Submitted February 5, 2003 for the 4:00pm session of City on February 11, 2003

MOVER: Councillor Tim Louis
SECONDER: Councillor

WHEREAS, a precedent is in place to acquit Amina Lawal on technical grounds (*Safiya Hussaini, October/2001);

AND WHEREAS, the Catalan Parliament, the Spanish Senate, the Polish President, Italian politicians, including the Foreign Minister and several parliamentarians, the Secretary General of the European Council, and 39 UK MPs have all condemned death by stoning sentences in Nigeria urging the Nigerian government to ensure that human rights are protected;

AND WHEREAS, US Representative for Minnesota, Betty McCallum, introduced a Congressional resolution condemning stoning;

AND WHEREAS, Italian football teams demonstrated their solidarity for the campaign against death by stoning in February 2002.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Vancouver City Council strongly condemns the sentencing to death of Amina Lawal for having a child out of wedlock, and demands that the Nigerian government ensure that Amina is immediately and unconditionally acquitted.