Vancouver City Council |
Date: January 14, 2003
Author/Local: Dave Jackson/873-7904
RTS No. 03065CC File No. 113/1365
Council: February 11, 2003
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Community Services
Transferring the Authorities of the Director of Permits and Licenses
A. THAT the authorities of the Director of Permits and Licenses be transferred in accordance with the proposed amendments to the Graffiti By-law, Parking By-law, Secondary Suite Program Inspection Fee By-law, Standards of Maintenance By-law, and the Untidy Premises By-law, as outlined in Appendix A;
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-laws for enactment substantially as set out in Appendix A.
B. THAT the Director of Current Planning be instructed to make application to amend the Zoning and Development By-law and the Sign By-law, to transfer the authorities of the Director of Permits and Licenses, as outlined in Appendix B, and the application be referred to a Public Hearing;
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-laws substantially as set in Appendix B for consideration at the Public Hearing.
C. THAT Council appoint Barb Windsor as Assistant Director of Licences and Inspections.
The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, and C.
Under the Vancouver Charter, Council has enacted various by-laws and created positions with specified authorities therein. The position of Director of Permits and Licenses has various authorities as detailed in the by-laws addressed in this report.
This report proposes amendments to various by-laws that convey specific authorities to the City official known as the Director of Permits and Licenses. This entails amendments to the Graffiti, Parking, Secondary Suite Program Inspection Fee, Sign, Standards of Maintenance, Untidy Premises, and Zoning and Development By-laws by replacing the reference to Director of Permits and Licenses with the Director of Licences and Inspections, Director of Planning, Chief Building Official, Chief Licence Inspector, or Director of Development Services as appropriate. The specific references in each of these By-laws is provided in Appendices A and B. This report also recommends that Barb Windsor be appointed Assistant Director of Licences and Inspections.
When the former incumbent retired and pending the reorganization within the Community Services Group, the position of Director of Permits and Licenses was conferred by City Council upon the General Manager of Community Services. The position of Director of Permits and Licenses no longer exists and the responsibilities of this position now rest with other City officials. With completion of the reorganization, the Director of Permits and Licenses authority should now be vested in the appropriate City officials.
The Graffiti, Parking By-law, Secondary Suite Program Inspection Fee By-law, Sign By-law, Standards of Maintenance By-law, Untidy Premises By-law, and Zoning and Development By-law currently contain reference to the Director of Permits and Licenses. In most cases, the authority is for enforcement. In others it extends to encompass various administrative responsibilities in terms of application processing and issuance/refusal of permits. It is proposed to replace the reference to this position by updating these by-laws with the appropriate authority under the new structure of Community Services.
In most instances, the appropriate authority is now the Director of Licences and Inspections which is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Licencing, Inspection, and By-law Enforcement Divisions. In other contexts the appropriate authority is the Directorof Planning, Director of Development Services, Chief Licence Inspector or Chief Building Official as the context requires. Appendices A and B outline the existing By-law provisions that reference the Director of Permits and Licenses, along with the proposed City Official to whom it is recommended the authority be assigned.
This report also seeks Council approval to appoint Barb Windsor as Assistant Director, Licences and Inspections. As Manager of the By-law Enforcement Division, this position is key in carrying out enforcement of these By-laws. As such, official signing authority is necessary in the absence of the Director and it is procedurally advantageous that there be no question as to the signatory's authority to issue such orders. This appointment has no budget implications.
The Graffiti, Parking By-law, Secondary Suite Program Inspection Fee By-law, Sign By-law, Standards of Maintenance By-law, Untidy Premises By-law, and Zoning and Development By-law are out of date in referencing the Director of Permits and Licensing. Housekeeping amendments are proposed as set out in Appendices A and B to update these By-laws with reference to the current administration and enforcement duties. Also, to provide the most appropriate City Official, giving clarity of signing authority for various enforcement activities, it is recommended that Barb Windsor be appointed Assistant Director of Licencing and Inspections.
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Graffiti By-law
6. Every owner of real property must remove from that real property any unsightly accumulation of graffiti within 10 days after the Director of Permits and Licenses causes a notice be served upon the owner requiring such removal.
6. Every owner of real property must remove from that real property any unsightly accumulation of graffiti within 10 days after the Director of Licences and Inspections causes a notice be served upon the owner requiring such removal.
Parking By-law
3.3.1 It shall be the duty of the Director of Permits and Licenses to ensure compliance with the provisions of this By-law in accordance with the procedures specified in the Zoning and Development By-law.
3.3.1 It shall be the duty of the Director of Licences and Inspections to ensure compliance with the provisions of this By-law in accordance with the procedures specified in the Zoning and Development By-law.
Secondary Suite Program Inspection Fee By-law
2. (a) "notification date" means the date of writing of a letter from the Director of Permits and Licenses specifying a time limit or limits within which application for approval of an existing or proposed suite must be made; and
(b) "suite" means a "secondary suite" as defined in the Building By-law but not including clause (b) of that definition.
2. (a) "notification date" means the date of writing of a letter from the Director of Licences and Inspections specifying a time limit or limits within which application for approval of an existing or proposed suite must be made; and
(b) "suite" means a "secondary suite" as defined in the Building By-law but not including clause (b) of that definition.
Standards of Maintenance By-Law No. 5462
"Director of Permits and Licenses" means the person so appointed from time to time by Council and includes an officer, official, employee or person acting for or in place of the Director of Permits and Licenses.
"Operator's permit" means a permit issued annually by the Director of Permits and Licenses or someone authorized by the Director of Permits and Licenses in a form contained in Appendix A.
21.17 (2) No Operator's Permit shall be issued by the Director of Permits and Licenses unless:
(a) the premises comply with the provisions of this By-law,
(b) the Operator has demonstrated knowledge of the provisions of this By-law. This demonstration shall take the form of a written and/or oral examination. Under special circumstances, the Director of Permits and Licenses may waive this requirement,
(c) the applicant is capable of effective communication with the Director of Permits and Licenses and the staff of the Department of Permits and Licenses.Proposed
"Chief Licence Inspector" means the person so appointed from time to time by Council and includes an officer, official, employee or person acting for or in place of the Chief Licence Inspector.
"Operator's permit" means a permit issued annually by the Chief Licence Inspector or someone authorized by the Chief Licence Inspector in a form contained in Appendix A.
21.17 (2) No Operator's Permit shall be issued by the Chief Licence Inspector unless:
(a) the premises comply with the provisions of this By-law,
(b) the Operator has demonstrated knowledge of the provisions of this By-law. This demonstration shall take the form of a written and/or oral examination. Under special circumstances, the Chief Licence Inspector may waive this requirement,
(c) the applicant is capable of effective communication with the Chief Licence Inspector and the staff of the Department of Permits and Licenses.
(5) The Director of Permits and Licenses may, for any period of up to one year, issue an interim Operator's Permit where satisfied that the applicant is actively proceeding with work necessary to make the premises comply with the provisions of this By-law.
Department of Permits and Licenses
(5) The Chief Licence Inspector may, for any period of up to one year, issue an interim Operator's Permit where satisfied that the applicant is actively proceeding with work necessary to make the premises comply with the provisions of this By-law.
Department of Licences and Inspections
Untidy Premises By-Law No. 4548
THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VANCOUVER, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:
5. (1) Where the owner or occupier of any real property fails to remove from such property any accumulation of rubbish or discarded materials, or fails to keep the said property cleared of weeds, brush, trees, or other growths, the Director of Permits and Licenses may cause a notice to be served upon the owner of the real property requiring such owner to remedy the condition within ten days. Any such order shall be sufficiently served upon the owner by sending the same by return registered mail to the address shown on the current year's real-property assessment roll.
(2) In the event of default by the owner in remedying the condition within the time limited, as specified in the notice referred to in subsection (1) hereof, the Director of Permits and Licenses and any person authorized by the Director of Permits and Licenses may enter upon the real property for the purpose of remedying the condition referred to in the said notice. The costs incurred in carrying out any work pursuant to this subsection shall be recoverable by the City from the owner by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction, or, in the alternative, if the costs and expenses incidental to the work are not paid to the City by the owner within thirty days after a demand for payment has been sent to the owner, the Director of Finance may cause such costs to be added to and from part of the taxes payable in respect of that parcel of real property.
THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VANCOUVER, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:
5. (1) Where the owner or occupier of any real property fails to remove from such property any accumulation of rubbish or discarded materials, or fails to keep the said property cleared of weeds, brush, trees, or other growths, the Director of Licences and Inspections may cause a notice to be served upon the owner of the real property requiring such owner to remedy the condition within ten days. Any such order shall be sufficiently served upon the owner by sending the same by return registered mail to the address shown on the current year's real-property assessment roll.
(2) In the event of default by the owner in remedying the condition within the time limited, as specified in the notice referred to in subsection (1) hereof, the Director of Licences and Inspections and any person authorized by the Director of Licences and Inspections may enter upon the real property for the purpose of remedying the condition referred to in the said notice. The costs incurred in carrying out any work pursuant to this subsection shall be recoverable by the City from the owner by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction, or, in the alternative, if the costs and expenses incidental to the work are not paid to the City by the owner within thirty days after a demand for payment has been sent to the owner, the Director of Finance may cause such costs to be added to and from part of the taxes payable in respect of that parcel of real property.
Zoning and Development By-Law
3.1.3 It shall be the duty of the Director of Permits and Licenses to insure that all projects in respect of which a development permit has been issued are carried out in conformity with the terms of such development permit, for which purpose he may inspect or cause to be inspected any of such projects.
7.1 The Director of Permits and Licenses, the City Building Inspector or such other person as is authorized by resolution of Council may order or direct any person:
(a) to discontinue or refrain from proceeding with any work or using or occupying any land or building or doing anything that is in contravention of this By-law;
(b) to carry out any work or do anything to bring any land or building into conformity with this By-law.7.3In the event of default, neglect, refusal or failure to comply with the order or direction given pursuant to section 7.1 or section 7.2 of this section according to the terms thereof, the Director of Permits and Licenses may, without prejudice to all and any other methods of enforcement provided for in this By-law, bring the matter to the attention of Council, and, if Council shall so require, then the Director of Permits and Licenses may cause such work to
3.1.3 It shall be the duty of the Director of Licences and Inspections to insure that all projects in respect of which a development permit has been issued are carried out in conformity with the terms of such development permit, for which purpose he may inspect or cause to be inspected any of such projects.
7.1 The Director of Licences and Inspections, the City Building Inspector or such other person as is authorized by resolution of Council may order or direct any person:
(a) to discontinue or refrain from proceeding with any work or using or occupying any land or building or doing anything that is in contravention of this By-law;
(b) to carry out any work or do anything to bring any land or building into conformity with this By-law.7.3 In the event of default, neglect, refusal or failure to comply with the order or direction given pursuant to section 7.1 or section 7.2 of this section according to the terms thereof, the Director of Licences and Inspections may, without prejudice to all and any other methods of enforcement provided for in this By-law, bring the matter to the attention of Council, and, if Council shall so require, then the Director of Licences and Inspections may cause such work to
be done and the cost of such work shall be recoverable by the City
by summary process at law in any court of competent jurisdiction, and if the person defaulting appears by the Collector's Roll of the City to be the owner or owner under agreement then the cost of such works shall also be a charge upon the said property, and the said costs when certified by the Director of Finance, if not before collected, shall be entered by the Collector in the Collector's Roll next prepared after receipt of such certification and shall be collected in the same manner as taxes shown on the said roll.10.15 LIVING ACCOMMODATION BELOW FINISHED GRADE
10.15.1 Living accommodation may be permitted below finished grade, subject to the following:
(a) the floor shall be no more the .8 m below the finished grade of the adjoining ground, except that the Director of Planning, on the advice of the Director of Permits and Licenses, may increase this dimension to up to but not including 1.5 m, having regard to the provision of adequate damp proofing, lighting, ventilation, heating and secondary means of egress; and
(b) in the case of a multiple dwelling that has its existing utility, recreational or storage areas below finished grade, a minimum of 20 percent of the floor area below finished grade shall be retained for such uses, except that the Director of Planning may allow a lesser amount where he is satisfied that adequate utility, recreational and storage space is provided elsewhere in the building.
be done and the cost of such work shall be recoverable by the City
by summary process at law in any court of competent jurisdiction, and if the person defaulting appears by the Collector's Roll of the City to be the owner or owner under agreement then the cost of such works shall also be a charge upon the said property, and the said costs when certified by the Director of Finance, if not before collected, shall be entered by the Collector in the Collector's Roll next prepared after receipt of such certification and shall be collected in the same manner as taxes shown on the said roll.10.15 LIVING ACCOMMODATION BELOW FINISHED GRADE
10.15.1 Living accommodation may be permitted below finished grade, subject to the following:
(a) the floor shall be no more the .8 m below the finished grade of the adjoining ground, except that the Director of Planning, on the advice of the Director of Licences and Inspections, may increase this dimension to up to but not including 1.5 m, having regard to the provision of adequate damp proofing, lighting, ventilation, heating and secondary means of egress; and
(b) in the case of a multiple dwelling that has its existing utility, recreational or storage areas below finished grade, a minimum of 20 percent of the floor area below finished grade shall be retained for such uses, except that the Director of Planning may allow a lesser amount where he is satisfied that adequate utility, recreational and storage space is provided elsewhere in the building.Sign By-law
2.1 Acceptable, means acceptable to the Director of Permits and Licenses;
Approved, when used with references to electrical equipment, means that the equipment bears evidence of acceptance in the form of a Canadian Standards Association certification mark of Province of British Columbia approval label; and when used with reference to any form of construction or installation, means acceptable to the Director of Permits and Licenses;
Director means the Director of Permits and Licenses and includes any person authorized by him to act of his behalf.
Permit means an authorization on writing issued by the Director pursuant to this by-law;
4.1 Except as otherwise provided by this By-law, the Director is authorized to receive applications for permits and approve, approve subject to conditions, or refuse such applications, and to issue permits in accordance with the provisions of this By-law.
2.1 Acceptable, means acceptable to the Director;
Approved, when used with references to electrical equipment, means that the equipment bears evidence of acceptance in the form of a Canadian Standards Association certification mark of Province of British Columbia approval label; and when used with reference to any form of construction or installation, means acceptable to the Director;
Director means the Director of Licences and Inspections and includes any person authorized by him to act of his behalf.
Permit means an authorization on writing issued by the Director pursuant to this by-law;
4.1 Except as otherwise provided by this By-law, the Director is authorized to receive applications for permits and approve, approve subject to conditions, or refuse such applications, and to issue permits in accordance with the provisions of this By-law.
A permit is required for the construction, placement, erection, display, painting, alteration, repair, or relocation of a sign, and every applicant shall apply in writing to the Director on the form provided.
5.4.1 No application shall be considered unless it is presented on the form available from the Department of Permits and Licenses, together with the application fee prescribed in Section 13.
5.4.2 Every applicant shall provide sufficient information to identify the site and any applicable improvements thereon, all existing signs, and the location, type, size, construction and cost of all proposed signs; the names and addresses of the manufacturer, contractor and owner of the proposed sign and premises, and any other information required by the Director.
5.4.3 Where the Director has concern for the structural integrity of a proposed sign, he may require, as a condition of the issuance of any permit, that all drawings and specifications, or any part thereof, be prepared and sealed by, and the construction carried out under the supervision of, a professional engineer registered in the Province of British Columbia; and he may refuse to issue a permit until he is provided with a letter signed by the professional engineer undertaking to supervise the work authorized by such permit, or any part thereof as specified by the Director, until it is completed
A permit is required for the construction, placement, erection, display, painting, alteration, repair, or relocation of a sign, and every applicant shall apply in writing to the Director of Development Services on the form provided.
5.4.1 No application shall be considered unless it is presented on the form available from the Department of Development Services, together with the application fee prescribed in Section 13.
5.4.2 Every applicant shall provide sufficient information to identify the site and any applicable improvements thereon, all existing signs, and the location, type, size, construction and cost of all proposed signs; the names and addresses of the manufacturer, contractor and owner of the proposed sign and premises, and any other information required by the Director.
5.4.3 Where the Chief Building Official has concern for the structural integrity of a proposed sign, he may require, as a condition of the issuance of any permit, that all drawings and specifications, or any part thereof, be prepared and sealed by, and the construction carried out under the supervision of, a professional engineer registered in the Province of British Columbia; and he may refuse to issue a permit until he is provided with a letter signed by the professional engineer undertaking to supervise the work authorized by such permit, or any part thereof as specified by the Chief Building Official, until it is completed.
5.5.1 The Director shall issue a permit if the application complies with all provisions of the By-law. Such permit shall expire if active work is not commenced within a period of 6 months from the date of its issuance.
5.5.2 The Director shall either approve or refuse a permit application within 90 days from the date of application, pursuant to this By-law.
5.5.3 The Director shall refuse to issue a permit for any sign if:
(a) the proposed sign does not comply with the provisions of this By-law; or
(b) the building on which the sign is to be located or attached is determined to be incapable of supporting the sign, or if the information submitted regarding the construction of the building is not sufficient to enable the Director to adequately determine the capability of such building to give such support; or
(c) the proposed sign would, in the opinion of the Director, who may seek the advice of the City Engineer, obstruct or otherwise interfere with any traffic control devices, or the safe driving visibility of motorists; or
(d) an applicant has failed to provide the information required by Section 5.4.2 within 30 days of a request by the Director in writing.
5.5.1 The Director shall issue a permit if the application complies with all provisions of the By-law. Such permit shall expire if active work is not commenced within a period of 6 months from the date of its issuance.
5.5.2 The Director shall either approve or refuse a permit application within 90 days from the date of application, pursuant to this By-law.
5.5.3 The Director shall refuse to issue a permit for any sign if:
(a) the proposed sign does not comply with the provisions of this By-law; or
(b) the building on which the sign is to be located or attached is determined to be incapable of supporting the sign, or if the information submitted regarding the construction of the building is not sufficient to enable the Chief Building Official to adequately determine the capability of such building to give such support; or
(c) the proposed sign would, in the opinion of the City Engineer, obstruct or otherwise interfere with any
traffic control devices, or the safe driving visibility of motorists; or
(d) an applicant has failed to provide the information required by Section 5.4.2 within 30 days of a request by the Director in writing.
5.5.4 The Director may refuse to issue a permit where the applicant is not licensed in the City of Vancouver to carry on the business of installing signs as required by the License By-law of the City of Vancouver.
5.5.7 The Director may issue a decal confirming that a sign permit has been issued.
10.1.5 Decal
(a) No awning sign shall be installed unless it has a decal issued by the Director permanently attached to the awning.
(b) Where a sign permit applies to more than one awning, a decal is required for each awning.
(c) Where an awning has signs for more than one premises, a decal is required for each premises.
(d) The decal shall be attached:
(i) where a premises awning has an interior side face to the right of the front face when viewed from the street, with no other premises awning sign intervening, on the lower right hand corner of the interior side face; or
(ii) in all other cases, in a position on a face which enables the decal to be seen from the ground.5.5.4 The Director may refuse to issue a permit where the applicant is not licensed in the City of Vancouver to carry on the business of installing signs as required by the License By-law of the City of Vancouver.
5.5.7 The Director of Development Services may issue a decal confirming that a sign permit has been issued.
10.1.5 Decal
(a) No awning sign shall be installed unless it has a decal issued by the Director of Development Services permanently attached to the awning.
(b) Where a sign permit applies to more than one awning, a decal is required for each awning.
(c) Where an awning has signs for more than one premises, a decal is required for each premises.
(d) The decal shall be attached:
(i) where a premises awning has an interior side face to the right of the front face when viewed from the street, with no other premises awning sign intervening, on the lower right hand corner of the interior side face; or
(ii) in all other cases, in a position on a face which enables the decal to be seen from the ground.
10.6.2 Location and Spacing
(a) In this subsection:
(i) "name" includes a number; and
(ii) "building face" means a side of a building, and for the purpose of this section a building shall be deemed to consist of no more than 4 faces consisting of 2 sets of opposite sides, but where a building does not have an obvious side the Director shall determine what constitutes a building face.SECTION 13 - FEES AND CHARGES
Every person applying to the Director for a sign permit shall pay to the City at the time such application is filed the appropriate fee as set out in this section, and no application is valid without such payment:
(a) For each sign requiring a permit $56.00
(b) For each sign requiring an electrical connection $56.00
(c) For each sign incorporating a supporting structure $56.00
(d) For a billboard, free-standing sign or parking lot advertising sign$56.00
10.6.2 Location and Spacing
(a) In this subsection:
(i) "name" includes a number; and
(ii) "building face" means a side of a building, and for the purpose of this section a building shall be deemed to consist of no more than 4 faces consisting of 2 sets of opposite sides, but where a building does not have an obvious side the Director of Planning shall determine what constitutes a building face.SECTION 13 - FEES AND CHARGES
Every person applying to the Director of Development Services for a sign permit shall pay to the City at the time such application is filed the appropriate fee as set out in this section, and no application is valid without such payment:
(a) For each sign requiring a permit $56.00
(b) For each sign requiring an electrical connection $56.00
(c) For each sign incorporating a supporting structure $56.00
(d) For a billboard, free-standing sign or parking lot advertising sign$56.00
No sign permit application fee shall be refunded after the application has been approved or refused, but if the application has been withdrawn, prior to processing, the Director of Finance may refund to the applicant a part of the fee as recommended by the Director of Permits and Licenses.
14.1.2 All electrical signs shall be labelled with the following information in letters not less than 10 mm in height:
(c) evidence of C.S.A. approval or B.C. Ministry of Municipal Affairs approval;
15.1.4 When required by the Director, the owner or agent of the building or site upon which a sign is to be erected should provide complete drawings and specifications covering the construction of the sign and its supporting framework and other information with respect to the building upon which it is proposed to locate the sign as to determine whether the structure of such building will carry the additional loads and stresses imposed thereon by the erection of the sign without exceeding the stress requirements.
No sign permit application fee shall be refunded after the application has been approved or refused, but if the application has been withdrawn, prior to processing, the Director of Finance may refund to the applicant a part of the fee as recommended by the Director of Development Services.
14.1.2 All electrical signs shall be labelled with the following information in letters not less than 10 mm in height:
(c) evidence of C.S.A. certification or B.C. Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services approval.
15.1.4 When required by the Chief Building Official, the owner or agent of the building or site upon which a sign is to be erected should provide complete drawings and specifications covering the construction of the sign and its supporting framework and other information with respect to the building upon which it is proposed to locate the sign as to determine whether the structure of such building will carry the additional loads and stresses imposed thereon by the erection of the sign without exceeding the stress requirements.
15.2.1 Approved Combustible Plastic
(b) The Director may require that sufficient and substantial technical data be submitted by the manufacturer of the combustible plastic material or by an acceptable testing agency to establish working stresses, maximum unsupported spans, and such other information as may be required for the various thicknesses and forms used.
(d) The Director may require the submission of the results of fire tests of the combustible plastic material from an approved testing agency, to determine ignitability, surface-burning characteristics or degree of combustibility.15.2.5 Corrosion
All cables, turnbuckles, links, bolts and screws, and all devices which are used to support or which form a part of any sign shall be non-corrosive or be otherwise protected by galvanizing or in another manner acceptable to the Director.
2.3 Attachment Restrictions
Guy wires, braces, or secondary supports shall not be permitted when other means are available for providing stability to sign and, when permitted by the Director, their number shall be kept to the minimum.
15.2.1 Approved Combustible Plastic
(b) The Chief Building Official may require that sufficient and substantial technical data be submitted by the manufacturer of the combustible plastic material or by an acceptable testing agency to establish working stresses, maximum unsupported spans, and such other information as may be required for the various thicknesses and forms used.
(d) The Chief Building Official may require the submission of the results of fire tests of the combustible plastic material from an approved testing agency, to determine ignitability, surface-burning characteristics or degree of combustibility.15.2.5 Corrosion
All cables, turnbuckles, links, bolts and screws, and all devices which are used to support or which form a part of any sign shall be non-corrosive or be otherwise protected by galvanizing or in another manner acceptable to the Chief Building Official.
2.3 Attachment Restrictions
Guy wires, braces, or secondary supports shall not be permitted when other means are available for providing stability to the sign and, when permitted by the Director, their number shall be kept to the minimum.
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