Agenda Index City of Vancouver

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Section 6 Uses, Density and Parking/Loading

6.2 Conditions of Use

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The SEGS ODP includes the following:

Section 2 Intent/Character

2.1 Objectives

2.1.5 The waterfront development projects and public facilities in the Southeast Granville Slopes Neighbourhood should provide a number of viewpoints and opportunities to access the water's edge.

2.2 Land Use and Design Objectives

2.2.9 Waterfront development should be clustered along the seawall edge at a number of levels affording opportunities for pedestrians to walk or sit and watch waterfront activities.

2.2.10 View corridors down Howe and Hornby Streets should continue to the waterfront and beyond.

Section 6 Uses, Density and Parking/Loading

6.2 Conditions of Use

6.2.8 Marinas shall be permitted only within areas 1 and 2 as shown on Diagram 5, except that marinas may be permitted on a temporary basis in areas 3 and 4 as shown on Diagram 5 provided that:

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The Blueways policy with regard to moorage includes the following:


2.4 Moorage


3.3 Moorage


6.4 Moorage

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Lot 143 from seawall looking southeast.

Lot 143 from False Creek Yacht Club looking west.

Howe Street, looking south from Beach Avenue.

Howe Street "street-end" looking south from near Seabreeze Way.

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SEGS Official Development Plan Text Amendment

Date: August 19th, 2002, Presentation Centre

The City of Vancouver's Southeast Granville Slopes (SEGS) Official Development Plan (1984) established an open water lot at the south foot of Howe Street, which terminates in a cul-de-sac overlooking False Creek. Since 1986, False Creek Yacht Club (FCYC) has been applying for and receiving temporary license approval for their existing facility on this waterlot.

An application has been made to amend the Official Development Plan to allow permanent marina uses on Waterlot 143. This would allow the long-term positioning of the existing FCYC A and B docks in their current location and configuration.

Do you support an amendment to the SEGS ODP to allow permanent marina uses on Waterlot 143 at the base of Howe Street?

_ Yes

_ No

Why/why not?


If you have further questions and/or comments, please contact:
Karis Hiebert, Central Area Planning at 604-871-6066
Karen Hoese, Central Area Planning at 603-873-7559

This comment sheet may be faxed to us at 604-873-7045

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Summary of Neighbourhood Comments

Do you support an amendment to the SEGS ODP to allow permanent marina uses on Waterlot 143 at the base of Howe Street?

Why/ Why Not?


Long-term situation/ Good caretaker and neighbour.
· FCYC has been a tax paying citizen for the past 16 years in the present location. They deserve permanent tenure. They are also a very public minded group in their annual events for "Boat for Hope" and Big Brothers and Big Sisters as well as Child (organized by Grace McCarthy).
· It formalizes what has been in place on an annual temporary basis for the past 15 or so years.
· FCYC has been there for 16 years under temporary basis. Give them the tenure so they can improve facilities.
· If the FCYC gets a long term lease on the waterlot they will be much more likely to spruce up their area - on a one year by one year agreement it is hard to justify large expenditures there will be a feeling of "ownership".
· They are proven caretaker and residents of the creek.
· People are used to having the marina there, why change it?
· These are good corporate citizens.
· The yacht club has been a good citizen of False Creek and presents a stable status.
· FCYC has proven to be a good tenant and influence on the waterfront. Compare their regulated operations to the open abuse on other sections of the False creek shoreline and water areas.
· There for a long time and has contributed a lot of tax revenue.
· Seems to have worked so far leave it as it is. We are not interested in having more boats in the water.
· Good for the community.
· I am a FCYC member and feel it is a positive influence to Vancouver.

Provides needed moorage and amenites.
· Marina availability in the City of Vancouver is extremely limited and False Creek is one of the few opportunities for he average individual to be involved in boat ownership and activities. As a major seaport Vancouver needs to encourage citizens to be involved in

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· Vancouver is a major seaport and needs to provide opportunities for average tax payers to be involved in marine activities, including sailing, power boats and general boating. There is very limited moorage currently available in the creek and the loss of this reasonably priced moorage will make this situation worse. This marina does not impact the view corridor and contributes to the environment of the creek by Vancouver citizens.
· I live at 1675 Horbny and purchased with the understanding I would be able to have a boat moorage some where in the False Creek area.
· I've lived here for 62 years and we do have to service our boating community and industry. Also people come form all the world to experience our coast.
· They provide a valuable service to members and guests to our city. I know of no negative impact of the club (I have lived in the area for 7 years) and immediately adjacent to the club for 5 years.
· FCYC has been a constantly good citizen offering visiting moorage (tourism) pumpout facilities for all boaters and their marina and boats are always in positive condition.

Enjoy Views.
· Many users for the seawall stop to view and admire the boats.
· The current marina is visually pleasing and judging by the number of people who stop and admire the boats, I'm not alone in this opinion.
· Part of city ambiance best cruising area in the world, ocean and boats what more do you want?
· Boating is an essential part of Vancouver and BC. It is extremely pleasant to both live and walk on the seawall and observe the boats.
· Better water view.
· Provides ambiance diversion form concrete/cookie cutter style buildings boating is a great part of Vancouver.

City Policy.
· Supports the cities blue water plan.


Congestion of boats on False Creek.
· There's enough boats in the creek.
· Enough, the creek is congested enough now! Increased traffic flow on north side.
· There is an imbalance number of berths when you look at the north and south side of False Creek (more on the north side). Not only do we have more density in people on the north side, you now want to put in more berths for boats? Give us a break!
· I believe there are enough docks in the waters here.

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· There are enough marinas now in False Creek we don't need anymore boats moored here.

Concerns about Pollution and Noise.
· This is not environmentally friendly - dust and fossil fuel pollution - if we want to breath exhaust fumes we can do so - I prefer air.
· This is a high density neighbourhood - this means more traffic and noise. More boats mean more pollution in the water - and most do not enhance the view - a lot are plastic layered.
· Pollution - many ecological problems False Creek is already utilized to the maximum.

Water Views.
· I want to preserve the view of the water that we all value and enjoy. It belongs to all of us residents and as such we should have first dibs on deciding what to do or not do with it.
· Leave it the way it is! The view of the water is NOT a view of many, many BOATS!
· Leave us some water views please.

Neighbourhood Benefits.
· What does this do for the neighbourhood? Will the yacht club pay for this? Will these monies go to the surrounding community?
· I am concerned about the large number of presumably False Creek YC members at this hearing. Why should property owners be concerned about FCYC wants? What's next if they are grated permanent use of the marina - who has bargaining power then?
· If granted permanent marina use, what incentive do they have to ensure maintenance and proper use. They should be required to reapply for temporary licence.

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