Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic


General Manager of Engineering Services


Works Yard Traffic Mitigation




It is Council policy to implement diversionary traffic calming measures on a trial basis, with a follow-up survey, before making the measures permanent.

Council approved the report "Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plans - Priorities and Process" which outlines guidelines for monitoring traffic calming plans with diversionary measures.


This report outlines the proposed measures to address potential impacts on the Strathcona Neighbourhood bounded by Gore, Raymur, Hastings and Atlantic, due to the construction of the City's new National Avenue Works Yard.


A request to construct a City Works Yard on National Street was brought before the Development Permit Board on May 13, 2002. The development permit board approved the works yard with the understanding that a signal would be installed at the intersection of Jackson and Prior to facilitate trucks from the works yard accessing the Prior Street truck route and that a traffic calming plan would be generated to address the potential impacts of the works yard traffic on the Strathcona Neighbourhood to the north.

This report outlines the recommended traffic calming measures to deal with potential works yard traffic impacts. It does not deal with traffic concerns other than those generated by the works yard. There have been two previous comprehensive traffic plans for this neighbourhood, and a number of measures have already been implemented. In response to the significant demand for neighbourhood traffic plans throughout the city, Council established criteria to determine which neighbourhoods should be dealt with first. According to this policy, a number of other neighbourhoods rank higher than Strathcona. Therefore, another comprehensive traffic plan has not been undertaken.


The new works yard is located south of Strathcona, as shown in Figure 1. A provision of a signal at Prior Street is considered essential in order to provide access to the downtown, an important destination served by this yard, as well as for the existing warehousing industries located along Malkin Ave. However, it is essential that the signal be installed in a fashion that protects the nearby residential community.

During meetings with the various resident groups there were a number of traffic concerns that were brought up. Some were related to traffic issues around the new works yard and some related to other traffic issues in the neighbourhood. Issues that were not related to the works yard traffic were examined under the various city programs. These items include pedestrian signals, school crosswalks, requests for speed humps, lighting improvements and cycling improvements. The traffic issues relating to the Works Yard are discussed below along with the proposed traffic calming measures to address these issues.

Figure 1:Proposed Traffic Calming

Diversion to Atlantic- The residents of Atlantic and Princess have concerns that the works yard traffic will use Atlantic to access the light at Princess. Residents have commented that vehicles currently do this, including some large trucks. To prevent this from happening and to better accommodate the left turn movement towards the viaduct a signal is proposed at Jackson. Also to further protect Atlantic a partial closure is proposed that will only allow traffic to exit with a westbound right turn from Atlantic onto Malkin.

Increase traffic on Jackson- A concern about installing a new signal on Jackson/ Malkin at Prior is that traffic will travel north on Jackson and increase the through traffic travelling to Hastings. To prevent this action, a diverter is proposed on the North leg of Jackson at Prior. Residents were asked via a survey what level of restriction they would prefer at this intersection. The survey revealed a preference for a right in/ right out diverter that would be installed for a 6 month trial.

Why a Signal at Malkin?- Some concerns were raised by the Strathcona Residents Association Traffic Committee about potential impacts of the proposed signal at Jackson/Malkin on the neighbourhood. They requested that a detailed analysis of the impacts of installing a signal at Jackson/ Malkin & Prior vs Raymur & Venables be conducted. A summary of this analysis, which is provided in Appendix A, confirms the appropriateness of the signal at Jackson/ Malkin.


The two diverters would be installed on a temporary basis for a 6 month monitoring period. After this trial period, the city will monitor traffic volumes on the adjacent streets and take corrective measures if the allowable limit is exceeded. Also, a re-survey of the neighbourhood would be conducted to obtain feedback. At this point, if there is no substantial diversion and the diverters are still supported by the neighbourhood, these measures would be installed on a permanent basis. If further protective measures are called for, then these would be developed and reported to Council.


City staff have consulted with several neighbourhood groups including the Strathcona Residents Association (SRA), Strathcona Property Owners and Tenants Association (SPOTA) and the Strathcona School Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). There was also a neighbourhood survey where over 1600 survey forms were distributed that were printed in English on one side and Chinese on the other. The English version of the survey form can be found in Appendix B and the comments from the survey can be found in Appendix C.

Residents were asked for their preference of diverter type on Jackson at Prior and whether they supported installing a diverter on Atlantic Street at Malkin. A summary of the survey results is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Summary of survey results

I am in support of Installing a diverter on Atlantic Street for a six month trial





No Opinion


I would prefer the following diverter type to be installed on the north leg of Jackson and Prior

Right in/Right out


Right in/All out


No Preference


No restriction



The signal at Jackson/ Prior was approved under the 2003 traffic signal program.

The estimated cost of the two diverters is $55,000 to be provided from the Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account Group set aside for Local Area Traffic Calming (SCA5A-Unap).


There were a number of concerns that were raised by the Strathcona Residents Association traffic committee regarding the location of the signal, for works yard trucks to access Prior Street. Several factors were examined in order to assess the appropriateness of the signal being installed at Jackson Street rather than Raymur Street. This analysis is discussed below.

Impact on Neighbourhood North of Prior- If a signal is installed at Jackson/ Malkin a diverter can be installed on the north leg of the intersection to restrict traffic from continuing through the intersection to Jackson. If the signal were to be installed at Raymur a diverter can not be constructed that would effectively restrict traffic from entering theneighbourhood to the north while still allowing large truck access to the industrial area. This creates a potential for increased traffic along Campbell and possibly Pender, which could increase traffic past the school. Campbell already carries nearly 5000 vehicles per day, which is already quite high for a residential street. A signal at Raymur also increases the potential for vehicles to turn left onto Prior and then turn right onto other streets such as Jackson. With the signal at Malkin vehicles would have to turn left across traffic to enter the neighbourhood

Functional Performance- The signal will also be required to allow access to the viaduct for works yard personnel that service areas in the downtown. Raymur street is often blocked bylarge trucks manouvering into the loading bays along the edge of the street. Also when trains go through the crossing at Prior, traffic gets backed up along Raymur Street and vehicles wanting to turn left get blocked. This does not provide efficient access to and from the site.



I am writing to you in regards to the development of the Works Yard and the proposed traffic changes to our neighbourhood. After meeting with you at the Strathcona Community Centre on Saturday March 1, Strathcona Residents and SPOTA members have realized that the traffic plans are not "proposed". In fact, the traffic changes seem to be set and the only input from the community is the type of diverters that should be used in our area.

If the city is indeed interested in the community's input and concerns regarding the traffic changes then, we hope that the city will make the following real and substantive changes to calm and reduce traffic in this area.

1. Strathcona is Vancouver's First Neighbourhood and has an official Community Plan(1992) that commits that any development of the industrial area in the north false creek flats will have no negative impact on Strathcona.

      Therefore, as this development is already under construction, we demand that NO vehicles from this works yard be allowed to enter or exit through the Malkin/ Jackson Street. All vehicles needing to access north of Prior and downtown, MUST use the new streets to the south and east of the Works Yard and access north of Prior and Downtown through Main Street. Any vehicles violating this will be reported by the residents.

2. The proposed traffic light at Jackson/ Malkin and Prior should only be a flashing pedestrian crossing light NOT a full traffic light that will encourage more trucks to use this route to access Prior Street. This neighbourhood already has more than its fair share of heavy traffic. You mentioned that 80% of the warehouse vehicles already use this route, so by placing a traffic light that will make left turns easier, this will entice even more trucks and cars to use this route. How much traffic can or should one neighbourhood sustain? This is a definite negative impact for our community and a dangerous one.

      We also oppose all suggested diverters on Altlantic and Jackson. These diverters are only stop gap measures that do not address the real problem of increased traffic from the Works Yard development and all the new traffic that will use this intersecion once a left turn traffic light is installed at Jackson/ Malkin on Prior. In fact, the "proposed" changes will create the opposite effect of "calming" traffic in our area. These changes being "proposed" will result in greater ease for trucks and non-resident vehicles to drive through our neighbourhood while causing residents restrictions and inconveniences with access to our own homes.

3. With regards to the Works Yard, we again oppose the noise an pollutants caused by the development at this time. We urge that there be more done to keep the noise down now and once the yard is in operation. We do not feel that the buildings walls will be sufficient to block the noise and suggest that a sound barrier be constructed to keep the noise levels down, so residents can enjoy the peaceful sanctity of their homes. I am responding to your

4. We also feel that the city has not provided Strathcona residents adequate input to the traffic changes to this area. Residents were not consulted, but rather the city dictated to the residents what they had decided to do about traffic. The only input it seems the city wants from Strathcona residents is what type of diverter do we want.

    Moreover, our concerns and opposition to the traffic light at Jackson/ Malkin and Prior were not seriously taken into consideration, even when a feasible alternative was given: have trucks use Main Street through Station Street to access north of Prior and have trucks use Main Street through Station Street to access north of Prior and Downtown, this was brushed off- we were told that drivers will not do this since they always want to use the shortest route possible. Therefore, in your own words, you are saying that more and more drivers will use this route once the traffic light is put into place.

Because we feel that the City does not understand the true meaning and spirit of community consultation, we feel that further meetings with yourself and other neighbourhood traffic engineers are actually taking advantage of our openness to seriously discuss our concerns. Until the City can show their willingness to incorporate our concerns in their planning, we will not come to your meeting scheduled for March 24, 2003.

I am concerned chiefly about the safety of students at the Strathcona Public School which borders Jackson. As I live near the corner of Jackson and Keefer, I often see close calls where drivers taking a shortcut north or south on Jackson, often at high speeds, encounter children crossing Jackson from their school. Increasing traffic flow will increase the danger to these young people.

A secondary consideration is the noise and pollution that will likely occur from increased traffic. There is now considerable new residential development on Jackson and both current residents and new home/ condo buyers will be disadvantaged by increased traffic. Jackson should not be a through street.

Of the options offered, I prefer the right in/ Right out option. But I think even more extreme traffic discouraging steps might be in order if these diverters do not curb the excess vehicular usage on the street.

I have received your notice regarding the above. After reading it I would like to make an alternative suggestion to your proposals. I have been a resident of Strathcona for 40 years. I use Prior Street every day. I have also observed the commercial vehicles that service the business establishments located on Malkin and Raymur Streets. My opinion is that 90% of the time these vehicles and the workers use the intersection at Venables and Raymur. I notice that they have difficulty in crossing from Venables onto Raymur given the traffic flow at peak times during the morning and afternoon.

My suggestion is to create a traffic signal at this intersection. This will serve the needs of the commercial vehicles and provide easier access to the Strathcona Works Yard. This will also address the concerns of the residents of Jackson, Atlantic, Princess, Prior and Union Streets.

I hope you will consider this recommendation.

I just filled out the survey regarding Jackson Street and thought with your title of "neighbourhood transportation" you might listen to my concerns. I live on the corner of the 400 block Heatley and East Pender. I feel I live on a highway for the amount of cars and trucks that use this route east and west bound. Pender Street should not be used for a quick route to go downtown or to reach the Georgia Viaduct. Not only is this a residential area but also a school zone. I phoned Jim Hall, city engineer a couple of weeks ago complaining about the amount of large trucks using this route and he said he would monitor. We need to look at a traffic calming plan for Pender Street and the cars entering the neighbourhood on Heatley. If you are not responsible for this area please pass this on to someone who is. I appreciate you listening to my concerns. I am also concerned about the volumes of trucks and fast vehicles (johns) on Heatley.

Need some cloverleafs and Bypass highways in Vancouver. People want to drive vehicles and have shown that over and over again.

none of proposed solutions address community concerns

I am concerned about the increase on Campbell Street. All traffic will turn there and trucks will use to shortcut, what about making Raymur/ Glen more traffic friendly

With traffic on Union St. Please improve lighting- Similar between Gore and Main on Union- Can not see bicycles at night

I have lived on Jackson Ave for over 14 years and feel the installation of a diverter or some type of traffic calming on this street is long over due. The use of our street as a through route to Hastings or Prior is both problematic and dangerous. I have observed many very close misses at Jackson and Union (especially since Jackson intersects a well used bike route), and I feel it is a matter of time only until there will be a fatal accident along Jackson. We hear and see many speeding cars (often late at night) and as this neighbourhood is also home to a large drug trade (especially Hastings, but also in buildings around Jackson St and throughout Strathcona), who don't always observe the stop signs etc, traffic calming that is a physical barrier would be best.

Jackson Ave is home to small children (plus the school), seniors , the infirm and pets- all of whom would benefit from Jackson not being a through road to dangerous traffic. As someone who is self employed and often works from home (as are all three of us in the house), I feel I am able to speak with some authority, from my observations. I sincerely hope City Council will address these concerns and I appreciate that a resident survey is being undertaken.

Some ideas-
A traffic circle at Jackson and Union (with community plantings or community public art)
Gore street being the only through road (it is less residential and has traffic lights).