Vancouver City Council |
Date: March 25, 2003
Author/Local: Bruce Maitland /7420
RTS No. 3309
CC File No. 2201Council: April 8, 2003
Vancouver City Council
Director of Real Estate Services
Grant Request - 2003 National Executive Forum on Public Property Conference
THAT Council approve a grant of $500 to the 2003 National Executive Forum on Public Property Conference to be held in Vancouver on May 8-10, 2003. Source of funding to be the PEF.
The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
On December 16, 1993, Council approved the following policy:
A. THAT Council adopt the following policy guidelines governing financial support to local conferences in the form of a City grant:
- that the topic of the conference must be particularly relevant to the business of the City as a corporation;
- that senior staff, serving in their professional capacity, are directly involved in the hosting and organizing of the conference;
- that the financial support be limited to a maximum contribution of $4.50 per paid delegate, and a maximum contribution of $5,000;
- that the conference organizers demonstrate that the conference budget includes a significant level of financial support from other government or private sector organizations;
- and that appropriate recognition of the City's financial and other support be provided in the conference program.B. THAT the maximums for paid delegate support ($4.50) and total support ($5,000) be adjusted annually, commencing in 1994, by the inflation factor which is used to adjust ceilings on the City's Other Grants Budgets.
Grant approvals require eight (8) affirmative votes.
The purpose of this report is to request a grant of $500 to assist the National Executive Forum on Public Property ("Forum") with the hosting of their 2003 conference being held in Vancouver, May 8-10, 2003.
The Forum is a national non-profit organization for the advancement and sharing of best practices in public land management, use and development. The sponsor organizations include Canada's most significant public agencies having related responsibility and are represented by their senior executives. The City of Vancouver, represented by its Director of Real Estate Services, was one of the original founding sponsors of the Forum.
The Forum holds an annual conference in different locations across Canada and in 2003 the conference is being held in Vancouver. The conference is expected to attract approximately 100 delegates from across Canada, with representation from all major cities, most provincial governments and the federal government including many crown agencies. The theme of this years' conference is "Sustainable Development - opportunities and implications" which will showcase the City of Vancouver's Southeast False Creek ("SEFC") sustainable development. Senior Real Estate Services staff are actively involved in planning and organizing the conference and senior Planning staff will be speaking on the SEFC project.
The PEF is recommended for funding the grant as it is the funding source for the annual membership in the Forum, and benefits the most from membership in the Forum.
Based on $5.00 per delegate, and approximately 100 delegates, the $500 grant request is consistence with Council policy.
All past host cities of the Forum conference have provided financial assistance for the conference.
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