Administrative Report



September 3, 2003



J. Patterson


Phone No.:



RTS No.:

RTS 03576


CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

September 9, 2003


Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services
Director of Current Planning
Manager of Materials Management


Granville Street Redesign Project: Award of Request for Proposal (RFP) No. PS03008



Consulting contracts with a value over $30,000 are referred to City Council for approval.


This report seeks Council approval to enter into a contract with Allan Jacobs and Elizabeth Macdonald, Principals of Cityworks, and approval to award RFP No. 03008 to Hotson Bakker Architects to provide professional services to assist Cityworks in redesigning Granville Street (Granville Bridge sidewalks to Waterfront Station), to provide presentation graphics and to undertake transportation and transit analysis of alternative design options.


Study, analysis and recommendations on the future functions of Granville Street, specifically that portion of the street from Smithe to Hastings Streets that functions as a pedestrian and transit mall and excludes general traffic, was included in the terms of reference for the Downtown Transportation Plan by Council on July 6, 1999. Following a review by the Downtown Transportation Plan staff, Council adopted the following resolution on May 14, 2002:

On December 12, 2002, Council approved the allocation of funds from the 2003 Operating Budget to undertake the Granville Street Redesign Project. It had been agreed by staff of the two organizations that TransLink and the City would each contribute 50 percent of the total project budget of $147,000, or $73,500 each. Terms of reference for the proposed redesign project were also approved, including the provision that any redesign options shall enhance the transit and pedestrian environment in the downtown.

On June 10, 2003, Council approved the implementation timetable for the Downtown Transportation Plan. Included amongst the deliverables in the first three years of implementation was the Granville Street Redesign Project. A parallel study of programming and governance of the street in co-operation with the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA) was also included in the timetable for the three years ending in December 2005.



At the invitation of the City, Allan Jacobs and Elizabeth Macdonald visited Vancouver and Granville Street in July 2002 and explored the scope and terms of reference for the Granville Street Redesign Project with staff. They agreed to accept the City's invitation, but stipulated that they would not be able to assume the entirety of the responsibility for the project. They specified that they would require assistance with completing details of initial conceptual design options for the street and completing presentation drawings. They also indicated that their schedule precluded spending the time in Vancouver that would be required to complete a project of such intense public interest. And as anticipated by Council's resolution of May 14, 2002, they indicated the need for separate professional advice and assistance in determining the impact of alternative options on Granville Street's and particularly on the efficiency and effectiveness of transit along Granville Street and in the downtown.

Proposed lump sum fixed fees for covering Cityworks' leadership role in the conceptual redesign of Granville Street are $28,500 plus GST plus disbursements for travel. Total estimated cost of the contract with Cityworks is $36,500 plus GST as applicable, assuming $8,000 in total travel disbursements.

RFP No. PS03008:

RFP No. PS03008, including the roles of Cityworks and Allan Jacobs and the contractor, was advertised in the local press and was issued and posted on the City's web site and on the BC Purchasing Commission's BC Bid web site on June 27, 2003. Proposals were opened on July 23, 2003, and referred to the General Manager of Engineering Services, the Manager of Materials Management and the Director of Current Planning for a report back.
The services required by the contractor, in collaboration with Cityworks, in the RFP include:

The Granville Street redesign Project will be initiated with meetings with stakeholders and public workshops on the future visions for the street. It will include a public design charette for which stakeholders and members of the public will be invited to participate in redesigning the street.

The study will be jointly managed by TransLink and the City's Current Planning and Engineering Services departments. Results are also planned to be presented in three public open houses during an eight month process. A report back to Council with recommendations on a conceptual redesign of Granville Street is anticipated in the spring of 2004.

The RFP and proposal evaluation process was facilitated by the Materials Management Branch of Corporate Services. An evaluation team comprised of representatives from Current Planning, Engineering Services and TransLink assessed the proposals with respect to the following criteria:

The following steps were taken in completing the evaluation process:

$ proposals were evaluated by team members individually;
$ a composite score was assigned for each proposal based on team member scores;
$ pricing was then combined with the team composite score;
$ questions seeking clarification of the proposals were forwarded to the respective proponents for response; and
$ interviews were conducted as necessary to further seek clarification of the proposals.

The evaluation team evaluated a total of six proposals from three proponents with proposed prices ranging from $96,366 to $138,375. Three proposals were not given further consideration as they did not meet transportation analysis requirements or included options that were not considered necessary. The remaining three proposals are summarized in the following table:


Fixed Lump Sum Fee

Hotson Bakker Architects

$ 96,366

Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg


IBI Group


Based on the results of the evaluation, Hotson Bakker's proposal meets RFP requirements, ranks the highest and provides the overall best value to TransLink and the City. Both TransLink and the City have had previous good experiences with this company. Therefore, it is recommended that the contract for the Granville Street Redesign Project, working in collaboration with Cityworks, be awarded to Hotson Bakker and its sub-contractors, G.D. Hamilton Associates Consulting Ltd, transportation engineers, and Nelson Nygaard, transit consultants.

TransLink staff concurs with the recommendations of this report.


The fixed lump sum costs of the respective contracts recommended in this report are $28,500 plus GST and disbursements for travel for Cityworks and $96,366 for Hotson Bakker Architects. Using an estimate of $8,000 for travel expenses for Cityworks, the total estimated cost of both contracts is estimated to be $132,866 plus GST as applicable. Both contracts will be jointly funded 50/50 by the City and TransLink. The City's share of funding is available from the $73,500 operating budget previously approved by Council on December 12, 2002. TransLink has confirmed its 50 percent contribution to the total cost of the contracts and total project budget.


Staff recommend that a contract of $28,500 plus GST and disbursements for travel with Cityworks to lead the Granville streetscape redesign process be approved. Staff has conducted a public proposal call for a consultant to assist Cityworks in completing the Granville Street Redesign Project and providing transportation analysis and transit consulting services. After an evaluation of all submitted proposals, it is recommended that Hotson Bakker Architects be awarded the contract based on best value to the City.

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