DATE: Thursday, April 24, 2003

TIME: 7:30 p.m.


1. TEXT AMENDMENT: 1099 Main Street

Policy Report dated March 6, 2003, refers.

Summary: The text amendment would convert unbuilt retail and institutional floor area to residential floor area, and increase the total floor area by importing heritage density to the site. Consequential amendments would also be made to increase the total number of dwelling units permitted and adjusting the number of non-market units required.

Applicant: Perkins & Company Architecture and Urban Design Inc.

Recommended Approval: By the Director of Current Planning.

2. TEXT AMENDMENT: Sign By-law - Oversized Banners

Policy Report dated March 13, 2003, refers.

Summary: The proposed amendments would restrict the size and coverage, and require sign permits for banner signs with exceptions in the DD and BCPED Districts.

Applicant: Director of City Plans

Recommended Approval: By the Director of City Plans.

3. TEXT AMENDMENT: Section 10 - Zoning & Development By-law (Liquor)

Policy Report dated February 28, 2003, refers.

Summary: Section 10 text amendment regarding retail stores and liquor sales.

Applicant: Director of City Plans

Recommended Approval: By the Chief License Inspector in consultation with the Director of City Plans.

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