Vancouver City Council |
January 29, 2003
RTS No.: 3223
CC File No.: 3053-1/3155Council: March 11, 2003
1. Sidewalk Local Improvement Process
At its meeting on September 10, 2002, the Special Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, when discussing the sidewalk curb construction process, agreed to forward to Council their recommendations on this matter.
The Committee is committed to improving accessibility for all citizens of Vancouver, and recognizes that city sidewalks are a valuable public amenity as identified by the Sidewalk Task Force report entitled "Vancouver A Walking City. Sidewalk Safety, Access and Ambience for all Pedestrians" (June 2002).
Therefore, the Committee strongly endorses the recommendations contained in the above noted report, in particular Recommendation 8 which identifies the need for a review of cost sharing practices for new and replacement sidewalks, as set out below:
8. Review current cost-sharing practices for new and replacement sidewalk installations. Consider alternative cost-sharing formulae other than the current 50/50 ratio between the City and property owners, to ensure that timely installations and replacements occur.
This review should include identifying ways to achieve:
· A resolution of existing problems experienced where property owners cannot or will not fund a share of sidewalk improvements or installation in areas without sidewalks.
· A response to equity concerns of property owners who have contributed to local improvement projects.
· An efficient and cost-effective administration process.· An accelerated rate of sidewalk completion (current estimated 30 year build out is unacceptable).
· A pro-active replacement program.
· prioritizing sidewalk completion based on high levels of use and public transit routes.Accordingly, the Special Advisory Committee on Disability Issues
THAT Council, in conjunction with forthcoming additional information from staff (the staff report on the Sidewalk Task Force report), pursue a model of sidewalk funding and construction that specifically ensures that sidewalk construction, a key component of accessibility throughout the City, is not delayed or prevented due only to adjacent property owners' concerns.
(Signed) "Paul Tubbe"
Paul Tubbe, Chair
Special Advisory Committee on
In discussions with Engineering staff, the City Manager agrees there is a need for a review of sidewalk funding and construction. Given limited funds for the City's share of all local improvements, we will review the Local Improvment Program to determine how it fits with current and emerging priorities re streets, lanes and sidewalks.
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