Vancouver City Council |
Date: February 11, 2003
Author/Local: M.Kangalee & C.Baird/6710/6712
RTS NO. 03219
CC File No. 1254
Council: February 25, 2003
TO: Vancouver City Council
FROM: City Clerk
SUBJECT: Authority to Travel to Regina, Saskatchewan - April 27 - 29, 2003.
THAT Council authorize payment for Councillor David Cadman and Councillor Fred Bass to travel to Regina, Saskatchewan, to participate in the Municipal Leaders' Forum on Implementing Kyoto.
The City Manager submits the recommendation for Council's CONSIDERATION.
Current City Business Travel Policy, approved July 31, 1992, requires Council's approval for travel within North America.
This report requests approval for Councillors Bass and Cadman to travel on City Business from Vancouver to Regina, Saskatchewan for three days to attend the Municipal Leaders' Forum on Implementing Kyoto.
This critical forum is being held to discuss how municipalities will move forward to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to produce key documents for implementation. Forum participants will provide input to these key documents and vote on their content.
Councillor Fred Bass is the City of Vancouver's representative on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Environment Committee and Councillor David Cadman is a Director of the GVRD Planning & Environment Committee. Given their respective roles on these committees and their joint commitment to the environment, it is important that both Councillors attend.
The estimated costs are as follows:
Councillors Bass and Cadman - Municipal Leaders' Forum in Regina, SK
Cost per Councillor
Airfare (return)
$ 380.00
$ 760.00
Accommodation (2 nights)
$ 201.14
$ 402.28
Ground Transportation
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
Airport Improvement Fee
$ 10.00
$ 20.00
Per Diem (3 days x $50/day)
$ 150.00
$ 300.00
Conference Registration
$ 200.00
$ 400.00
$ 991.14
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