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August 22, 2003



Lori Isfeld


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:




TO :

Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic


GM Eng.


2003 Street Banner Program


  1. THAT Council receive the Community Vision implementation strategy for Sunset and Victoria-Fraserview /Killarney as described in this report, including the attached Action Plans (Appendices A and B).
  2. THAT Council approve the creation of a permanent Planning Assistant 3 position to work on implementation of the Sunset and Victoria- Fraserview /Killarney Visions, effective January 2004. Annual cost is $51,500 including benefits plus a one-time cost of $3,000 for computer and software. Funding for 2004 and future years to be added to the CityPlans operating budget with offset.
  3. THAT Council approve an annual budget of $10,000 per Vision community for communications and outreach expenses. Funding is available within the Visions budget for 2003. Funding for future years, based on $10,000 per Vision community per year, to be added to the CityPlans Division operating budget without offset.


The General Manager of Community Services notes that the four approved Community Visions are used increasingly by staff throughout the City to inform discussions and decisions on funding and program delivery in these communities. Prior to the Visions program, most of these local areas had no policy plans. The Visions together with the ongoing contract with these communities has enabled us to focus the appropriate City programs and services to better meet local circumstances. Over the 15 to 20 year time frame of the Visions most of the directions will be addressed by redirecting City resources. However, here will be some instances where existing resources cannot be redirected at this time and additional funds are necessary. Provision of Implementation staff and resources is essential to ensure that both City staff and the community have the advice and support required to make the Visions happen. The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C.


There is no applicable Council Policy.


This report recommends Council receive the implementation strategy for the Sunset and Victoria- Fraserview /Killarney Community Visions, including Action Plans, and approve a staff position and communications/outreach budget.


This report recommends Council receive the implementation strategy for the Sunset and Victoria- Fraserview /Killarney Community Visions, including Action Plans, and approve a staff position and communications/outreach budget.


Community Visions are based on CityPlan , Vancouver 's official plan for the future. CityPlan covers a range of topics and includes a number of directions related to strengthening neighbourhoods; neighbourhood centres - shops, jobs and services close to home; greater housing variety; distinctive neighbourhood character; enhanced community involvement; greener, safer public areas; better local access to services. The Community Visions program was designed to bring CityPlan to the local level in a way that addresses location conditions.


Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage (KCC) were the first two communities to participate in the Community Visions program. Their Visions and Implementation Plans were approved in 1998 and 1999 respectively. The next two Visions, Sunset and Victoria- Fraserview /Killarney (VFK), were approved by Council in January 2002. Also, in early 2002, Council received an information report, "Update on the Implementation of the Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage Community Visions".


Visions five and six are currently underway in the Renfrew/Collingwood and Hastings/Sunrise communities. When these are completed later this year, the program will move on to South Cambie /Riley Park; Shaughnessy /Arbutus Ridge/ Kerrisdale ; then to West Point Grey for a total of nine Community Visions.


Community Visions are based on CityPlan , Vancouver 's official plan for the future. CityPlan covers a range of topics and includes a number of directions related to strengthening neighbourhoods; neighbourhood centres - shops, jobs and services close to home; greater housing variety; distinctive neighbourhood character; enhanced community involvement; greener, safer public areas; better local access to services. The Community Visions program was designed to bring CityPlan to the local level in a way that addresses location conditions.


Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage (KCC) were the first two communities to participate in the Community Visions program. Their Visions and Implementation Plans were approved in 1998 and 1999 respectively. The next two Visions, Sunset and Victoria- Fraserview /Killarney (VFK), were approved by Council in January 2002. Also, in early 2002, Council received an information report, "Update on the Implementation of the Dunbar and Kensington-Cedar Cottage Community Visions".


Visions five and six are currently underway in the Renfrew/Collingwood and Hastings/Sunrise communities. When these are completed later this year, the program will move on to South Cambie /Riley Park; Shaughnessy /Arbutus Ridge/ Kerrisdale ; then to West Point Grey for a total of nine Community Visions.


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