Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Current Planning


Downtown Transportation Plan Budget Reallocation





On July 9, 2002, Council adopted the Downtown Transportation Plan to improve downtown access and liveability by creating a balanced transportation system that includes adjusting the road network, enhancing public transit, promoting a walkable downtown, creating a network of bike lanes, maintaining efficient goods movement, managing parking supply and implementing intelligent transportation systems.


The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for reallocating the balance remaining in the Downtown Transportation Plan budget as part of the next step in realizing the transportation improvements outlined in the approved plan.


On July 9, 2002, Council requested a report back by January 2003 on an implementation program based on the recommendations within the Downtown Transportation Plan.

On May 14, 2002, Council requested a report back on the terms of reference, budget and funding source to complete a redesign of Granville Street (Granville bridgehead to Waterfront Station).


A total of $906,500 was approved by Council for the development of a Downtown Transportation Plan ($734,000 in 1999 and $172,500 in 2001). The Downtown Transportation Plan was completed under-budget at a cost of about $775,300 (as of October 4, 2002), with the final and summary reports yet to be printed at an estimated cost of $35,000. The budget surplus is due to some Engineering staff positions not being fully backfilled during the development of the plan.

It is recommended that the remaining budget of about $96,200 be applied to the development of an implementation program, a detailed traffic analysis for the Pender/Dunsmuir Bike Lane proposal and a contribution to the Granville Street Redesign Study. These costs are outlined below:

Implementation Program (staff cost, communications expenses, etc.) .... $ 41,000
Pender/Dunsmuir Traffic Analysis ........................................................... $ 24,000
Contribution to the Granville Street Redesign Study ................................ $ 31,200

Total ........................................................................................................... $ 96,200

The implementation program (outlining the time frame in which the Downtown Transportation Plan recommendations should be completed) will be completed by the end of the year as directed. Its completion involves the extension of two staff within the Downtown Transportation Plan team who are on temporary appointments. Extension of those appointments is required to retain their knowledge and experience, and to facilitate the timely completion of the Implementation Program. Some public consultation costs are also expected as part of the process and are included in the estimates of Implementation Program costs.

Pender Street between Cambie and Howe Streets has been identified in the Downtown Transportation Plan as a potential street that may be converted from a two-way street to a one-way street to facilitate a bike lane and a permanent parking/loading lane on the north side. This proposal requires further detailed analysis and consultation to test its feasibility with respect to transit and traffic impacts. This analysis will need to be completed by a traffic engineering consultant in consultation with TransLink. Funding contributions from TransLink will be requested. The final results of the analysis and a recommendation will be reported to Council next year following additional public consultation.

A report on the Granville Street Redesign Study will be submitted later this year to outline the scope, terms of reference, budget and funding source for this project. In anticipation of this report, $31,200 from the Downtown Transportation Plan budget has been identified as a potential contribution. This contribution would be subject to Council's approval of the final terms of reference, along with the balance of necessary funding.

The funds for the Implementation Program will be spent in 2002. The funds for the Pender/Dunsmuir traffic analysis and the contribution to the Granville Street Redesign Study will be spent in 2003.


The Downtown Transportation Plan was completed under-budget. After final documentation costs for the Downtown Transportation Plan, it is recommended that the remaining budget be allocated to the development of an Implementation Program, a detailed traffic analysis for the proposed Pender/Dunsmuir bike lanes, and the Granville Street Redesign Study.

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