Vancouver City Council |
Date: February 6, 2003
Author/Local: YMcNeill/7582
RTS No. 03211
CC File No.
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning in Consultation with Manager of Real Estate Services
Addition to the Vancouver Heritage Register and Designation of 1117 Pendrell Street
A. That Council amend the Vancouver Heritage Register to add the building at 1117 Pendrell Street, the "Lane House", in the "B" category;
B. THAT Council by By-law designate the house at 1117 Pendrell Street as municipally protected heritage property; and
C. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the By-laws to designate the building.
The General Managers of Community Services and Corporate Services recommend approval of A, B and C.
Council policy on heritage designation states in part, that:
"The City's long term goal is to preserve through voluntary designation as many resources on the Vancouver Heritage Register (VHR) as possible."
On July 26, 2001, Council resolved unanimously:
"A. That Council approve the lease of the easterly portion ( as generally shown in Appendix "C" of Administrative Report Lease Terms, Relocation of a Heritage Lane Building and Other Arrangements for 1125 Pendrell Street dated July 10, 2001) of the City-owned lot at 1125 Pendrell Street for a nominal sum for a term of 60 years to the Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation, in accordance with the terms and conditions described within this report, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the Director of Real Estate Services.
B. THAT Council approve in principle the relocation of the heritage building from the rear of 1380 Hornby Street to the portion of 1125 Pendrell Street to be leased to the Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation for the purposes of market housing.
C. THAT the Director of Current Planning in consultation with the Director of Legal Services be instructed to report back with a Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Designation Bylaw that provides for the following:
- the restoration and protection of the rear building at 1125 Pendrell Street,
- a compatible subdivision plan to create two separate parcels on 1125 Pendrell Street"
Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation:
In 1992, Council created the Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation (the Foundation) as a private, non-profit charitable organization. The Foundation promotes the preservation, maintenance and restoration of Vancouver buildings with historical or architectural significance.
This report seeks Council approval to add the Lane House at 1117 Pendrell Street to the VHR in the "B" category and, by By-law, designate it as protected heritage property.BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION
On July 26, 2001, Council approved the 60 year lease of the easterly portion of the City-owned lot at 1125 Pendrell Street to the Foundation and the relocation of the Lane House at 1380 Hornby Street to the rear portion of 1125 Pendrell Street, now addressed as 1117 Pendrell Street. The Foundation moved the building in July of 2002 and have restored andconverted the Lane House into a residential duplex. The property will be leased at market rates.
The relocation of the Lane House from 1380 Hornby Street came about as a consequence of the owner donating the building to the Vancouver Heritage Foundation. All development solutions for the Lane House in it's original location were temporary as the owner had long term plans to re-develop the site along with adjacent properties he owns. After many discussions, an agreement was formed between the owner and the Heritage Foundation to receive the house and relocation funds and move the building onto a pre-determined city owned site in Mole Hill.
The site at 1117 Pendrell Street sits within the "Mole Hill" block in the West End. The block is comprised of residential heritage buildings similar in age and style to the Lane House. Sixteen of the Mole Hill houses are city-owned and leased to the Mole Hill Housing Society which has commenced rehabilitation for non-market housing. Siting the building on the lane in Mole Hill gives a similar context to its original setting on Hornby Street. The remaining portion of the lot at 1125 Pendrell Street contains a heritage building known as `Watson House'. Built in 1897, Watson House is in the Victorian style and was originally located at 919 Thurlow Street. It was moved to it's's present location in 1987 and donated to the City.
While moving a heritage building is never a desired approach, the advantages of relocating the house clearly out-weighed the limited retention options that were available. In addition, the opportunity to assist the Foundation in their efforts to support heritage conservation made moving the building a reasonable compromise.
Figure #1 Site Map
Heritage Value:
The Lane House was built at 1380 Hornby Street, in 1903 by Mr. George Washington Leslie to complement the "A" listed Victorian house already on site. The style is reminiscent of the simple gable forms from that era with an articulated porch column/railing detail in the Victorian style. In 1947, an addition to one side enlarged the building to approximately 1,978 square feet on three floors. The basement was first a stable, then a cellar and a workshop for Mr. Leslie's plaster work. Although the Lane House was never evaluated separately from the main building at 1380 Hornby Street, or noted on the Heritage Register, staff files indicate it was identified as a key feature of the site. Heritage Staff and the Vancouver Heritage Commission both recommend the house be added to the Heritage Register in the "B" category based on the standard evaluation criteria. (See Appendix A)The Project:
Development Application DE406072 secured permissions to relocate the building to the newly created lot to the rear of 1125 Pendrell Street . (See Appendix B) A subdivision plan was approved to create a new parcel on the easterly portion of the site. The Director of Planning approved the development application which included certain non-conformities with respect to the RM-5B District Schedule. The restoration project will contribute to the Foundation's program of assisting heritage home owners to maintain and restore their properties through education and granting.Level of Protection:
Through the lease from the City, the Foundation agreed to restore and secure the building's conservation. Council is asked to apply legal designation to the new lot containing the Lane House. Normally a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) would accompany designation and be used to secure the restoration of the property. However, since the lot is City-owned, the City cannot enter into an agreement with itself. For that reason, the level of protection normally secured through an HRA is secured through the lease. The Foundation has agreed to designate the Lane House at 1117 Pendrell Street and waive any future claims to compensation.Compatibility with Community Planning Objectives:
The site of 1117 Pendrell Street is located in the RM-5B area of the West End and within the Council adopted Plan area for Mole Hill. The intent within the RM-5B District Schedule is in part :
" permit a variety of residential developments...emphasis is placed on achieving development that is compatible with neighbourhood development....."
Restoring and locating the heritage building along the lane is a compatible solution within the block and in keeping with the Design Guidelines for the area.Mole Hill Block Plan:
On June 22, 2000, Council approved the Mole Hill Block Plan. The Plan contains16 City-owned parcels which are now leased to the Mole Hill Community Housing Society to operate 168 units of non-market housing. The Block Plan endorses the preservation and enhancement of the unique heritage character of the buildings while creating viable housing options and local services for the community. Part of the Block Plan is to develop the lanearea to accommodate a variety of uses for the surrounding community, including garden plots, workshops, play areas, parking and landscaping.The Mole Hill Community Housing Society wrote a letter of support to Mayor and Council on June 27, 2001, to develop the rear of 1125 Pendrell Street to accommodate the Lane House and convert the building to two units of market housing.
Comments from Vancouver Heritage Commission:
The Vancouver Heritage Commission reviewed the proposal on September 17, 2001, and supported the project.Notification:
The Director of Legal Services has prepared the necessary Heritage By-Law amendments and requirements have been met for notification as specified by the Vancouver Charter.SUMMARY
An important long term policy of the City is to protect heritage resources through designation. The Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation agreed to the heritage designation of the building through the lease agreement for the site. The Vancouver Heritage Commission has supported the addition of the building to the Vancouver Heritage Register(VHR). Therefore, it is recommended that Council add the Lane House at 1117 Pendrell Street to the VHR in the "B" category and amend Schedule A of the Heritage By-Law to designate the Lane House as protected heritage property.* * * * *