DECEMBER 10, 2002
(Adopted by Council at its meeting on January 14, 2003)

A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.



The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.


MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman

THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph(s):

(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if theCouncil considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;

(h) litigation or potential litigation affecting the City;

(i) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.



1. Regular Council - November 26, 2002

MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Louie

THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.


2. Regular Council - December 2, 2002

MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Bass

THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.



MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth

THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.



1. 2010 Olympic Bid (File 4209)

The following, with the aid of a powerpoint presentation and handout, provided a verbal briefing on the 2010 Olympic Bid and responded to questions:

· Judy Rogers, City Manager
· Jack Poole, Chair and CEO, Bid Development, Vancouver-Whistler 2010
· Terry Wright, Vice-President, Bid Development, Vancouver-Whistler 2010
· Marion Lay, President, Legacies Now Society
· Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager
· Jill Davidson, Senior Housing Planner, City of Vancouver; and Linda Mix, Tenants Rights Coalition.

The presentation highlighted a number of aspects of the Bid, including:
· key dates;
· why bid for the 2010 Games;
· the LegaciesNow program;
· overviews of the cultural program, public safety and security, accommodation, and transportation;
· projected expenditures;
· hosted events by Vancouver.

(a) Opinion of the Electors, 2010 Winter Olympic Games

MOVED by Councillor Louie

C. THAT Council approve the conduct of a series of public forum meetings, organized and facilitated to enable public input in late January and February, 2003.


AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Cadman

(Councillors Green, Ladner, Stevenson and Sullivan opposed)


C. THAT Council approve the conduct of a series of public forum meetings, organized and facilitated to enable public input in late January and February, 2003.

(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)


MOVED by Councillor Bass

THAT Council adopt Administrative Reports A1, A2 to A3, A6 to A10, and A12 to A15, and Policy Report P1 on consent and receive A2 for information.



1. Housing Agreement - 727 Keefer Street

A. THAT the housing agreement for 727 Keefer Street summarized in the Administrative Report "Housing Agreement - 727 Keefer Street", dated November 8, 2002, be approved in principle, subject to finalization to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and Director of the Housing Centre, provided that this resolution does not create any legal rights or obligations and none shall arise until the agreement as authorized by by-law is signed.

B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward a by-law to authorize the housing agreement.


2. 2002 General Local Elections Results

THAT the Administrative Report "2002 General Local Elections Results", dated November 26, 2002 , be received for information.


3. 2003 Assessment Averaging Program

A. THAT, pursuant to legislative requirements in the Assessment Act, the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Assessment Commissioner before January 1, 2003 thatthe City is considering three-year land averaging and/or land phasing as property tax calculation options for 2003.


4. 1066 West Hastings Street - 457239 BC Ltd.

November 27, 2002 (File 2615-36)

MOVED by Councillor Sullivan

THAT Council, having considered the majority of area residents and business operators to be in favour of the application as determined by neighbourhood notification, the proximity of residential developments, traffic patterns, road access, availability of parking, noise impacts, social facilities, public buildings and overall design, endorse the request by 457239 BC Ltd., for a 98-seat with 20-seat patio Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub at 1066 West Hastings Street, subject to:

i. A Time Limited Development Permit;

ii. The seating to be held at 98 with a 20-seat patio regardless of any changes to seating capacity regulations;

iii. The hours of operation limited to Sunday to Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.;

iv. The patio closing at 11:00 p.m.

v. The signing of a Good Neighbour Agreement prior to the issuance of a Business License;

vi. No exotic entertainment/dancers or off-premise sales;

vii. The adherence to clean air practices.


5. Form of Development: 7400 Oak Street

MOVED by Councillor Louie

THAT the revised form of development for Phase II of the CD-1 zoned site known as 7400 Oak Street be approved generally as illustrated in the Development Application Number DE406995, prepared by Hancock Bruckner Eng & Wright Architects and stamped "Received, Community Services, Development Services September 9, 2002", provided that the Director of Planning may impose conditions and approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties.

(Councillor Green absent for the vote)

6. Lease and License Agreements of volumetric air space parcels

THAT Council approve the Lease and Licence Agreements negotiated with the Vancouver Port Authority for the volumetric air space parcels and access to boat moorage at the Main Street dock, located at 209 West Waterfront Road, as follows:

1. Lease

2. Licence


7. Approval of Minor Encroachments onto the neighbouring property

A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to execute on behalf of the City an Easement to be registered over a portion of the property at 1116 Bute Street, legally described as the North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of Lot 11, Block 23, District Lot 185, Plan 92, owned by Capstone Developments Ltd. (Capstone), to validate the encroachments of portions of the City-owned dwelling constructed on 1110 Bute Street, legally described as the South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of Lot 11, Block 23, District Lot 185, Plan 92, onto 1116 Bute Street.

B. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to execute on behalf of the City an Easement to be registered over a portion of City-owned land at 1122 Bute Street, legally described as the South 1/4 of Lot 11, Block 23, District Lot 185, Plan 92, to validate the encroachments of portions of the dwelling constructed on 1116 Bute Street, onto 1122 Bute Street.

C. THAT the Easements be granted for a nominal fee and to be to the satisfaction of the Directors of Real Estate and Legal Services.


8. Establishment of a Portion of City-owned Land for Lane

THAT Council approve the establishment of the East 10 feet of City owned Lot 4, Except the West 7 Feet, Now Road, Block M, District Lot 328, Plan 2041 for lane purposes (Parcel Identifier: 014-086-263).


9. Local Improvements by Initiative - February 12, 2003

A. THAT the projects listed in Appendix I of the Administrative Report "Local Improvements by Initiative - February 12, 2003 - First and Second Step Report", dated November 14, 2002, be advanced as Local Improvements on the Initiative and brought before a Court of Revision on February 12, 2003.

B. THAT the reports of the City Engineer and Director of Finance be adopted together with details of the Second Step Report as summarized in Appendix II of the Administrative Report "Local Improvements by Initiative - February 12, 2003 -First and Second Step Report", dated November 14, 2002, and Council declare it is desirable that the projects set out in Appendix I of the Administrative Report be undertaken and deems that each will specially benefit the real property abutting it. (Requires two-thirds approval of those present). Source of funds for the total City's share of $2,643,431 is $1,020,446 from existing Engineering Department Basic Capital Accounts and $1,622,985 subject to approval of the 2003 Street Basic Capital Budget.

C. THAT pavement and curb projects Numbered 4 & 5 as described in Appendix I of the Administrative Report, be designated as a thoroughfare for the purposes of Part I of the Local Improvements Procedure By-law, so that abutting residential property owners' rates are reduced by the required 25%.

D. THAT sidewalk projects Numbered 26 & 27 inclusive, as described in Appendix I of the Administrative Report, be designated as "pedestrian collector routes" so that the abutting residential property owners' rates are reduced by the required 25%.

E. THAT the City-owned parcels on the list attached to the Detailed Second Step Report in the Administrative Report "Local Improvements by Initiative - February 12, 2003 - First and Second Step Report", dated November 14, 2002, be declared "assessable for the local improvements projects".


10. Trans Canada Trail Overpass over the Canadian National Railway (CNR)

THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, be authorized to negotiate an agreement with the Canadian National Railway (CNR) for the crossing of the Trans Canada Trail Overpass over the CNR tunnel under the Second Narrows Bridge, which agreement may include certain obligations of the City to indemnify CNR, on the basis that no legal relations are hereby created and none shall arise hereunder until an agreement drawn to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services is executed by her on behalf of the City.


11. Vancouver Landfill: Closure Plan for Western 40 Hectares

MOVED by Councillor Bass

THAT consideration of Administrative Report "Vancouver Landfill: Closure Plan for Western 40 Hectares", dated November 26, 2002, be postponed to the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of January 16, 2003.

(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)

12. New Engineering Works Yard Award of Tender

A. THAT Council approve award of Contract No. 1616000 for Electrical Systems to the low complete tenderer, Anton Electrical Services Inc., in the amount of $1,518,200.00 which includes PST and GST (less any municipal rebate received). The funding is to be provided from Yards Basic Capital Account Number 30005178;

B. THAT Council approve award of Contract No. 1717000 for Communication Systems to the low complete tenderer, 4TH Utility Inc., in the amount of $288,038.33 which includes PST and GST (less any municipal rebate received). The funding is to be provided from Yards Basic Capital Account Number 30005178;

C. THAT Council approve award of Contract No. 0808900 for Exterior Glazing to the low complete tenderer, Glastech 2000 Contracting Ltd., in the amount of $752,835.81 which includes PST and GST (less any municipal rebate received). The funding is to be provided from Yards Basic Capital Account Number 30005178;

D. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services be authorized to execute and deliver Notices of Award on behalf of the City, and the Director of Legal Services be authorized to execute and deliver contracts No. 1616000, 1717000 and 0808900 on behalf of the City ,and

E. THAT no legal rights or obligations will be created or arise by Council's approval of A to D unless and until a Notice of Award is executed and delivered by the City to Anton Electrical Services Inc, 4TH Utility Inc., or Glastech 2000 Contracting Ltd.


13. 345 Water Street - Proposed Closure of a Portion of the Northerly Side

A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to sign on behalf of the City, a Reference Plan attested to by William P. Wong, B.C.L.S., on the 6th day of November, 2002, marginally numbered V-02-13005-REF-1 (a reduced copy of which is attached as Appendix "A" to the Administrative Report "345 Water Street - Proposed Closure of a Portion of the Northerly Side of Water Street, Westerly of Cambie Street", dated November 25, 2002) defining the horizontal limits of the encroachments onto the northerly side of Water Street, westerly of Cambie Street, by the building at 345 Water Street and apply to raise title to the portion of Water Street defined on the said Reference Plan, in the name of the City of Vancouver.

B. THAT all that volumetric portion of the northerly side of Water Street, westerly of Cambie Street, included within the heavy outline and illustrated isometrically on a plan of survey, certified correct on the 6th day of November, 2002, by William P. Wong, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered V-02-13005-SRW (a reduced copy of which is attached as Appendix "B" to the Administrative Report "345 Water Street - Proposed Closure of a Portion of the Northerly Side of Water Street, Westerly of Cambie Street", dated November 25, 2002), be closed, stopped-up and that an easement be granted to the owner of abutting Lot C, Block 8, District Lot 541, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan BCP1680, to contain the portions of the existing building which encroach onto Water Street. The easement to be for the life of the encroaching portion of the existing building on said Lot C, and to be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.

C. THAT the fees for document preparation, registration and use of the easement referred to in B, are to be in accordance with those charged for in an agreement prepared pursuant to the Encroachment By-law.

D. THAT the authorities granted in A, B and C be subject to the Approving Officer granting approval of the application to convert the previously occupied building situated on Lot C, Block 8, District Lot 541, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan BCP1680, to strata title ownership.


14. Annual Financial Authorities - 2003

A. THAT the Director of Finance be authorized for the period of January 1 to December 31, 2003, in accordance with Section 215 and 216 of the Vancouver Charter, to draw warrants for payment and to report same in writing to the City Clerk for the information of Council within 15 days after the end of each month in which the warrant is drawn.

B. THAT the Director of Finance be authorized to temporarily use, during the periodJanuary 1, to July 15, 2003 such capital funds as are available, for other expenditures of the City, pending collections of taxes, as provided by Section 259 (b) of the Vancouver Charter.

C. THAT the Director of Finance be authorized, for the year 2003, to invest the funds of the following accounts as same become available, and to vary the investments from time to time as may be expedient, in accordance with Section 201, 259 and 260 of the Charter.

D. THAT Council authorize the Director of Finance to establish a short term borrowing facility to assist in managing the City's cashflow for the period January 8, 2003 to January 7, 2004 with the maximum outstanding amount not to exceed $60 million.


15. Award of Contract for External Audit Services and
Appointment of External Auditor for 2003

A. THAT, subject to the conditions set out in C, D and E, an agreement be entered into with KPMG LLP (KPMG) to supply external audit services to the City for a period of five years commencing with the audit of the 2003 fiscal year and subject to annual appointment in accordance with Section 230 of the Vancouver Charter,at an all inclusive fee of $132,765 (excluding GST) for 2003 increased by the Consumer Price Index for the audit of each of 2004 through 2007 fiscal years. Funding is to be included in the 2003 operating budget.

B. THAT, if Council approves A, and subject to the conditions set out in C, D and E, the auditing firm of KPMG be confirmed as the City's External Auditor for the fiscal year 2003.

C. THAT all legal documentation is to be in a form which is satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services and the General Manager of Corporate Services/Director of Finance.

D. THAT upon approval of the legal documentation by the Director of Legal Services and the General Manager of Corporate Services/Director of Finance that the Director of Legal Services and the General Manager of Corporate Services/Director of Finance be authorized to execute and deliver the necessary agreement on behalf of City Council.

E. THAT no legal rights or obligations shall arise hereby and none shall arise or be granted hereafter unless and until all contemplated legal documentation has been executed and delivered by all parties.



1. CD-1 Text Amendment - 7400 Oak Street

THAT the Director of Current Planning be instructed to make application to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7649 for 7400 Oak Street to include a Parking By-law relaxation provision;

FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at the Public Hearing.


2. CD-1 Text Amendment (Building Height):

MOVED by Councillor Sullivan

THAT the application by Bing Thom Architects Inc., on behalf of Allied Holdings Inc., to amend the CD-1 By-law No. 8536 for the site at 801 West Georgia Street and 687 Howe Street (Lots F and G, Block 41, D.L. 541, Group 1, NWD Plan LMP 42609), to increasebuilding height, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:

(i) draft CD-1 By-law amendment, generally as contained in Appendix A of the Policy Report "CD-1 Text Amendment (Building Height): 801 West Georgia Street (Hotel Georgia", dated November 28, 2002;
(ii) revised form of development in plans by Bing Thom Architects Inc. received November 26, 2002, and
(iii) the recommendation of the Director of Current Planning that the application be approved, subject to conditions as presented in Appendix B of the Policy Report;

FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary CD-1 amending by-law for consideration at the Public Hearing.



MOVED by Councillor Cadman

THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.



MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Louie

THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.



MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman

THAT Council enact the by-laws listed on the agenda for this meeting as numbers 1 to 4, inclusive, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and seal the enacted by-laws.


1. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 727 Keefer Street (By-law No. 8606)

2. A By-law to amend Sign By-law No. 6510 (2876 Rupert Street) (By-law No. 8607)

3. A By-law to authorize the borrowing of certain sums of money from January 8, 2003 to January 7, 2004, pending the collection of real property taxes (By-law No. 8608)

4. A By-law to Provide the Procedure and Basis of Assessment for a Street Lighting Beautification Project on Columbia Street and Cordova Street as a Local Improvement(By-law No. 8609)


A. Administrative Motions

1. Establishing Lane adjacent to 8356 Victoria Drive (File 5753)

MOVED by Councillor Louie
SECONDED by Councillor Sullivan

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all that portion of Lot 4, except the West 7 feet, now road, Block M, District Lot 328, Plan 2041, Group 1, New Westminster District, the same as shown heavy outlined on plan of survey completed on the 28th day of October, 2002, attested to by Eric I. Kaardal, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered LD 3891, a copy of which is attached hereto, be established for lane purposes and declared to form and constitute a portion of lane.


2. Closing of a volumetric portion of the northerly side of Water Street, westerly of Cambie Street adjacent to 345 Water Street (File 5753)

MOVED by Councillor Louie
SECONDED by Councillor Sullivan


1. The City of Vancouver is the owner of all the streets and lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;

2. Portions of the building constructed on Lot C, Block 8, District Lot 541, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan BCP1680 encroach onto the northerly side of Water Street, westerly of Cambie Street;

3. The portion of Water Street encroached upon, abutting said Lot C, was dedicated by the deposit of Plan 210;

4. To provide for the registration of an easement to contain the said encroachments, as required by Section 244 of the Strata Property Act, it is necessary to raise title to the portion of street encroached upon;

5. To enable Council to grant the required easement to contain encroachments, it is necessary for Council to close and stop-up the volumetric portion of Water Street that is encroached upon.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to make application on behalf of the City of Vancouver, to raise title in the name of the City of Vancouver to that portion of road dedicated by the deposit of Plan 210 and included within the bold outline on a Reference Plan, attested to by William P. Wong, B.C.L.S., representing a survey completed on the 6th day of November, 2002, marginally numbered V-02-13005-REF-1; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all that volumetric portion of Water Street, included within the heavy outlines and illustrated isometrically on a plan of survey completed on the 6th day of November, 2002, and certified correct by William P. Wong, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered V-02-13005-SRW, be closed, stopped-up and that an easement be granted to the abutting owner of Lot C, Block 8, District Lot 541, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan BCP1680 to contain the portions of the existing building which encroach onto Water Street. The said easement to be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.


B. Members' Motions

1. Support for Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics Bid (File 4209)

The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Sullivan:

WHEREAS the City of Vancouver entered into the Bid City Agreement with the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Participation Agreement with the Province of British Columbia to pursue a bid on behalf of Canada for the 2010 Olympic Winter and Paralympic Games, and;

WHEREAS the hard work of the previous provincial government and Vancouver and Whistler's community leaders and athletes has resulted in Vancouver being the only Canadian city permitted to compete for the Games with Calgary and Quebec City beingeliminated by Vancouver, and;

WHEREAS the City of Vancouver has entered into a Multiparty Agreement with Canada, British Columbia, Whistler, Canadian Olympic Committee and the Canadian Paralympic Committee in respect to hosting the Games as well as agreements to serve as venue hosts, and;

WHEREAS we are entering into a particularly sensitive stage of the selection process in which Vancouver is one of only three cities remaining in the competition;

WHEREAS the International Olympic Committee is seeking a credible and reliable host that will act responsibly to safeguard the integrity and recognize the importance of the Olympics and Paralympics and honour agreements entered into in respect to the Games, and;

WHEREAS the very act of entering into a plebiscite process that could be perceived around the world as showing a lack of enthusiasm and an inability to recognize the value and importance of the Olympics and Paralympics seriously jeopardizes our chance of winning the Games; and

WHEREAS the City of Vancouver, other municipalities, the provincial government, the federal government, local and national corporate sponsors, leading citizens, sports organizations, volunteers and others have committed significant volunteer time and have raised $34 million over the last five years in an effort to win the rights to host the 2010 Olympic Winter and Paralympics Games; and

WHEREAS entering into a plebiscite process after five years of convincing other governments, agencies and individuals to commit resources to our effort could potentially expose the city to significant lawsuits from sponsors and would jeopardize our partnerships with other levels of government in numerous other areas such as a drug addiction, social housing and transportation infrastructure, and

WHEREAS the Inclusive Olympics Committee is working with the 2010 Olympics and Paralympics to be a model of social sustainability; and

WHEREAS the Games will result in $86 million of direct expenditures on community sports and events facilities as well as non-market housing, all east of Cambie Street in the City of Vancouver, spending which is not otherwise in the city budget; and

WHEREAS the City of Vancouver taxpayers are fully indemnified by the Province of BC against any cost overruns; and

WHEREAS all polls to date show majority support for the Olympics and Paralympics by the citizens of Vancouver; and

WHEREAS the previous council has endorsed the Bid and signed agreements committing the City to hosting of the Games

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council express its unequivocal support for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics Bid and recommends full support of the bid to the citizens of Vancouver.

Not Put for lack of Mover and Seconder

2. TransLink RAV Line (File 5561)

The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Bass:

WHEREAS TransLink is proposing to proceed, through a project office funded by the province, the federal government and the airport, with a $10 million geotechnical and engineering study for a subway alignment along Cambie St. to the airport; and

WHEREAS the make-up of the TransLink board will change as a result of the civic elections at the end of January; and

WHEREAS the launching of this study is in isolation from other analysis sought by council in its motion of April 2002 and is inconsistent with the policies of this council;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council request that TransLink make no decisions on the RAV line until a new TransLink board is appointed.


Councillor Bass requested to withdraw his Notice of Motion.

MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Roberts

BE IT RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council request that TransLink make no decisions on the RAV line until a new TransLink board is appointed.


3. TransLink Independent Cost/Benefit Analysis (File 5561)

The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Bass:

WHEREAS Vancouver City Council agreed by motion in April 2002 to call for a study to establish a complete analysis of all major transportation technologies to determine the most cost-effective option for rapid transit to Richmond;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Council urge TransLink to undertake an independent cost/benefit analysis in according with the April 2002 Vancouver Transit Strategy.


Councillor Bass requested to withdraw his Notice of Motion.

MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Roberts

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council urge TransLink and the GVRD to work in partnership with the City to undertake an independent cost/benefit analysis in accordance with the April 2002 Vancouver Transit Strategy, which expresses support for a subway connecting Richmond, the Airport, and Vancouver, subject to: a business case, based on a complete analysis of all major alternative transportation technologies (Light Rail, SkyTrain, Rapid Bus), demonstrates that:

a. the subway system is more effective in terms of costs and benefits than a surface transit system that includes dedicated lanes, synchronized traffic lights, and mass boarding;

b. the business case is based on provision of services that includes quality control through modern service standards and monitoring service supply and ridership;

c. comprehensive transportation demand management is part of the plan.

In addition, the cost/benefit analysis should

d. compare alternate routes to Richmond;

e. identify full funding prior to commencement of the plan;

f. reference the operational and capital funding of the entire Vancouver Transit system.

City staff should report back as soon as possible with the cost, terms of reference, timelines and cost-sharing arrangements for completing this analysis.


MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
SECONDED by Councillor Ladner

THAT consideration of the Motion be postponed to a meeting following an upcoming TransLink briefing.

(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)

The motion to postpone having LOST, Councillor Bass' motion was put and CARRIED, with Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed.

The Council adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

* * * * *
