Vancouver City Council |
Address: 1201 West Hastings Street Present Zone: DD/CWD
Applicant: Downs Archambault and Partners Architects Proposed Zone: CD-1
Heritage Listing: N/AApplication Date: February 14, 2003
Staff Contact: Alan Duncan
_ Rezone from DD and CWD (Downtown District and Central Waterfront Districts, a split zoned parcel) to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development District) to permit residential use (141 Multiple Dwelling) and a one-storey Retail space for a Grocery Store with at total Floor Space Ratio of 6.8;
_ Proposed form of development includes a 30-storey residential tower, five 3-storey townhouses along West Hastings Street and a 1-storey grocery store along West Cordova and Bute Streets;
_ Gross residential floor area of 17 640 m5 (189,877 sq. ft.) and retail floor area for a grocery store of 2 352 m5 (25,317 sq. ft.); and
_ 342 below-grade parking spaces (27 for retail) and 178 bicycle parking spaces.
_ Reconfiguration of Marathon and Firwood lands resulted in a split-zoned parcel containing both DD and CWD zoning;
_ Coal Harbour Official Development Plan process did not provide this site with density, height or other regulations;
_ A 1997 City-initiated rezoning removed development potential from the CWD portion of the site and included it in the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan area in order for an appropriate CD-1 zoning; to be negotiated in the future; and
_ Although the DD zoned portion of the site includes some density, the majority of the proposed density will be purchased from a site that has heritage density vested within the heritage density bank.
_Applicable Policy:
_ Central Area Plan;
_ Coal Harbour Official Development Plan;
_ Downtown District Official Development Plan;
_ Triangle West Policies;
_ Development Cost Levies (Triangle West);
_ Transfer of Density Policy and Procedure; and
_ Public Art Policies and Guidelines.
_ Height and form of development impacts on neighbours; and
_ Retail grocery store rather than residential at-grade along Bute and West Cordova Streets.
Method Of Public Notification:
_ Standard notification; and
_ Open House held prior to application submission.