Vancouver City Council


Chief Building Official


Building Board of Appeal Membership





By-law No. 6135 establishes the Building Board of Appeal and sets out its procedures.


The following members of the Building Board of Appeal will have completed their three (3) year terms on June 30, 2002:


Mr. Edward N. MacKinnon Architectural Institute of British Columbia
Mr. Gordon Westover Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association of BC
Mr. A.E. (Sandy) Thomson Regional Construction Association of BC

The organizations involved have been contacted and they have responded by recommending the following:

a) Mr. Edward N. MacKinnon be reappointed as representative from the Architectural Institute of British Columbia.
b) Mr. Tony T. Liu be appointed from the Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association of BC.
c) Mr. A.E. (Sandy) Thomson be reappointed from the Regional Construction Association of BC.


The Building Board of Appeal By-law has been a valuable asset to the City in helping to reshape the requirements for existing buildings in the current Vancouver Building By-law and in providing a vehicle for citizens to appeal a decision of the Chief Building Official.

The By-law sets out that each member appointed to the Board shall hold office for a term of three years or until a successor is appointed, but a person may be reappointed for a further term or terms.

The Building Board of Appeal consists of eight (8) members nominated from specific organizations as follows:

a) Architectural Institute of British Columbia,
b) Association of Professional Engineers of British Columbia, (Structural),
c) Amalgamated Construction Association of BC, (name changed to Vancouver Regional Construction Association),
d) The Association of Professional Engineers of British Columbia (Mechanical or Electrical)
e) Greater Vancouver Home Builders' Association,
f) Insurers' Advisory Organization Inc.,
g) The Law Society of British Columbia, and
h) a representative of a self-supporting association located within the Greater Vancouver region chiefly concerned with the economic or social interests of "Building Users" but generally independent of the interest of building owners and regulatory authorities.

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