Vancouver City Council |
DATE: April 10, 2003
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Council Chamber
Third Floor, Vancouver City Hall
For information please contact Denise Salmon at 604.873.7269 or
e-mail at denise_salmon@city.vancouver.bc.caTHAT the 2003 Business License granted to Henry Y. Siu and Man T. Siu (the "Licensees"), for business premises located at 2520 and 2530 Carolina Street, Vancouver, British Columbia (the "Premises"), be revoked because the Licensees have failed to properly manage these premises by:
(a) failing to maintain the buildings on the Premises in good repair as required by the Standards of Maintenance By-law of the City of Vancouver;
(b) failing to maintain the Premises in a neat and tidy condition in keeping with a reasonable standard of maintenance prevailing in the neighbourhood as required by the Untidy Premises By-law of the City of Vancouver;
(c) occupying or permitting occupancy of the Premises in contravention of the Zoning and Development By-law of the City of Vancouver;
(d) failing to comply with the life safety provisions of the Building By-law and Electrical By-law of the City of Vancouver;
(e) failing to control the conduct of tenants on the Premises;
(f) operating the Premises to the detriment of the safety and well being of the public; and
(g) operating the Premises in such a manner as to cause a drain on police and other City resources.
FURTHER THAT should any further business license applications be submitted to the City of Vancouver by Henry Y. Siu and /or Man T. Siu (the "Licensees"), that such applications must be referred to Vancouver City Council.