Vancouver City Council |
Date: February 27, 2003
Author/Local: RScobie/7399
RTS No. 03259
CC File No. 113Council: March 11, 2003
Vancouver City Council
Director of Development Services in consultation with the Director of Legal Services
Correction to Recent Fee Increases - Building By-law
THAT Council approve an amendment to the Fee Schedule to the Building By-law, to correct an oversight in recent revisions that increased fees, by re-establishing and increasing the fee for a re-occupancy permit for any building that the Chief Building Official has ordered vacated because of an unsafe condition;
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forward for enactment the necessary by-law amendment to By-law No. 8057.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
It is Council policy that fees and charges be established on the basis of the cost of providing the associated services or at market level where the services is provided in a market environment.
This report seeks Council's approval to correct an oversight.
On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, Council enacted by-laws replacing fee schedules in nine by-laws with new fee schedules incorporating across-the-board 2.75% inflationary increases. Amongst these was a replacement fee schedule to the Building By-law.
The Building By-law fee schedule used in preparation of new fees unfortunately did not reflect a re-occupancy permit fee of $100.00 established in May 2002. To correct this and incorporate an inflationary increase of 2.75% (rounded to the nearest dollar), it is recommended that the following be incorporated in the Building By-law at the end of Section 2 of Part A of the Schedule of Fees:
"(n) For each re-occupancy permit after rectification of an
unsafe condition and related by-law violations $103.00"
If approved, the by-law amendment will be presented for enactment later this day.
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