Vancouver City Council |
Date: March 24, 2003
Author/Local P. Kemp/7257RTS No. 03293
CC File No. 1805Council: April 8, 2003
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services and Manager, Materials Management
Award of Tender PS02055 - Supply & Delivery of Waterworks Brass & Screwed Brass Fittings
That Council accept the second low bid which meets specifications and offers best value to the City from Andrew Sheret Ltd. for the Supply and Delivery of Waterworks Brass and Screwed Brass Fittings for a three (3) year period from date of purchase order, at an estimated annual cost of $230,992.06 plus the 7% GST (less any municipal rebate received) and PST, subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with the source of funds from various Engineering Services Operating and Capital Budgets.
The policy is to award contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest value, based on quality, service and price.
Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council.
Tenders for the above were opened on January 15, 2003, and referred to the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Manager of Materials Management for report. The PST, the 7% GST (less any municipal rebate received) are in addition to all pricing shown in this report. This tender was advertised in a local newspaper as well as on the Internet.
This tender called for the supply and delivery of brass waterworks fittings as, if and when required for a three (3) year period from the date of purchase order with the provision of two (2) 12-month extension periods subject to mutual agreement between the City and the contractor.
The brass fittings include couplings, main and curb stops, to be certified as suitable for contact with drinking water by an accredited certification organization in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61, Drinking Water System Components-Health Effects. This standard addresses the issue of lead free materials used with drinking water components to ensure that lead in drinking water is reduced to the lowest level available.
Nine (9) bids were received from eight (8) suppliers, offering four (4) brands of brass fittings with total pricing ranging from $ 220,558.25 to $283,566.40.
Hanley Agencies
Andrew Sheret Ltd.
Mueller Flow Control
Fred Surridge Ltd.
Emco Ltd. Waterworks
Wolseley Canada Inc.
BCG Services
Hanley Agencies Alternate
Hyseco Fluid Systems Ltd.
A.Y. MacDonald Product
Cambridge Product
Mueller Product
Ford Product
Mueller Product
Mueller Product
A.Y. MacDonald
ProductIncomplete Bid
Incomplete Bid
The low bid from Hanley Agencies Ltd. was unable to produce evidence of compliance with the ANSI/NSF61 with respect to the brass fittings offered and therefore does not meet specifications.
Senior field personnel who work in the Construction and Service Installation sections within both the Water and Sewer Operations Branches evaluated all four brands. The tests conducted by City's field staff included pressure tests to 300psi, application and ease of use in the field environment and the mechanical applications that address the City's operational needs and specifications.
The second low bid from Andrew Sheret Ltd offered products meeting the ANSI/NSF61 specification. In addition, City field personnel concluded that the fittings offered by Andrew Sheret met or exceed our operational needs and their product offered a proven compression coupling design and quality, therefore offering best value to the City.
Therefore, we are recommending the second low bid from Andrew Sheret Ltd., which meets material specifications, and operational requirement tests for the award of this contract.
This contract covers the Waterworks Brass needs on an annual basis. The funds are available from various Engineering Services Operating and Capital Budgets. The brass products will be purchased through Central Stores Operating Funds and then charged to the various Engineering Services project accounts.
Accordingly, we recommend acceptance of the second low bid meeting specifications and offering best value from Andrew Sheret Ltd. for a combination of main and curb stops, couplings and screwed brass fittings, at an estimated annual cost of $ 230,992.06.
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