Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


General Manager of Corporate Services/Director of Finance in Consultation with the Corporate Management Team


2002 Operating Budget - August Review




In accordance with Council's standing instructions, this report reviews the status of the revenue and expenditure appropriations in the 2002 Operating Budget at August 31, 2002, and identifies any significant variances for Council.


In place of the normal September Budget Review, staff concluded a review of revenue and expenditure estimates as of August 31 in order to be in a better position to react to any issues that may impact the City's year-end position. This August Budget Review includes detailed reviews of both the revenue and expenditure appropriations in the Operating Budget. The review seeks to identify areas of significant variance that could impact on the budget position at year-end. This review did not identify major variances that require adjustments to the budget. Appendix A includes a summary of the anticipated year-end position of the Operating Budget.

Variances to Revenue Appropriations

The review of revenue appropriations at August 31 and the projection to year-end indicates that several areas where revenues will exceed budget and one area where a shortfall is anticipated. However, overall the revenue appropriations are anticipated to meet or exceed the current budget. The major variance are reviewed below: Surplus (Shortfall)

Receipts-in-Lieu-of-Taxes$1.10 million

Short-Term Interest Earnings$0.95 million

On-Street Parking Revenues$0.39 million

Service and Inspection Fees($1.01 million)

Other Revenues $0.18 million

Total Revenue Surplus/(Deficit)$1.61 million

Variances to Expenditure Appropriations

As indicated in Appendix A, most departments are projected to be close to the allocations approved by Council in April. In cases where departments are projecting a shortfall, these are generally the result of issues beyond their control. The major variances affecting the City's year-end forecast are detailed below.

Corporate Services $0.54 million
Community Services$0.21 million

Legal Services$0.13 million

Engineering - Public Works$0.16 million

Fire Department($0.72 million)

Police Department($0.24 million)

Civic Theatres($0.20 million)

City Clerks($0.18 million)

Library ($0.15 million)

Other Departmental Variances($0.08 million)

Departmental Expenditure Surplus/(Deficit)($0.53 million)

Excess of Revenues over Expenditures$1.48 million

In addition to this position, there is currently $0.84 million in unallocated funding in Contingency Reserve.


Current estimates for the year-end shows that the Operating Budget will show a small under expenditure at year-end. However, there is a risk that unanticipated items could impact the City's bottom line between now and the end of the year. Perhaps the most significant of these risks is the possibility of a major snowfall prior to year-end. The Corporate Management Team is committed to achieving a balanced budget, therefore, adjustments to the budget are not recommended.


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