RTS No. 3561


Vancouver City Council


City Manager


Establishment of Commission on Electoral Reform



On July 29, 2003, Council requested that the City Manager provide a report to Council on September 9, 2003, proposing a process to establish a Commission on Electoral Reform, reflecting the guidelines outlined in the resolution on Establishment of a Commission on Electoral Reform (Appendix A).


The City Manager seeks Council approval of the process for establishing and supporting a Commission on Electoral Reform and an interim budget.


At its meeting on July 29, 2003 Council decided to establish a Commission on Electoral Reform in accordance with the guidelines contained the motion on notice, which it adopted
(Appendix A). A Committee of Council, made up of Councillors Cadman and Louie, will recommend the composition and membership of the Commission to Council. The City Manager was requested to develop a process for establishing and supporting Commission activities.


In adopting the resolution to establish a Commission on Electoral Reform, Council also adopted a detailed mandate and schedule for the Commission (Appendix A). The Commissions' activities will be grouped into two major phases:

This report deals only with Phase 1 since it is the mandate of the Commission to consider and recommend how it will proceed in Phase 2. Staff will assist the appointed Commission to prepare those recommendations as it requests. City resources likely required by the Commission to assist in preparing the work plan are the City Clerk, lawyers, planners, Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists, communication professionals and clerical staff.

It is recommended that key City staff, such as the City Clerk (who is also the Chief Electoral Officer) assist the Commission, and that the City's GIS system be used to draw proposed ward boundaries, as it is this system that prepares address-based Voters Lists for elections.

In the absence of a Commission to make decisions about how it will approach its Phase I work, developing a budget is difficult. In addition to the specifics of how it will develop its proposed work plan, the Commission will have to decide to what extent it wishes to use City staff or, in the alternative, contract externally. Should the Commission choose to utilize City staff, Departments will need to consider workloads and to what level existing resources may be allocated.

It is estimated that for Phase 1 the Commission will require a budget of $35,000 to prepare its plan for Phase 2. This cost may be lower depending on how many Commissioners are appointed and to what extent City staff are used and funded from existing budgets. The kinds of activities included in this estimate are:

Orientation meetings
Development of terms of reference, working protocols
Office set up, rentals and supplies
Research and review legal framework and statutes
Research and cost consultation and communication strategies
Research costs for other support services and supplies
Review Vancouver electoral systems and input collected to date
Develop work plan and budget for Phase 2
Validate and amend work plan and budget for Phase 2
Prepare report to Council with Phase 2 proposal by Nov.1, 2003


The budget for Phase 1 of the Commissions' activities, estimated at $35,000, is to be funded from Contingency Reserve. However, the total budget will depend on the degree to which the Commission wishes to utilize existing City staff, use external resources, and back-filling staff positions. The budget and funding for Phase 2 of the Commission work will be reported to Council in the fall of 2004.


It is imperative that the Commission on Electoral reform has the resources required to conduct public consultation processes effectively and make informed recommendations. Phase 1 of the Commissions' work is critical as it will set the scope and extent of the work to be carried out.

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Appendix A

Council Resolution of July 29, 2003
Establishment of Commission on Electoral Reform
