
Trish French/7041


Standing Committee on Planning & Environment


Chief License Inspector in consultation with Director of City Plans


Provincial Liquor Control and Licensing: New Regulations


3. Proposed Actions and Priorities

Recommendation F proposes that a comprehensive liquor license policy on hours of service be developed as a top priority. This policy will need to consider neighbourhood impacts, enforcement issues, industry desires and fairness. The first step will be a report back on work program, approach and consultation process.

4. Other Issues


The changes outlined in this report may have a variety of social impacts which can be summarized as follows:


The Provincial LCLB has made major changes to liquor sales and liquor service regulations, to their application process, and to the input that the City may or must provide. These necessitate changes to the City's own previous practices. The industry wants to be able to take advantage of the new opportunities as soon as possible. However, the City needs to ensure that it controls the negative effects of liquor establishments and that its decisions on liquor applications are fair and consistent.

To do this, the City needs new policy and regulations in a number of areas. The actions recommended in this report will see the available staff working on the issues in the most effective order of priority. Staff intend that the eventual outcome of the actions, and ongoing discussions with the LCLB, will be a regulatory regime that ensures long term compatibility between liquor establishments and the community at large.

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That the development permit application review process for "Liquor Stores" is as follows:

The following guidelines should be applied to Development Permit applications:

The new provisions in Section 10 (General Regulations) of the Zoning and Development By-law would generally be as follows, subject to revision as necessary by the Director of Legal Services, prior to posting of the draft by-law in advance of the Public Hearing:

10.26 Limitation on Commercial, Retail or Service Uses

10.26.1 Wherever the words "commercial", "commercial uses", or "service uses" appear in this By-law or in any by-law passed pursuant to this By-law, such permitted use shall not, unless otherwise specifically provided by this By-law, include a Body-rub Parlour as defined in section 2 of this By-law.

10.26.2 Wherever the words "commercial", "commercial uses", "retail", "retail uses", "retail store" or "drive-through service" appear in this By-law or in any by-law passed pursuant to this By-law, such permitted use shall not, unless otherwise specifically provided by this By-law, include a Liquor Store as defined in Section 2 of this By-law.

10.26.3 Wherever the word "restaurant" appears in this By-law or in any by-law passed pursuant to this By-law, such permitted use shall not, unless otherwise specifically provided by this By-law, include a Lounge as defined in the Liquor Control and Licensing Act.

Note: Amendments are shown in italics.
