Vancouver City Council |
Planning Department
Current Planning
Rezoning Centre
M E M O R A N D U M January 29, 2003
Mayor Campbell and Councillors
P. Mondor, Rezoning Planner
J. Rogers, City Manager
B. MacGregor, Deputy City Manager
J. Forbes-Roberts, General Manager of Community Services
L. Beasley, Director of Current Planning
F. Connell, Director of Legal Services
D. Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services
R. Scobie, Development Services
S. Baxter, City ClerkSUBJECT:
CD-1 Text Amendments: 801 West Georgia Street (687 Howe Street)
Two sets of CD-1 By-law text amendments have been recommended:
· in the report dated November 14, 2002, and approved by Council on November 26th, the Director of Current Planning recommended referral to a Public hearing of amendments to:
- permit flexibility in the allocation of floor area between the two lots which comprise the site,
- enable approval of mechanical parking, and
- add an "activity zone" (Noise By-law) caution with respect to dwelling use; and
· in the report dated November 28, 2002, and approved by Council on December 10th, the Director of Current Planning recommended referral to a Public hearing of amendments to:
- increase the maximum height of habitable space from 141.7 m (465 ft.) to 148.4 m (487 ft.) and increase maximum total building height from 154.4 m (506.6 ft.) to 155.9 m (511.6 ft.), and
- permit floor area exclusions for heating or mechanical equipment or similar uses, consistent with other recent CD-1 By-laws.
Subsequent Matters
Rooftop Architectural Appurtenance
At its regular meeting on December 10, 2002, when City Council considered the report dated November 28th, a question was raised as to whether Council would be able to approve at the Public Hearing a CD-1 By-law text amendment to allow the rooftop architectural appurtenance proposed by the applicant but not supported by staff. [Note: This appurtenance is described as a relatively transparent glass box, about 2.4 m by 2.4 m (8 x 8 ft.) and 6.1 m (20 ft.) high.]
Should there be representations from the public or the applicant at the Hearing in support of the proposed appurtenance, and if Council agrees with these representations, then Council can amend the draft amending by-law and approval conditions at the Hearing. While staff do not recommend or support the following resolution, it has been drafted for Council's consideration, but should be used only if representations are made by the public or the applicant at the Hearing requesting the amendment:
THAT the draft amending by-law (Height and exclusions) be amended in section 3. to add a sub-section, "4.1 (c) for a rooftop architectural appurtenance to a further height of 162.0 m but limited to a relatively transparent glass box, about 2.4 m by 2.4 m in cross-sectional area.", and also THAT the approval condition (b)(4), which calls for the removal of the proposed architectural appurtenance, be deleted.
By-law Provisions
Subsequent to referral of the application to a Public hearing, in the final preparation of the draft amending by-law, staff identified an additional floor area exclusion which should be permitted on this site. The following provision, which is a standard clause in several zoning district schedules and also in the Downtown District Official Development Plan, has been included in Section 5.(c) of the draft amending by-law (Floor area and parking):
"(f) amenity areas ancillary to the principal uses that provide for the social and recreational enjoyment of residents and employees, or for a service to the public, including facilities for physical fitness, general recreation and child day care, if the excluded area does not exceed 929 m² for any development;"
Approval Conditions
The public hearing agenda package for this item contains recommended conditions pertaining to Design Development that have been refined from those set out in Appendix B of the report dated November 28, 2002.
Phil Mondor
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