Vancouver City Council |
The following Notice of motion is submitted by Councillor Ladner for the Regular Council meeting on March 25, 2003:
MOVER: Councillor Ladner
SECONDER: Councillor
WHEREAS the City's transportation policy is to give priority to pedestrians, transit and cycling;
AND WHEREAS current lane paving practices are contrary to the City's policy of increasing permeable surfaces to reduce demand for storm-water runoff;
AND WHEREAS at its March 11, 2003 meeting City Council approved a recommendation from the Special Advisory Committee on Disability Issues to review "alternative cost-sharing formulae" for improving sidewalks in the city and accelerating sidewalk completions,
AND WHEREAS current City policy is that the City pays 40 per cent of the cost of paving lanes, 50 per cent of the cost of improving residential streets, and zero per cent of the costs of building residential sidewalks;
AND WHEREAS many parks and schools lack proper sidewalks;
AND WHEREAS in the current fiscal year the City is spending approximately $2.8 million on streets and lanes;
AND WHEREAS fiscal prudence dictates every effort be made to contain City spending while ensuring infrastructure improvements aligned with City priorities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT any increase in City funding for sidewalks be matched by a corresponding reduction in the City's share of funding for local improvements (e.g. residential streets and lanes) that primarily benefit lower-priority modes of transportation and add to loads on storm sewers.
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