Vancouver City Council |
DATE: Wednesday, January 29, 2003
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Council Chamber
Third Floor, City HallFor information, please contact Laura Kazakoff at 604.871.6353
or e-mail laura_kazakoff@city.vancouver.bc.ca1. Heritage Designation: 786 East King Edward Avenue
A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the property at 786 East King Edward Avenue to:
· secure the protection and on-going maintenance of this "B" category Vancouver Heritage Register house;
· vary the RS-1S District Schedule of the Zoning and Development By-law including a floor space ratio increase from 0.44 to 0.69 for the existing heritage house on the proposed north parcel, so that no zoning non-conformities are created or exacerbated by the proposed subdivision; and
· vary the RS-1S District Schedule of the Zoning and Development By-law including a floor space ratio increase from 0.60 to 0.76 for the proposed south parcel, so that this parcel with its proposed house is compatible with the heritage house as well as marketable.B. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-law to authorize the Heritage Revitalization Agreement; and,
C. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-law to designate the house at 786 East King Edward Avenue as Protected Heritage Property.
2. Text Amendment: 7400 Oak Street
THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend the CD-1 By-law No. 7649 for 7400 Oak Street to include a Parking By-law relaxation provision, be approved.
3. Text Amendment: 801 West Georgia Street
A. THAT the application by Bing Thom Architects on behalf of Allied Holdings Inc., to amend the CD-1 By-law No. 8536 for the site at 801 West Georgia Street and 687 Howe Street (Lots F and G, Block 41, D.L. 541, Plan LMP42609), to allow some flexibility in the allocation of floor area between the two parts of the site, to enable approval of automated parking, and to note that the site is in an "activity zone" as defined in the Noise By-law, be approved.
B. THAT the application by Bing Thom Architects Inc., on behalf of Allied Holdings Inc., to amend the CD-1 By-law No. 8536 for the site at 801 West Georgia Street and 687 Howe Street (Lots F and G, Block 41, D.L. 541, Group 1, NWD Plan LMP 42609), to increase building height be approved; and
FURTHER THAT the draft amending by-law (Height and exclusions) be amended in section 3. to add a sub-section, "4.1 (c) for a rooftop architectural appurtenance to a further height of 162.0 m but limited to a relatively transparent glass box, about 2.4 m by 2.4 m in cross-sectional area.", and also THAT the approval condition (b)(4) as set out in the Summary and Recommendations prepared by the Planning Department for consideration at the Public Hearing on January 29, 2003, which calls for the removal of the proposed architectural appurtenance, be deleted; and
FURTHER THAT in approving the intrusion of the architectural appurtenance for 687 Howe, staff be advised that, except for this extra tall building, view cone intrusions should generally not be entertained;
AND FURTHER THAT approval of the application be subject to the following conditions:
(a) THAT the proposed change to the form of development previously approved by Council on June 25, 2002 be approved by Council in principle generally as prepared by Bing Thom Architects Inc., and stamped "Received, City Planning Department, November 27, 2002", provided that the Director of Planning or Development Permit Board, may allow minor alterations to the form of development when approving the detailed scheme of development as outlined in (b) below.
(b) THAT, prior to final approval by Council of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Planning, or Development Permit Board, who shall have particular regard to the following:
(1) further design development to the articulation and architectural treatment of the tower, including setbacks where possible and appropriate, to maximize the slenderness of the upper portion of the building and to ensure that its overall architectural excellence carries through to the detailing of the glass curtain wall;
(2) further design development to the mechanical penthouse, decorative roof and related architectural appurtenances to achieve an appropriate rooftop for this prominent building;
(3) further design development to include consideration of a canopy providing pedestrian weather protection.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Council vote to enact the by-laws before Council this evening as numbers 1 and 2 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and seal the enacted by-laws.
1. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (786 East King Edward Avenue) (By-law Number 8624)
2. A By-law to designate heritage property, and to amend By-law No. 4837, being the Heritage By-law (786 East King Edward Avenue) (By-law 8625)