Vancouver City Council |
MAY 28, 2003
A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the False Creek North ODP, the Zoning and Development By-law, and to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
Deputy Mayor Anne Roberts, Chair
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Sam SullivanABSENT:
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth (Leave of Absence - Civic Business)CITY CLERK'S OFFICE:
Lori Isfeld, Meeting Coordinator
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Deputy Mayor Roberts in the Chair, to consider proposed amendments to the False Creek North ODP, the Zoning and Development By-law, and to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
1(a) Text Amendments: False Creek North CD-1s and ODP (Housekeeping Amendments)
An application by the Director of Current Planning was considered as follows:
The proposed text amendments would:
- remove allocation of floor area by sub-area within the individual
CD-1s and permit transfer of floor area amongst CD-1s;
- add 600 Pacific Street to the 500 Pacific Street By-law; and
- update diagrams in the Official Development Plan.The Director of Current Planning recommended approval.
Also before Council was a Memorandum dated May 27, 2003, from Phil Mondor, Rezoning Planner, regarding amendments to correct errors in the draft by-laws. The memorandum put forward the following recommendation:
THAT the draft amending by-laws prepared for consideration at the Public Hearing be amended to correct errors as follows:
- CD-1 By-law Nos. 7675 & 8109 (500 Pacific & 600 Pacific Street) to be amended in Section 4.3(g) to replace "8 000 m²" by "18 000 m²" which would correctly combined the figures in the existing by-laws, and
- False Creek North Official Development Plan to be amended in Figure 4 to replace the present incorrect total of "9,817,465" with the correct total of "9,717,464".Also before Council was a Memorandum dated May 27, 2003, from Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, which provided additional information on floor area flexibility, non-market/affordable housing, and higher density for non-market/affordable housing. The memorandum put forward the following recommendation for Council's consideration:
THAT prior to enactment of the amending by-laws, a legal agreement be executed with the property owner, Pacific Place Developments Corp., requiring that after issuance of the occupancy permit for the last market housing development in Beach Neighbourhood, the property owner will reserve a minimum of 2,000 sq. ft. for the future use of residents in the False Creek North neighbourhoods west of Cambie Bridge through the normal development permit process, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
Staff Opening Comments
Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, responded to questions regarding the need of the Planning Department and the Development Permit Board to have floor area flexibility when required.
Summary of Correspondence
No correspondence was received since the date the application was referred to Public Hearing.
The Deputy Mayor called for speakers for and against the application and none came forward.
Council Decision
MOVED by Councillor Louie
A. THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend CD-1 By-law Nos. 6757, 7156, 7248, 7675, and 8109 to remove sub-area diagrams, allow small floor area transfers between CD-1s, consolidate By-laws Nos. 7675 & 8109, and correct errors generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Policy Report dated April 8, 2003, entitled "Housekeeping Amendments in the CD-1(Comprehensive Development) By-laws Nos. 6757, 7156, 7248, 7675, and 8109" be approved.
B. THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend the False Creek North Official Development Plan, By-law No. 6650, to correct errors generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Policy Report dated April 8, 2003, entitled "Housekeeping Text Amendments in the False Creek North Official Development Plan By-law No. 6650 and CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) By-laws No. 7675 and 8109 (500 and 600 Pacific Street): Density Transfer to Complete the Approved Form of Development" be approved.
C. THAT the draft amending by-laws prepared for consideration at the Public Hearing be amended to correct errors as follows:
· CD-1 By-law Nos. 7675 & 8109 (500 Pacific & 600 Pacific Street) to be amended in Section 4.3(g) to replace "8 000 m²" by "18 000 m²" which would correctly combine the figures in the existing by-laws"; and
· False Creek North Official Development Plan be amended in Figure 4 to replace the present incorrect total of "9,817,465" with the correct total of "9,717,464".
D. THAT prior to enactment of the amending by-laws, a legal agreement be executed with the property owner, Pacific Place Developments Corp., requiring that after issuance of the occupancy permit for the last market housing development in Beach Neighbourhood, the property owner will reserve a minimum of 2,000 sq. ft. for the future use of residents in the False Creek North neighbourhoods west of Cambie Bridge through the normal development permit process, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
1(b) Text Amendments: False Creek North ODP & Areas 1A/1B CD-1s (Density Transfer)
An application by the Director of Current Planning was considered as follows:
The proposed amendments would transfer 80,000 sq. ft. of residential floor area to Beach Neighbourhood Areas 1A and 1B (500 and 600 Pacific Street) from Area 6A east of Cambie Bridge.
The Director of Current Planning recommended approval.
Also before Council was a Memorandum dated May 27, 2003, from Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, which provided additional information requested by Council on the use of the increase in value due to the transfer of density from east to west of Cambie to ensure the Alan Jacobs redesign of Pacific Boulevard is realized.
Also before Council was a Memorandum dated May 27, 2003, from Phil Mondor, Rezoning Planner, regarding additional amendments to correct errors in the draft CD-1 By-law amendments. The memorandum put forward the following recommendation:
THAT the draft amending by-laws prepared for consideration at the Public Hearing be amended to correct errors as follows: CD-1 By-law Nos. 6757, 7156 and 7248 to be amended in section 3(b) and CD-1 Bylaw Nos. 7675 and 8109 to be amended in section 4.5(b) to replace "642 823" in Table 2 with the correct total of "650 255".
Staff Opening Comments
Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, provided background and an overview of the application to amend the False Creek North ODP and Areas 1A/1B CD-1s to allow for transfer of density. Mr. Beasley clarified the transfer of density is necessary to allow buildings to be built the way they were originally approved, and to keep the intended shape of the neighbourhood. Mr. Beasley also reviewed plans for pay in lieu parking and the status of negotiations with Pacific Place Developments for the Alan Jacobs modified Pacific Boulevard design. If approved, the developer will proceed with the work and assume responsibility for associated cost risks.
Summary of Correspondence
Council received the following correspondence on this application:
· 1 letter in support of the application;
· 2 letters in opposition to the application.Speakers
The Deputy Mayor called for speakers for and against the application.
Hew McConnell spoke in general support of the application, but requested that a system be put in place to ensure accountability. Mr. McConnell also expressed concern that pre-purchasers were not notified regarding the permit issued to exceed height and the resulting impact on views. Mr. McConnell sought Council's assurance that the transfer of density will not allow for any additional height increases.Applicant Closing Comments
Matt Meehan, Pacific Place Developments Corp., explained the notification process. Mr. Meehan also clarified that changes in the market such as building larger balconies for the large units and the increased floor area required for townhouses resulted in the shortage of floor area.
Staff Closing Comments
Larry Beasley put forward an additional condition for Council's consideration, that would help assure building height control.
Council Decision
MOVED by Councillor Louis
A. THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend the False Creek North Official Development Plan, By-law No. 6650, to transfer 7 432 m² of residential floor area from Area 6A to Areas 1A and 1B generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Policy Report dated April 8, 2003, entitled "Housekeeping Text Amendments in the False Creek North Official Development Plan By-law No. 6650 and CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) By-laws No. 7675 and 8109 (500 and 600 Pacific Street): Density Transfer to Complete the Approved Form of Development" be approved.
B. THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend the CD-1 By-law for 500 and 600 Pacific Street (consolidation of By-laws Nos. 7675 and 8109) to increase residential floor area by 7 432 m² to achieve the overall development scheme generally in accordance with Appendix B of the Policy Report dated April 8, 2003, entitled "Housekeeping Text Amendments in the False Creek North Official Development Plan By-law No. 6650 and CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) By-laws No. 7675 and 8109 (500 and 600 Pacific Street): Density Transfer to Complete the Approved Form of Development" be approved;
C. THAT the draft amending by-laws prepared for consideration at the Public Hearing be amended to correct errors as follows: CD-1 By-law Nos. 6757, 7156 and 7248 to be amended in section 3(b) and CD-1 Bylaw Nos. 7675 and 8109 to be amended in section 4.5(b) to replace"642 823" in Table 2 by "650 255".
D. THAT all market buildings in the Beach Neighbourhood be built at or less than the height specified either in the approved neighbourhood guidelines (for unapproved buildings) or the approved development permits (for approved buildings); and THAT if any extra height is proposed for any building, which particularly might happen for non-market housing sites, this be brought forward initially for Council consideration before staff review.
2. Text Amendment: 610 Granville Street
An application by Malcolm Elliot, Stantec Architecture (for new use term), and the Director of Current Planning (for parking section corrections), was considered as follows:
The proposed text amendment to this CD-1 would add General Office Live-Work as a permitted use and amend the parking section.
The Director of Current Planning recommended approval.
Staff Comments
Daniel Naundorf, Planning Analyst, and Phil Mondor, Rezoning Planner, were present to answer questions.
Summary of Correspondence
No correspondence was received since the date the application was referred to Public Hearing.
The Deputy Mayor called for speakers for and against the application and none came forward.
Council Decision
MOVED by Councillor Louis
A. THAT the application by Malcolm Elliot, Stantec Architecture, to amend CD-1 By-law No. 8546 for 610 Granville Street to add General Office Live-Work, together with draft CD-1 amendments generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Policy Report dated April 8, 2003 entitled "CD-1 Text Amendments - 610 Granville Street", be approved.
B. THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend CD-1 By-law No. 8546 for 610 Granville Street to correct miscellaneous Parking and Loading regulations generally in accordance with Appendix B of the Policy Report dated April 8, 2003 entitled "CD-1 Text Amendments - 610 Granville Street", be approved.
3. Heritage Designation: 1411 West 11th Avenue
An application by James Burton, Birmingham & Wood Architects was considered as follows:
Designation and Heritage Revitalization of four houses and the addition of seven row housing units in the rear yards.
The Director of Current Planning recommended approval.
Staff Comments
Terry Brunette, Heritage Planner, was present to answer questions.
Summary of Correspondence
Council received the following correspondence on this application:
· 1 letter in support of the application.
The Deputy Mayor called for speakers for and against the application and none came forward.
Council Decision
MOVED by Councillor Louie
A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the property at 1411 - 1427 West 11th Avenue to:
secure the rehabilitation, protection and on-going maintenance of the four "C" category Vancouver Heritage Register houses;
vary the Vancouver Development Cost Levy from $26.91 to $0.11 per m² ($2.50 to $0.01 per sq.ft.); and
vary the RM-3 District Schedule of the Zoning and Development By-law to:
- increase the maximum floor space ratio from approximately 1.39 to a maximum of 1.80;
- permit five principal buildings on the site;
- vary the height for the infill building;
- vary the side and front yards for the heritage buildings;
- vary the minimum rear yard for the infill building in keeping with the form of development on both flanking properties; and
- not apply the horizontal and vertical angles of daylight.B. THAT Council require a registered agreement to secure the protection during construction, the prompt rehabilitation of the four heritage buildings, and prohibit occupancy of any proposed dwelling until the heritage houses are rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Directors of Current Planning and Legal Services.
C. THAT Council by by-law designate the heritage buildings at 1411, 1417, 1423 and 1427 West 11th Avenue as municipally Protected Heritage Property.
D. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-law to authorize the Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
E. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-law to designate the heritage buildings at 1411, 1417, 1423 and 1427 West 11th Avenue as municipally Protected Heritage Property.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare and bring forward the necessary by-law amendments.
The Special Council adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
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