Vancouver City Council |
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 9:30 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Tim Louis, Chair
*Mayor Larry Campbell
*Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
**Councillor Jim Green
*Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Anne Roberts
*Councillor Tim Stevenson
*Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthABSENT:
Councillor Raymond Louie (Leave of Absence - Civic Business)
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator
* denotes absence for a portion of the meeting
**denotes absence for a portion of the meeting and Leave of Absence for Items 3 - 5
1. Building Site Construction Crossing Fees (File 1755)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 5, 2003, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services recommended revised fee categories and an increase in fees charged to developers for crossing City boulevards to access building sites for construction.
Ted Batty, Materials Engineer, was present to respond to questions from Council.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT fees established under Section 80(2) of the Street and Traffic By-law for crossing a City boulevard or sidewalk for construction purposes be revised as follows:
Permit Fee | |
-single and two family dwelling |
$125 |
-single and two family dwellings requiring demolition of an existing building |
$180 |
-multi-residential or commercial requiring no excavation |
$550 |
-multi-residential or commercial requiring excavation |
(a) less than 3 stories in height |
$1,030 |
(b) 3 stories or more in height |
$2,050 |
-major development site (½ block or larger) |
$2,450 |
Demolition only of: |
-commercial and multi-residential, (less than ½ block) |
$250 |
-major development site, ( ½ block or larger) |
$450 |
B. THAT Council direct the Director of Legal Services to prepare the necessary by-law amendments which will implement the new fee schedules as proposed in Recommendation A of the Administrative Report dated June 5, 2003, entitled "Building Site Construction Crossing Fees", effective July 22, 2003.
(Councillors Bass, Green and Stevenson absent for the vote)
2. Civic Youth Strategy - Report Back on New Model of Youth Engagement and Pilot Project Implementation (File 4102)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 10, 2003, in which the Director of Social Planning reviewed the development of the Civic Youth Strategy (CYS), and provided a report back on the pilot project for the new model of youth engagement for the Strategy. The Director also made recommendations for on-going sustainability, including the approval of a twelve-month implementation plan and the establishment of a secure operational funding plan. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval. The City Manager concurred and noted this report is coming forward in the context of future requests for funding for child and youth initiatives in the City including the Park Board's Olympic Youth Legacy request and Council's discussions to consider the reinstatement of the Child & Youth Advocate position. She noted Contingency Reserve is limited, and it is a question of Council's priorities and how Council would like to proceed.
The Civic Youth Strategy Youth Outreach Team (Debbie Anderson, Nadim Kara, Nathan Lusignan, Tamar Eylon, Julianna Torjek) provided a history of the program, details on the workings of the pilot model, and shared a series of stories which focused on each member's background. In response to questions from Council, team members provided additional information on their experiences with youth involvement in voter registration and the election, and the immigrant community's interaction with police at the community policing level. The team also noted, as a priority, the need to partner with organizations that work with difficult to reach groups. Jeff Brooks, Director of Social Planning, also responded to questions related to future directions for the project.
The following spoke in support of staff's recommended new model and implementation plan for the Civic Youth Strategy:
Yvonne Andrews, Covenant House Vancouver (material distributed)
Nancy Hay, Program Coordinator, GAB Youth Services at the Centre
Nguyen, Pacific Community Resources Society
Katrina Au, Youth Community Asset Mapping Initiatives,
Environmental Youth Alliance
Tanya Davis, Youth Driven - Environmental Youth Alliance
Doug Ragan, Youth Driven - Environmental Youth Alliance
Oscar Allueva, Director Community Services,
Collingwood Neighbourhood House
John Mulka, Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver
Caitlin Padgett, YouthCo Aids Society
Jess Chant, The Real Power Youth Society
Brian Nguyen, Park Board Youth Council Steering Committee
Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:
· the new model of youth engagement has had a positive impact on the community;
· supportive of a model that includes youth outreach and youth engaging other youth;
· strengthening the support base for youth, especially the gay, lesbian, transgendered population in the City is key to the successful work of the outreach team;
· the pilot project has helped ensure a place in the city for youth, provided a strong voice for same, and also provided a foundation for youth to get involved with civic issues;
· there is a need for a Child and Youth Advocate to support the CYS peer based approach;
· the CYS is a key strategy within our city and outstanding in North America;
· strong support for staff's recommendations; and
· appreciative of the opportunity provided by Council to allow youth to be heard.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council endorse the new model and implementation plan for the Civic Youth Strategy as outlined in the Administrative Report dated June 10, 2003, entitled "Civic Youth Strategy - Report Back on New Model of Youth Engagement and Pilot Project Implementation".
B. THAT Council approve $173,100 annually for establishment of the Civic Youth Strategy Outreach Team positions, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, and program expenses:
One Full-time Youth Outreach Team Coordinator position @1 FTE |
$46,800 | |
Auxiliary staffing for Youth Outreach Team @ 1.4 FTE |
$54,300 | |
One temporary Part-time Social Planner I Position @ 0.6 FTE |
$37,500 | |
Program expenses |
$34,500 |
Funding for 2003 of $158,100 is to be provided from Contingency Reserve and $15,000 is from existing Social Planning budget. Funding for 2004 and beyond of $173,100 is to be added to the Social Planning Budget without offset.
C. THAT Council request the Park Board, Vancouver School Board, and the Vancouver Police Board and other City departments to work with Social Planning to fully implement the goals of the Civic Youth Strategy.
D. THAT Council direct the Social Planning Department to report back annually on the progress and workplan for the Civic Youth Strategy.
E. THAT Council affirms its commitment to reinstate the City's Child and Youth Advocate; and
FURTHER THAT Council direct the City Manager to prepare a report by November 15, 2003, on a comprehensive overview and articulated staffing and budget plan for all civic program support and initiatives related to children and youth to include the Civic Youth Strategy, the Child/Youth Advocate and the Child Care Coordinator. This will include School Board, Police Department, Park Board and Council. This initiative will work with the community, particularly the youth community and those who work with children and youth.
(Councillor Ladner absent for the vote)
MOVED by Councillor Green
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
F. THAT, from time to time, the City's Civic Youth Strategy staff be requested to put forward names of youth who would be suitable to sit on the City's Advisory Committees.
(Councillors Ladner, Sullivan and the Mayor absent for the vote)
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
G. THAT Council request the Ministers Hogg, Abbott and Coleman to attend a meeting of the City Services and Budgets Committee to listen to the concerns of youth regarding income assistance, housing, education and other matters.
(Councillors Ladner, Sullivan and the Mayor absent for the vote)
- - - -
Leave of Absence - Councillor Green (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Councillor Green be granted Leave of Absence for the remainder of the June 26, 2003, CS&B meeting.
(Councillors Ladner, Sullivan and the Mayor absent for the vote)
- - - -
3. New Community Policing Centres Model (File 3703)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 18, 2003, in which the Chief Constable and Director of Social Planning recommended Council approve a more effective and sustainable model of community policing centres. The City Manager recommended approval.
Mario Lee, Social Planner, Inspector Max Chalmers, Vancouver Police Department and Sergeant Bill Goddard, Community Policing Coordinator, with the aid of maps and graphs (circulated at the meeting and on file) provided Council with an overview of the report and responded to questions related to use of funds dedicated to the community policing centres,
crime levels in areas surrounding ALRT stations, figures on police resources designated as problem solvers to work with communities as problems arise, and the status of funds initially set aside for the construction of a new community policing office at or near the Broadway and Commercial Drive intersection.
The following spoke in support of staff's recommended new Community Policing Centres Model:
Mary-Lynn Burke, on behalf of Eileen Mosca, Co-Chair of the Community Policing Advisory Committee
Chris Taulu, Collingwood Community Policing Centre, Neighbourhood House and Area Services Network
Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:
· strong support for the City's Community Policing Centres;
· the revised model is a work in progress, and it is essential to closely monitor the implementation of revised CPC service delivery to ensure every neighbourhood receives the community policing services it needs;
· kudos to staff for coming to a successful resolution of a difficult transition;
· great compromise, however funds should be dedicated, if in the Police budget, so they cannot be cut; preference would be to have funds in City's budget; and
· support for staff's recommendations.
The following expressed concern with the recommended termination of the operating agreement with the Cedar Cottage Community Policing Centre:
Tom Little, area resident
Rebecca Pavitt, volunteer, Cedar Cottage CPC
Barb Wright, Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House (copy of 150 letters of support for Cedar Cottage Policing Office submitted to Police Board - on file)
Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:
· the Cedar Cottage Policing Office was important to the neighbourhood and many would like it to stay and be included in the new model;
· Kensington Cedar Cottage Policing Centre is located two blocks away from the ALRT Station, if the CPC office is lost, an increase in neighbourhood crime will follow;
· we need our office; 150 letters of support were presented to the Police Board at a public meeting in May;
· request money be released ($220,000) that was provided by the Rapid Transit Project Office to construct a new community policing office near the Broadway and Commercial SkyTrain station;
· disappointed the VPD chose not to partner with the CCCPO; and
· Cedar Cottage and Mount Pleasant are the two neighbourhoods in most need of a CPC, with their drug and prostitution problem houses.
MOVED by Councillor RobertsTHAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council endorse the new model for community policing centres as outlined in the Administrative Report dated June 18, 2003, entitled "New Community Policing Centres Model".
B. THAT Council approve nine transition grants for a total of $76,000, for crime prevention and community safety activities for a six month period ending December 31, 2003, as listed in Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated June 18, 2003, entitled "New Community Policing Centres Model". The source of funds to be 2003 Contingency Reserve; and
C. THAT Council authorize the termination of all existing operating agreements with the societies operating the Community Policing Centres (CPCs) in Vancouver, and authorize the Director of Legal Services to enter into new operating agreements, on terms satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with the societies operating the nine remaining CPCs as listed in Appendix B of the Administrative Report dated June 18, 2003, entitled "New Community Policing Centres Model"; and
D. THAT Council affirms its commitment that the remaining monies ($208,000) allocated by RTPO as a community amenity to offset some of the impacts of the SkyTrain station and the Millennium Line be spent in the surrounding community.
E. THAT Council direct staff to establish a collaborative community consultation process in the community in the Broadway and Commercial area to determine within six months a plan to use the money.
F. THAT staff report back in one year on the effectiveness of the new community policing offices, their ability to fund raise, and in particular, examine whether those communities that lost community policing offices have been incorporated into the more centralized offices and whether those communities are satisfied, in general, with the new model.
(Councillors Green and Ladner absent for the vote)
4. City of Vancouver 2002 Statement of Financial Information (File 1503)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 13, 2003, in which the General Manager of Corporate Services/Director of Finance presented to Council for approval the 2002 Statement of Financial Information, as required under regulations to the Financial Information Act.
Estelle Lo, General Manager of Corporate Services and Director of Finance and Terry Corrigan, Director of Financial Services were present to respond to questions from Council.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council approve the City of Vancouver 2002 Statement of Financial Information for filing with the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services under the Financial Information Act.
(Councillors Green and Ladner absent for the vote)
5. Expansion of Late Night Bus Service (File 5554)
Vancouver City Council, at its meeting on June 24, 2003, referred the following motion to a future Standing Committee meeting in order to hear from delegations.
MOVER: Councillor Ladner
SECONDER: Councillor Sullivan
WHEREAS, downtown bars will be allowed to stay open during the summer until
4:00 a.m.,
AND WHEREAS, City Council wishes to encourage downtown entertainment, public transit use, and safe driving,
AND WHEREAS, TransLink Night Owl Service used to run seven (7) days a week on sixteen (16) routes,
AND WHEREAS, TransLink is bringing back limited late night service between 2:00-6:00 a.m., but only on four routes, only on weekends, and not until September,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Vancouver City Council strongly urges TransLink to expand late night service immediately to service later bar closings, and to expand service to other nights of the week and to additional routes, using smaller buses if necessary to make it economically feasible.
Jennifer Efting, Bus Riders Union, spoke in general support of the motion, but expressed concern with the issue of privatization and the use of smaller buses or community shuttles. Ms. Efting further suggested Council clearly state its support for a Coast Mountain union operated system. She also noted fares are too high for most transit riders, and there are not enough buses on the road during the day as well as in the evening, and that additional bus service was not only required for the new late night bar opening hours, but also for late night workers, workers of colour and women, who face major issues of safety.
Council discussed the need to provide a unanimous motion to TransLink, and it was agreed to delete reference to smaller buses from the motion. Council also discussed including reference to additional specific routes in its motion to TransLink.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the words "using smaller buses if necessary to make it economically feasible" be struck from the above motion.
(Councillor Green and the Mayor absent for the vote)
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Stevenson
FURTHER THAT TransLink be requested to immediately look into the feasibility of another route from the Downtown bar area, around Davie Street or the Downtown bar area over to the Commercial Drive area.
(Councillors Bass, Ladner and Sullivan opposed)
(Councillor Green and the Mayor absent for the vote)
The amendments having carried, the Motion, as amended, was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
WHEREAS, downtown bars will be allowed to stay open during the summer until
4:00 a.m.,
AND WHEREAS, City Council wishes to encourage downtown entertainment, public transit use, and safe driving,
AND WHEREAS, TransLink Night Owl Service used to run seven (7) days a week on sixteen (16) routes,
AND WHEREAS, TransLink is bringing back limited late night service between 2:00-6:00 a.m., but only on four routes, only on weekends, and not until September,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Vancouver City Council strongly urges TransLink to expand late night service immediately to service later bar closings, and to expand service to other nights of the week and to additional routes; and
FURTHER THAT TransLink be requested to immediately look into the feasibility of another route from the Downtown bar area, around Davie Street or the Downtown bar area over to the Commercial Drive area.
(Councillor Green and the Mayor absent for the vote)
The Committee adjourned at 1:21 p.m.
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JUNE 26, 2003 |
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 1:21 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
Councillor Anne Roberts, Acting Mayor
Mayor Larry Campbell
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager |
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Acting Mayor Roberts in the Chair.
Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
June 26, 2003
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the foregoing report:
Cl. 1 Building Site Construction Crossing Fees
Cl. 2 Civic Youth Strategy - Report Back on New Model of Youth Engagement and Pilot Project Implementation
Cl. 3 New Community Policing Model
Cl. 4 City of Vancouver 2002 Statement of Financial Information
Cl. 5 Expansion of Late Night Bus Service
Clauses 1, 2, 4 and 5
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1, 2, 4 and 5 of this report, be approved.
Clause 3
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 3 of this report, be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Louis
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. Leave of Absence - Councillor Woodsworth (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Councillor Woodsworth be granted Leave of Absence for a portion of the July 8, 2003, Regular Council meeting.
The Council adjourned at 1:22 p.m.
* * * * *