is being used for the works yard development which involves sequential tendering for the main building components.
· Council has previously approved award of contracts for piling, earthworks, concrete, structural steel, pre-engineered buildings, mechanical systems, electrical systems, communication systems, exterior glazing, engineered wood, metal roofing, metal wall cladding, steel stud wall systems and fuel system.


This report recommends award of a contract for yard paving, curbs, and concrete work. This contract covers supply and placement of yard pavement, curbs, concrete walks and ramps. From a public invitation for expression of interest, 5 contractors were pre-qualified for this tender. Bids were closed on October 2nd. The following complete bids were received:

B.A. Blacktop


Columbia Bitulithic Ltd.


Winvan Paving Ltd.


Imperial Paving Limited


amounts include 3% net GST


The consulting engineer's estimate for this work is $860,000. On the basis of best value, it is recommended that the contract be awarded to B.A. Blacktop, the low bidder, in the amount of $981,566.31 including PST and net GST. All tenderers have been notified of these recommendations.


The overall budget approved for this project is $21.884 million from the Yards Capital Plan and loans. Within the funding approved for the project, $731,566.31 has been allocated for paving and curbs. Low bid for this tender is $981,566.31 including net GST. It is proposed to cover the shortfall on the pavement budget through a $250,000 transfer of funds from 2003 Yards Capital for Manitoba Yard to the National Yard. The original budget included in the Manitoba Yard Capital Plan for paving was $300,000. This transfer means deferring all but the most needed of the Manitoba Yard pavement work to a future Capital Plan.

Funding for this tender which totals $981,566.31 is available in 2002 Yards Basic Capital account number 30005178 in order group CA3EF ($731,566.31) and 2003 Yards Basic Capital account number 30006220 order group CB1EF1X1 ($250,000.00).


This Contract incorporates a number of sustainable features:
· reuse of asphalt millings from roads in place of gravel
· flyash will be used in the concrete used for curbs and walks
· a construction waste management program has been specified for this contract with a goal of recycling in excess of 80% of all construction waste.

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