Vancouver City Council |
Date: January 28, 2003
Author/Local: Mark Vulliamy/257-8461
RTS NO. 03179
CC File No. 1602
Council: February 25, 2003
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Parks and Recreation
Advance Approval: 2003 Park Board Capital Budget
THAT capital spending of $2,168,500 for current projects, as described in this Report, be approved in advance of the final 2003 Park Board capital budget, being considered later this year.
The Board's annual Capital expenditure requires Council approval. Within the approved envelope the Board sets budget priorities consistent with program objectives outlined in the Capital Plan plebiscite question and agreements with external agencies.
The 2003 - 2005 Park Board Capital Plan totals $45,500,000, plus $240,000 for debenture costs, derived from the following funding sources:
_ Electorate-approved borrowing authority (including debenture costs): $18,690,000
_ Capital from operating revenue: $7,500,000
_ City Wide Development Cost Levy for park acquisition and development: $9,200,000
_ SE False Creek Development for Mt. Pleasant Community Centre renewal: $2,000,000
_ HEI Lease 2003 - 2005 for Hastings Park restoration: $1,350,000
_ Waterworks Capital for QE Park Reservoir Roof Deck Plaza: $2,000,000
_ Bayshore Development funds for Stanley Park Seawall upgrading $2,000,000
_ Matching Funds for Sunset Community Centre renewal (contingent upon
receipt of senior government funding): $3,000,000
Council and the Park Board will give final approval to the 2003 Capital budget later this year. In the meantime, there is a need to cover the costs of projects which are now underway or are imminent, and this report seeks advance Council approval for this expenditure.
The projects for which advance spending approval is sought are outlined on the following table:
Community Centre Major Maintenance
West End Community Centre Renovations
Killarney Pool Replacement
Initiate consultations/design process
Pool Major Maintenance
Kitsilano Pool: Rebuild gutter and re-line membrane, to complete work for summer opening
Rink Mechanical
To implement compliance plan with respect to Provincial regulations governing rink operations
Roof Replacement
Initiate re-roofing/repair projects at Administration Building; Hastings CC Auditorium; Killarney Rink/Change area; VanDusen Gift Shop
Street Trees Stocking
Continue Capital planting to April
Playing Fields Upgrading
Initiate rebuilds of Kensington and Charleson fields
Initiate playgrounds upgrades in preparation for summer
New Park development
7th & Fraser Park: Design integration of newly acquired property into park
Neighbourhood Park Enhancement
Victory Square design and tender;
Strathcona Park initiate Phase II$170,000
Sport & Tennis courts upgrades
Stanley Park tennis: consultant and development drawings
Asphalt surfaces
Initiate repaving of priority sections of Lagoon and Park Drives in Stanley Park to ensure project completion before summer
Jericho Marginal Wharf
Initiate repairs
Shoreline/cliffs erosion control
Stanley Park cliff stabilizing: consultant fees and work carried out.
QE Park: Plaza Rebuild
Retain design consultant
The above projects have been proposed for advance approval for at least one of the following reasons:
_ the project is a second phase of a project from the last Capital Plan cycle for which the construction effort is already mobilized and should continue to a timely completion;
_ the project should be initiated as soon as possible to ensure completion before a peak seasonal demand;
_ project work is urgent, as indicated by condition assessments;
_ project work will be continuous over a three-year period, and a delayed start will reduce the volume of what could otherwise be accomplished.The advance funding requested in this report represents approximately 18.9% of the expected Park Board capital budget for 2003.
The Park Board will consider this report at its meeting of February 10, 2003, and Council will be advised of the Board's decision.
Council is asked to give advance approval for Capital expenditure by the Park Board on the projects outlined in this report.
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