Vancouver City Council


City Clerk


Establishment of the Peace and Justice Committee



The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A and B.


Under section 159 of the Vancouver Charter, Council may provide for such committees as it sees fit, and may refer any matter to a committee for report.


The purpose of this report is to recommend to Council how to proceed with the establishment of an advisory committee to Council called the Peace and Justice Committee.


After the Standing Committee of Planning and Environment on January 30, 2003, Council passed a resolution that in principle established an advisory committee to Council called the Peace and Justice Committee. Staff was instructed to report back to Council with recommendations on how to proceed with implementing the Peace and Justice Committee.

A previous Peace Committee was established by a prior City Council on March 5, 1985. That committee was established as a Special Council Committee on Peace with representation from peace organizations and City Council. Its function in general terms was to:

That Peace Committee was comprised of two Councillors and ten members of the public appointed by Council. The Councillors acted as Chair and Vice-Chair. The committee was discharged on April 21, 1994.


Under section 159 of the Vancouver Charter, Council may provide for such committees as it sees fit, and may refer any matter to a committee for report. Under section 160 of the Charter, all committees of Council stand discharged immediately before the first Monday after December 1 in the year of a general local election.

It is Council's prerogative to define the terms of reference and membership of its committees as it sees fit. It is proposed that Council appoint two or more Councillors as members of the Peace and Justice Committee and that one of those Councillors be named chair of the Committee. Those members should report back to Council with recommendations on the specific terms of reference for the newly established Peace and Justice Committee and membership requirements (i.e. numbers, length of term, qualifications, etc.) of the Committee.


Committees of Council are supported by the City Clerk's Department. The services provided include agenda preparation, meeting support, and minute preparation. As a general rule, such committees require 2.5 - 3 days of staff time per meeting at a cost of $600 - 700 per meeting. These figures assume a base level of support by the City Clerk's Department. Additional costs may be incurred depending upon the extent of additional support required by this department as well as any other support required by other departments within the City.


Although City Council has had a Peace Committee in the past, times and the world situation has changed. The terms of reference and composition of the previous Committee may no longer represent City Council's needs. This report recommends the appointment of Council members and that they report further to Council concerning mandate and membership.
