Vancouver City Council |
For information, please contact Lori Isfeld, Meeting Coordinator,
at 604.871.6399 or e-mail lori_isfeld@city.vancouver.bc.caAt its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic meeting on July 8, 2003, Vancouver City Council approved the following.
1. Bobolink Park - Traffic Calming Measures
THAT the speed control measures be installed around Bobolink Park and bollards be installed at the entrance to the two parking lots as outlined in the Administrative Report dated June 16, 2003, entitled "Bobolink Park - Traffic Calming Measures", at a total cost of $80,000 to be provided from Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account Group SCA5A-Unap (Local Area Traffic Calming and other improvements).
2. TransLink Capital Project Funding
A. THAT Council request TransLink to work in partnership with municipalities to undertake a consultant review of TransLink's current capital programs as part of the development of a regional Long-Range Transportation Plan.
B. THAT Council request TransLink to broaden the project criteria eligibility and cost-sharing flexibility of its current capital programs (Major Road Network Minor Capital, Transit Related Road Infrastructure, and Bicycle Infrastructure) to ensure that municipalities can optimize delivery of their regionally significant road, transit, cycling, or pedestrian projects.
C. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services work with the Mayor's Office to draft a letter to the Provincial Government requesting that bicycle funding be restored.
3. Downtown Transportation Plan - Companion Report
A. THAT Council recommend that TransLink repeat the Greater Vancouver Trip Diary Survey on at least a regular 5-year cycle, that the 2004 survey include a sufficient sample size to provide statistically reliable detailed data for each of the Downtown and Central Broadway, and that the survey should gather and present bicycling and pedestrian data separately;
B. THAT staff report back on a program to develop new short- and long-term mode share targets and related costs following regional land use and transportation plan updates;
C. THAT staff meet with central area employers actively engaged in delivering programs designed to alter commuting behaviour away from single occupancy vehicles with a view to making further recommendations on transportation demand management programs, promotion of programs, and incentives that may be offered by employers to their employees, and report back to Council;
D. THAT a westbound bike lane on Robson Street (between Beatty and Richards), a northbound bike lane on Homer Street (between Pacific Boulevard and Dunsmuir) and an eastbound bike lane on Georgia Street (between Homer and Beatty) be presented to stakeholders for input and report back to Council.
4. FCM Application - Downtown Streetcar
A. THAT Council approve an application to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for a matching grant of $50,000 to be used for a Downtown Streetcar Layout Design, Transportation Modeling and Market study, as described in the Administrative Report dated June 4, 2003, entitled "FCM Application - Downtown Streetcar", with the City's $70,000 portion being provided from Streets Capital - Greenlinks Unappropriated Account (order group CA3EA2HCX1).
B. THAT if the Federation of Canadian Municipalities grant is approved, staff proceed with the Downtown Streetcar Layout, Transportation Modeling and Market study, as described herein.
C. THAT if the Federation of Canadian Municipalities grant is NOT approved, staff proceed with the Downtown Streetcar Layout, Transportation Modeling and Market study, as described herein, with $120,000 provided from Streets Capital - Greenlinks Unappropriated Account (order group CA3EA2HCX1).
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