Vancouver City Council |
Date: November 8, 2002
Author/Local: Annitta Lee 6025
RTS No. 03075
CC File No.4551/1203Council: December 10, 2002
Vancouver City Council
Director of the Housing Centre
Housing Agreement - 727 Keefer Street
A. THAT the housing agreement for 727 Keefer Street summarized in this report be approved in principle, subject to finalization to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and Director of the Housing Centre, provided that this resolution does not create any legal rights or obligations and none shall arise until the agreement as authorized by by-law is signed.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward a by-law to authorize the housing agreement.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A and B.
Council's housing priorities are to maintain and expand housing opportunities in Vancouver for low and modest income households with priority being given to families with children; seniors on fixed incomes or in need of support; SRO residents; and the mentally ill, physically disabled, and others at risk of homelessness.
This report concerns an existing SRO building containing 12 sleeping units in a 2.5 storey building. The owner applied for a development application (DE406659) to renovate the building including new bathrooms in each sleeping unit. The proposal will turn the building into a multiple conversion dwelling. The project is situated in a RT-3 zone. A multiple conversion dwelling is a conditional use in RT-3 zone. A height relaxation of 1.2 feet was also requested which was approved by the Board of Variance on September 11, 2002. The owners agreed to enter into a housing agreement to secure the building as low-income rental for 15 years in order to have the development application approved and to qualify for relaxations of the City's Zoning and Development By-law. Section 565.2 of the Vancouver Charter enables Council to authorize the City, through a by-law, to enter into a housing agreement providing affordable and special needs housing. The development permit is issuable, subject to the completion of the housing agreement. The major features of the proposed housing agreement are noted below:
Terms of the Agreement
1. All units will be occupied only by a single adult.
2. All units may be rented only on a month to month basis.
3. Monthly rents shall be no more than $325, which is the maximum shelter allowance for a single person on B.C. Benefits (welfare).
4. Rents may be increased only to the amount not greater than the maximum shelter allowance for a single person on B.C. Benefits.
5. Term of the housing agreement: 15 years.CONCLUSION
It is recommended that Council approve the housing agreement in principle to secure 12 units of upgraded self-contained low income housing for singles in the Downtown Eastside for fifteen years.
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