Vancouver City Council |
Date: November 27, 2002
Author/Local: C. Cuthbert 871-6044
RTS No. 03078
CC File No. 2151CS&B: December 12, 2002
Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
Director of Social Planning
2002 Partners in Organizational Development Grant Allocation
THAT Council approve a Partners in Organizational Development grant of $20,000 to the United Way of the Lower Mainland for subsequent distribution to community services organizations in the amounts listed in Appendix A of this report, source of funds to be the 2002 Community Services grants budget.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes.
This report recommends approval of the City's contribution to the Partners in Organizational Development (POD) program for community service agencies in Vancouver.
On April 23, 2002, Council approved an allocation of $20,000 for the POD portion of the Community Services Grants. The Partners in Organization Development program was initiated in 1989 as a jointly funded partnership of the Vancouver Foundation, United Way of the Lower Mainland, the Department of the Secretary of State and the City of Vancouver, to help non-profit groups in BC deal with common organizational problems and thus to function more effectively. Program funding is available to groups throughout the province; however, the City of Vancouver grant to United Way must be distributed to Vancouver-serving groups. Other partners in recent years have included Health Canada and the BC Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services.
In 2002, the Partners in Organizational Development program evaluation indicated that this grants program was meeting real needs in the community, that it should be continued, and that other funding partners should be found so that the program could assist more organizations. While non-profit organizations confirmed POD funding was valuable to them, it has been challenging recruiting and retaining senior government support to the program. Health Canada was a full partner for two years and then, in 2001, elected to reduce their contribution to funding an evaluation of POD to help them determine future participation.
The BC Ministry of Immigration and Multiculturalism provided six years of support to POD, focussing their funding on an "ACCESS" grant stream which assists groups wanting to become more inclusive and responsive to community diversity. In 2001, the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services took over responsibility for immigration and settlement and increased support to POD to $115,000. Provincial funding for POD was not offered for the 2002 grant cycle and the remaining funders chose to incorporate the "Access Stream" into the general activities that could be funded by POD.
This year's POD program funding partners are: United Way of the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Foundation, and the City of Vancouver. Administration for the POD program is handled by United Way of the Lower Mainland and it involves co-ordinating POD funder meetings, compiling mailing lists, distributing applications, mailing out cheques, providing letters to unsuccessful applicants and securing project evaluation reports due at the end of each year from grant recipients. They receive a 6% administration fee from the partners as reimbursement for these administrative services.
The available budget for POD in 2002, after taking off administration fees, is $139,589.50. The POD grant applications are reviewed by a committee of staff representing each funder. Proposals are assessed on the basis of completeness of the application, eligible activities andcosts, documented need, a clear activity plan, and long-term benefits to the organization as a whole. A copy of the text of the 2002 POD brochure, describing the program, including eligibility and evaluation criteria, is attached as Appendix C.
A total of 138 applications were received, an increase of 14% over last year. The funding review committee noticed more call upon POD this year for financial assistance to hire consultants to help with development of strategic plans and fundraising plans. Thirty-three applicants spoke about the urgent need to prepare their organizations for change, e.g. to be in a state of readiness to go through Provincially required accreditation processes, develop new plans to respond to changes in Federal and Provincial funding or service approaches.
Twenty-one of the 138 applications were from Vancouver groups. Although the program is province-wide, Vancouver funds are allocated only to Vancouver-based organizations that provide services to Vancouver residents. The other funders contribute both to Vancouver groups and non-Vancouver groups. For this cycle, contributions and budget are as follows:
Partners in Organizational Development Funder Contribution
City of Vancouver
Vancouver Foundation
United Way of the Lower Mainland
less 6% United Way administration fee for Van. Fdn & City only
Carry over from 2001
Grants are being recommended for seven Vancouver community services groups: Environmental Youth Alliance, Information Services Vancouver Society, The Potluck Café Society, South Asian Women's Centre, South Granville Friendship Centre Society, Urban Native Youth Association, and Vancouver Second Mile Society (see Appendix A). As a result of being a funding partner for this grant program, the City leverages an additional $15,700 from United Way and the Vancouver Foundation, which will assist six additional social and health service agencies located in the city. These groups are listed in Appendix B-1. Vancouver groups not recommended for POD funding are noted in Appendix B-2 with some explanations as to why they were not successful.- - - - -
The following seven Vancouver-based community services organizations are recommended for Partners in Organizational Development grants:
AllocationEnvironmental Youth Alliance
- for development of a fundraising plan
Information Services Vancouver Society
- for development of a fundraising plan
The Potluck Café Society
- for development of fundraising and communications plans
South Asian Women's Centre
- for development of strategic and fundraising plans
(see Appendix B for other funder contributions)South Granville Friendship Centre Society
- for development of a fundraising plan
Urban Native Youth Association
- for development of fundraising and marketing plans
Vancouver Second Mile Society
- for development of a fundraising plan
Plus 6% administration fee to United Way
The following six Vancouver-based groups will also receive POD funding for Organizational Development activities from the other POD partners:
POD Grant (to be paid from other funders)
Kurdish Community of the Lower Mainland Good Future Society
- for development of a strategic plan
Positive Women's Network
- for development of a strategic plan
South Asian Women's Centre
- for development of strategic and fundraising plans
(see Appendix A for City contribution)Tzu Chi Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine
- for staff/ board development related to creating a governance framework
Vancouver Women's Health Collective
- for a strategic plan & a fundraising plan
West Coast Domestic Workers Association
for development of a fundraising and a marketing plan
The following nine Vancouver community service organizations are not recommended for POD grants from the City of Vancouver allocation.
A.S.K. Friendship Society
Ineligible activity - to develop a service plan for a seniors supportive living site
The Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver - Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House
Ineligible activity - to support hiring a consultant to guide a process for Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House to determine whether or not it should continue to remain a member of ANH
Community Based Research Centre Society
Not recommended for a grant due to the lack of available POD funds to support this project
The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC
Unclear activity plan and included some ineligible activities such as implementation of a fundraising plan
411 Seniors Centre Society
Ineligible - request was for development and implementation of information/communication technologies, these activities do not meet POD funding criteria
Mid-Main Community Health Centre
Not recommended for a grant due to the lack of available POD funds to support this project
Pacific Coast Family Therapy - The PACE Program
Ineligible - the PACE Program is in the process of becoming a society and was seeking funding under the sponsorship of another non-profit; to be eligible for a POD the applicant must have their own Society status.
Pivot Legal Society
Ineligible - seeking a grant to hire an outreach worker which is not an activity that meets the POD funding criteria
Ineligible - grant requested was to hire a consultant to conduct staff training on outcomes measurement
Partners in Organizational Development Brochure 2002/2003
(Note this is the text from the brochure, original copies of the brochure can be obtained from the Social Planning Department)
City of Vancouver - Social Planning Department
United Way of the Lower Mainland
Vancouver FoundationWhat is Partners in Organizational Development (POD)?
POD is a program that provides grants to non-profit organizations in BC to help them adapt to change, improve their organization and respond to diversity.
The funding enables groups to work with an experienced consultant/resource person to enhance organizational effectiveness.
Program rationale
Established is 1989, the program is a response to the need for non-profit organizations to strengthen their practices and adapt to an increasingly complex environment. Challenged by financial uncertainty, demographic shifts, heightened competition and growing service demands, it has become vital for community groups to have strong governance and management practices and the ability to adapt to ongoing change and diversity.
POD offers short-term support to agencies committed to strengthening their organization.
POD helps organizations address such questions as:
· Are our programs and mission relevant to changing community needs and reflective of diversity?
· Do we have clear goals and strategies?
· Do board and staff have a common understanding of their roles and responsibilities?
· Are our services and practices accessible and sensitive to diverse communities?
· Does our fundraising plan meet our current and future needs?Who can apply?
POD is available to health and social service organizations that are registered non-profit societies in the Province of British Columbia in good standing.
Who is NOT eligible?
_ Professional organizations, Foundations, Hospitals, Universities, Colleges or School Districts.
_ Arts or environmental organizations (should contact the Vancouver Foundation at 688-2204).What activities are funded?
Activities to strengthen organizations and improve effectiveness, such as:
· Development of Plans - in specific areas such as strategic planning, management, financial, fundraising, marketing, or communications;
· Facilitation of Board/staff development - related to specific governance and management issues;· Development of strategies for organizational change and renewal.
What does a POD grant cover?
POD funding can only be directed towards the professional fees of a consultant or resource person. No other expenses are eligible. Grant requests are considered to a maximum of $5,000.
Funding is NOT available for:
· Incomplete or late applications
· Development of job descriptions
· Development, implementation or evaluation of specific programs or services (i.e. activities that relate to particular programs, and not to the organization as a whole)
· Implementation of plans (as opposed to plan development)
· Ongoing operational costs
· Individual staff or volunteer training, or attendance at conferences
· Annual board retreats
· Translation or interpretation services
· Computer or other technological training
· Policy and procedures manuals
· Retroactive requests
· Room rental, food, beverage or incidental costs associated with organizational development activities
· Funding will be granted no more than twice in a five-year period.
Please note that demand exceeds available funds. Applicants that do not have the resources to undertake organizational development on their own will have first priority.
How does an organization apply?
Complete the Application Request Form (see below) to obtain an application package. Interested organizations are encouraged to obtain the application package at least five weeks before the application deadline. Diskettes are available.
For those interested in obtaining the application package electronically, you may visit the Vancouver Foundation website at: (under News & Events) or the website of the United Way of the Lower Mainland at: Because of possible electronic errors it is advisable to get a hard copy.
After receiving the application package, completed application forms that are mailed must be postmarked no later than October 23, 2002. If hand delivered they must be in our office by 5PM October 25, 2002.
Application deadline:
Mailed Post Mark Date October 23 or Hand Delivered October 25, 2002 at 5:00 PM
Please note that we cannot accept applications that are LATE, faxed, e-mailed, or incomplete. Attachments will not be accepted.
Successful applicants will receive notification approximately 8 weeks after the deadline. All grant recipients are required to submit an evaluation report form at the completion of the POD project.
Important to note!
The application form is not included with this information sheet. It is available upon request using the form below.
Based on feedback from former POD recipients, we strongly encourage you to undertake an organizational self-assessment to identify your needs. To assist you with this process, we have developed a self-assessment tool, which is part of the application package.
An Application Package may be obtained by:
· Faxing this form,
· E-mailing, or phoning to:Leslie Loving
United Way of the Lower Mainland
4543 Canada Way
Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4T4
FAX: 293-0010
TEL: 294-8929 (Local 2255) EMAIL:* * * * *